Chereads / sonic the hedgehog: the lost king. / Chapter 51 - Dynomo the pilot

Chapter 51 - Dynomo the pilot

It took Vanessa over an hour to calm Everyone down, their eyes are filled with hatred and fury.

Lupin: I will kill that bastard. N-

Sonic comes behind and smacks him on the head.

Sonic: With your strength? You will die before we reach him. I have no problem escaping but you guys are sitting ducks.

Olivia: He is right, sooner or later we would be found or we will die from lack of resources.

Vanessa: But where can we even go? On one side is the empire and on other the alliance, the federation is on the other side of the planet and even they won't help us.

Sonic: We leave.

Olivia: Leave to where?

Sonic: Away from the planet. There are thousands of nations in the world, we can just escape to somewhere else and begins a new start.

Lupin: That's true but... How will we escape?

Sonic: I have that one planned out but we have a problem, we need someone able to pilot a small 50 person spacecraft.

Gizo: We have non of those here.

Everyone's mood fell and they looked at eachother with despair until,

Rex: I know someone.

Olivia: Who?

Rex: Who else except our history fanatic living in apelov city. He has always brought us in a conversation of his theories about there being supernatural beings in the past.

Vanessa: I remember He was doing that to help cure that complete nerve damage of his younger brother.

Sonic: that means if we can reach him, recruiting him will be a breeze because my world indeed have the ability that can allow such things.

Lupin: what about detection? Our chances of running away from the planet are negligible with all those defence rings.

Sonic: detection is no problem, I can make our signal completely transparent, even those heat or light detectors won't catch us.

Rex: It is decided then. Brother sonic and-... *Turns to Sonic* Can I call you that?

Sonic: *comes closer and ruffles his hair* No problem kiddo, we will go and get our pilot while you all prepare to leave this planet. But not today.

Rex: eh?

Sonic: My power reserves are low and I need some prep time. We have enough food for about 40 days so we will leave 3 days later.

Rex: What do we do until then?

Sonic snaps and a bunch of copies of his manuals fall out.

Sonic: This manual shows da way to one of those supernatural powers I have learnt, learn it good and you can survive even a missile explosion with ease.

Sonic left the others to deal with the king teaching and begins focusing on his bloodlines, since his body itself begins producing chaos energy so it was easier to mold them into runes.

3 days passed in a instant, Sonic has reached stage 2 for conduit and speed demon and peak stage 1 with conviction with only 5 runes remaining. He also managed to reach beginner stage 2 in ki/ring power. The others have gotten somewhat decent and lupin actually managed to gather some ki, Sonic taught him how to proceed ahead and asked him to help others.

Sonic: Rex, we are leaving in 10 mins so grab what you need.

Rex: Hoi *with a salute*

Rex is strapped to sonic who running on the water with his regained speed, with the runes being C grade instead of the previous E grade for rank 1 for both conviction and speed demon, he has reached speed equal to his stage 3 self. (Conduit first stage was D because that was highest rune he could make with ruby's unstable power, now he is lacking chaos energy reserves to make B and A grades right now and haven't learnt S grades yet).

Rex: Brother you are insane. How do you even keep up with this wind pressure?

Sonic: I coat myself with chaos energy in a aerodynamic shape and body is very strong from something akin to a passive boost alongside my training.

Rex: Can I reach this level too?

Sonic: Depends on what yours will be and how much you can upgrade them.

Rex: Okay.. what speed are we travelling at?

Sonic: Almost mach 3, we will be there in a hour.

Rex: I never thought I will go speed without a vehicle.

Sonic: First time for everything kiddo, enjoy the scenery. 'i miss my second path art'

Over the ocean and seas, forests and mountains, after a journey of over 7000 kms Sonic and Rex reached a city with the same old glass dome.

Sonic slows down to avoid having rex become a paste,( it's not speed that kills you but coming to a stop does) they are under ruby's power source so they are undetected by others.

Sonic: Kiddo you might feel wierd so brace yourself.

The next second Sonic warped them both into the city, the glass dome and high border security was useless.

Rex: bleh.

Sonic is helping Rex recover from the effects of space warping, he instantly unloaded everything he had onto the ground after they came into a hidden alley.

(From what I think portals and warping/teleporting are different from each other, warping quickly moves you through space while portals bend space to create a shortcut by joining two points. I think :| )

Rex: I am.. fin.. fine now.

Sonic: we will get you some food later.. let's go find that guy first.. what is his name?

Rex: Dynomo. I will show you the way around this city, it's my hometown.

Sonic nods and carries Rex on his back again, they move through the streets and roads at mach speed (slowed because of caution) and eventually arrived at a decent house. Rex and Sonic goes in.

Sonic: Are you sure he lives here? I thought someone funded by cutters will have a better place.

Rex: He is not funded by cutters. He just someone we sometimes work with.

???: that voice, is that you rex?

From behind the sofa with mop in hand, a rat with casual clothing and dark circles under his eyes comes out.

Rex: Dynomo. *Goes and jumps into a hug*

Dynomo: I told you knock on the door you brat... Why the sudden visit?

Sonic: It is quite complicated.. can you make sure nobody heard us?

Dynomo nods and starts a security system. The house goes full lockdown mode.

Dynomo took rex and Sonic to the living room and offered them some snacks.

Dynomo: Now tell me what happened.

Rex: Betrayed.. we were Betrayed by the grandmaster.

Dynomo: WHAT!!!

Sonic: They killed albatross and many others in the military base when they came to report.

Dynomo: I knew things were to good to be true *slams his hand on the sofa* DAMN IT... Who are you by the way?

Rex: our helper and new leader.

Dynomo: Mind explaining a little?

Sonic: You have researched for any origin of supernatural things right? Consider me one of them, a being from another world stranded in this world.

Dynomo: *taken aback* From another world? Rex is h-

Rex: It's the truth, he can run at mach speed, teleport and many other things that even I can't explain.

Dynomo: Holy.. wait doesn't that mean you are state enemies now?

Rex: That's why we came to you. He can help your brother and in turn you will leave this planet with us.

Dynomo: What about the defence systems?

Sonic: Don't worry about that, I got it covered. So are you in or not?

Dynomo: My entire life till now. I have always ventured even to meteors to help my brother... No way I am backing out.

Sonic: Quick and decisive, Good. We need you to come with us. Pack anything from medicine to tools you need.

Dynomo immediately got to work and packed up everything he could and came down.

Sonic: Let's go shall we?