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From Ruin to Renewal

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Set a decade before Aegon's Conquest , this story follows Jaenyx Belaerys , the last scion of one of Valyria’s oldest and most storied dragonlord families. With the Freehold in ruins and their colony in the Basilisk Isles no longer safe, Jaenyx leads a desperate exodus of survivors—warriors, scholars, artisans, and healers—toward the distant shores of Westeros. Their goal: Dragonstone, the ancestral seat of the Targaryens, where they hope to find refuge and forge a new future. Haunted by the weight of his heritage and the looming specter of extinction, Jaenyx embarks on a perilous journey to secure peace with the Targaryens. Riding atop his dragon, Cloudwynd , he arrives at Dragonstone alone, hoping to prevent conflict and ensure the survival of his people. What awaits him is more than just political negotiation; it is a chance for friendship, love, and renewal amidst the ashes of Valyria’s fall. Curious to see what happen next? You can get a head start on From Ruin to Renewal by checking out the early chapters on my Website at

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Jaenyx I

He gazed upon the sea below him as the air rushed on his face. The summer years brought calm and he found some peace from seeing upon the sea extending from horizon to horizon. No past, no future, and no memory could be found within the limitless water. More peace than he had found in the last few years.

He saw Cloudwynd's head turn slightly towards him, his constant companion occasionally flapping her wings to maintain their glide through the sky. He felt her concern for him, knowing when he would enter his brooding self. Dragons were passionate and took what they want, but the past few years have not been kind to him or his people, all of which Cloudwynd witnessed.

"Everything will be alright, girl," he reassured in High Valyrian as he took his hand off one of her spines and reached forward to rub her neck, her bluish-greenish scales glistening in the sunlight. He got a snort from her in response, not really satisfied with his answer but decided to accept it. His only concern right now was to fly towards his destination, to ensure his people's safe passage.

Beneath him were vessels ferrying those he was charged with towards their new destination, the last bastion for their people. Fifty ships carrying barely two thousand five hundred men, women, and children across water over four moon turns. Remnants of a great civilization long extinguished from the memory of those that now took their place. The land prowess of the Valyrian army through the Tarareons, cavalrymen and explorers who could boast about expanding the Freehold's reach without the dragons. Valyria's knowledge of blood magic, healing, and other rituals preserved through the Leniars. Lastly, the Rahitheons' skill as smiths, builders, and engineers preserved the wonders of Valyrian technology. The survival of their civilization and culture rested on all of them and one misstep could see the flame of Valyria die out for good.

And then there was himself. Barely nine and ten, Jaenyx was the last scion of the Belaerys', one of the oldest and most powerful dragonlord families in old Valyria. A family that had great figures such as Jaenara Belaerys, the famed explorer of Sothoryos, included in their ancestry. Prompted by Valyria's leaders to recolonize the Basilisk Isles, the Belaerys' settled at the edge of Sothoryosi wilderness along with three other Valyrian families, all of whom could not hope to survive the dangers of that continent by themselves. Previous attempts to colonize the Basilisk Isles, seen as a first step towards further expansion south, had ended in failure. Yet, the new colony thrived under the Belaerys' stewardship. Being in the Basilisk Isles was what saved the colonists from the Doom.

Unfortunately, despite nearly a century of inhabiting the Isles, a recent turn of events had put their people in dire circumstances and the Isles were no longer safe for them. Despairing over the coming extinction of Valyria, Jaenyx remembered that there was one other place that they could journey towards, a place where a certain dragonlord had fled to after his daugther's now prophetic warning about the destruction of the Freehold: Dragonstone.

Jaenyx could only hope that the brood of Aenar Targaryen were still alive at Dragonstone. He decided to take it upon himself to arrive at Dragonstone ahead of his people in order to prevent alarming the Targaryens. The captain of his vessel "Wave Crasher", a Tarareon, protested his decision and urged him to stay alongside the people he led.

"I understand your concern and I thank you for reminding me of my duty," Jaenyx said. "However, the Targaryens are dragonlords and seeing another dragonlord would help make our arrival at Dragonstone much smoother than if all of us were to appear over the horizon. We do not want them to see us as invaders and set their dragons upon us."

"You don't even know if the Targaryens are still there," the Tarareon responded. "Not to mention if they even have their dragons."

Jaenyx nodded in agreement. "You're right. I don't know. But it is a chance we have to take. The Basilisk Isles are not safe for us anymore and we can't go back to the Freehold or any of the colonies throughout Essos. We only have one grown dragon and barely one thousand men who could fight. We have to go to Dragonstone and I have to be the first to appear there."

The Tarareon captain let out a heavy sigh. "I hope you know what you are doing. You're our leader. If you fall, we all fall. The survival of Valyria rests on your shoulders."

Jaenyx grasped his shoulder tightly. "It rests on our shoulders, captain. No one is more important and I certainly can't ensure the continuation of our civilization without you or the Leniars or the Rahitheons. We either stand together or we shall into the abyss."

The two tightly clasped their hands together. "Just come back to us, my lord. That's all we need." Jaenyx promised with a nod.

After a few hours flying north, Jaenyx saw land ahead. Finally, Westeros. He saw sheer cliffs and the sea pounding violent against them, thick forests covering the cliff tops. From his rather scant knowledge of Westeros, he assumed that these were the lands ruled by the Durrandon Storm Kings. That meant that he had to travel further north towards a body of water called the Blackwater Bay, with Dragonstone sitting at its eastern edge towards the narrow sea.

Jaenyx had just entered the bay when he heard a familiar sound in the distance. A dragon roar, he thought. "Faster, girl! We're almost there," he urged on to Cloudwynd in High Valyrian. For the first time in years, he felt hope enter his heart.

Sensing her rider's glee, Cloudwynd beat her wings and climbed higher. Within moments, a mountainous island came into view. Jaenyx could smell the volcanic ash from far off, a welcoming change of scent from the sea and especially the Sothoryos wilderness.

What drew his attention, however, was the dragon that was flying above a part of the island. As he flew closer, Jaenyx began to appreciate the size of the dragon. Larger than Cloudwynd by a wing length, this dragon had black scales, black wings, and a huge mouth. He assumed that this dragon had several decades to grow, more time than Cloudwynd who was born in the Basilisk Isles.

He then noticed a man atop the black dragon. The dragon turned its head towards Cloudwynd, finally noticing the presence of another dragon. Its rider turned his head in the same direction as his dragon, also noticing Cloudwynd and Jaenyx. The black dragon roared in greeting, which Cloudwynd returned. The two dragons flew in a circle with each other as if to size up the other. Jaenyx kept his eyes on the rider, their purple eyes focused on one another.

After the standoff lasted a few circles, the black dragon's rider cocked his head towards the island, signalling Jaenyx to follow him. Jaenyx followed the rider and the black dragon to a clearing between the island's mountains. There, he saw two more dragons resting in the clearing and two women next to them, who were alerted to the newcomer. The black dragon, the larger and more imposing of the now three dragons, landed next to them and its rider sliding off to stand close to the women.

"Land, girl. Not too far from the other dragons," Jaenyx urged Cloudwynd. The blue-green dragon complied and set down upon a patch of grass across from the other three dragons. Cloudwynd roared at the three dragons, with them roaring back in response.

Though not as large as the black dragon, the other two dragons were still an impressive sight for Jaenyx. One had bright orange scales mixed with gray. The other, larger than the orange one but still smaller than the black one, had silver scales. All stared down at their blue-green guest and her rider.

As for Jaenyx, he exchanged looks with the man and the women. The man was tall, broad-shouldered, and muscular in appearance. His thick arms, toned midsection, and powerful legs evident despite his rather loose red tunic and black trousers. He had a defined jawline, hair that grew past his ears, and piercing eyes. He also had a sword belt, its simple black leather handle, twin dragon heads on the hilt, and large ruby visible.

For the two women, Jaenyx found them to be very beautiful. One was tall, dressed in a long ring-mail and leather dress, and her hair tied in an elaborate braid. This one possessed a rather harsh beauty, clearly more muscled and giving off a rougher edge than the woman next to her. Like the man, she had a sword belt, its dragon cross-guard and single ruby in the hilt glowing in the daylight.

The other woman, just as beautiful as the sword-carrying one, was more slender and graceful. Wearing a pair of leather trousers and shirt with a long summer dress over them, she seemed to be more dainty and delicate than the first one and had her hair loose over her shoulders. She also seemed to be more tense than the other two, who had their hands ready to draw their swords from their scabbards at him.

Far from being nervous, Jaenyx was relieved from coming across these three. They had the traditional Valyrian looks of purple eyes and silver hair. He could also sense the dragonblood in them, as Cloudwynd was considerably less hostile with them than when she was with others. He was not alone after all and his decision to come to Dragonstone had been a good one.

"Stay where you are, trespasser," the man ordered, taking a combat stance. "Who are you and why are you here?" Jaenyx noticed his grip on his sword became tighter, with the sword-carrying woman following suit.

Curious. They're speaking the common tongue, Jaenyx thought. Some of his people could speak the common tongue and while he himself could understand it, he could not speak it. He never saw the usefulness for it, until now.

Resisting the urge to grab for his own swords tucked on his left side, their black silk handles and bronze circle hilts visible for the three other dragonriders to see, Jaenyx raised his hands to indicate his peaceful intentions.

"I mean no harm, fellow dragonriders," he began while hoping that they retained understanding of High Valyrian. "I am Jaenyx Belaerys, Lord of the Basilisk Isles, Dragonlord, and rider of the dragon Cloudwynd. I come here with the hope of speaking with the Lord of Dragonstone on behalf of my people."

Jaenyx saw their eyes widen in shock. The young man withdrew from his combat stance and gave his companions a nod before relaxing and taking his hand off his sword's handle. The woman next to him also put her hand away from her sword, but not before narrowing her eyes in confusion and suspicion.

"Forgive me, my lord. We were just being cautious. I am Aegon of House Targaryen of Dragonstone, Dragonlord, and rider of the dragon Balerion," the man stepped forward and gave Jaenyx a nod, who was relieved that they at least understood High Valyrian. He turned to the two women next to him, gesturing them to introduce themselves.

The sword-carrying woman stepped forward, her hand still on the pommel. "I am Visenya of House Targaryen of Dragonstone, Dragonlord, and rider of the dragon Vhagar." She kept her piercing gaze on Jaenyx.

As for the other woman, her eyes were focused on Cloudwynd, marveling at the fine specimen before her. "I am Rhaenys of House Targaryen of Dragonstone, Dragonlord, and rider of the dragon Meraxes." She started walking towards Cloudwynd and turned to Jaenyx with a smile. "What is your dragon's name?"

Jaenyx smiled back, noticing her wonder at his dragon. "Her name is Cloudwynd, Rhaenys of House Targaryen. You could pet her if you want."

Rhaenys' smile grew before she turned back and ran her hand on Cloudwynd's snout. She gave a snort in appreciation, always basking in the attention of others, especially those with dragonblood.

Jaenyx looked back to Aegon and Visenya. "It appears Cloudwynd likes your sister, if all of you are siblings. Am I correct?"

Aegon nodded. "You are. Visenya here is the oldest, I'm our father's only son, and Rhaenys is the youngest. Now, you said that you came here on behalf of your people. Who and where are they?"

Here it goes, Jaenyx thought. "Well, Aegon of House Targaryen, I rather save the details for when I speak to the Lord of Dragonstone, if he's still alive. But for now, all you need to know is that my people are further south and enroute to Dragonstone as we speak. I come to negotiate sanctuary for them and I believe that negotiations would be smoother if the Targaryens first saw another dragonlord."

Aegon crossed his arms, contemplating the situation. Although these three seemed friendly enough and their dragons were not openly hostile to him, Jaenyx remained alert. He could probably subdue one in single combat, probably also take on the other. However, he and Cloudwynd were outnumbered and he didn't like his chances of coming out of a fight if it came to that. He hoped that things didn't turn out that way.

Aegon took a moment before turning to Visenya and whispering to her ear. She nodded and turned back to her dragon Vhagar, but not before giving Jaenyx another wary look. She and Vhagar flew off, away from the mountain clearing.

"I sent my sister back to our family keep to let our father know of your presence. Do not worry, my lord," Aegon stated. Jaenyx relaxed, relieved that the situation did not escalate. "Although I must admit that I'm confused by your appearance here. We believed that House Targaryen was the only dragonlord family remaining after the Doom. Why have you decided to come here now?"

"That, Aegon of House Targaryen, is a story that I would rather share before your lord father. I mean no disrespect, but I would have all of you present when I do explain my presence here."

Aegon nodded, accepting his answer. "That must be quite a story all on its own. I love stories," Rhaenys remarked as she moved back next to her brother.

Jaenyx shifted uncomfortably. "Indeed," he managed.

Noticing his discomfort, Aegon reoriented the conversation. "I'm pretty sure that my sister has informed our father already. Let's start making our way there, my lord."

Janeyx nodded in affirmation. They all climbed on to their dragons and took to the air, Aegon and Rhaenys guiding him along the island's coast until an imposing black fortress came into view. He noticed that dragon forms covered the entire castle, from the towers to the gates, which made it look more like a nest of dragons. Black stones and dragon forms made the castle seem grim and eerie to any newcomer, but not for Jaenyx. He felt something from the castle calling to him, a familiar feeling pulling him towards its clutches. The castle, definitely built with Valyrian knowledge, felt welcoming to him.

Aegon and Rhaenys led Jaenyx to the castle's courtyard, which was large enough to hold all three dragons. Sliding down from Cloudwynd, Jaenyx rubbed her neck in assurance before hearing two massive metal doors cracking open. From the doors emerged Visenya and elderly man who Jaenyx assumed was their father and Lord of Dragonstone. Like Visenya, he had a stern face with a piercing gaze. However, unlike Visenya, he looked surprised at seeing not only another dragon but another dragonlord.

"Welcome, Lord Belaerys of the Basilisk Isles, to Dragonstone. I am Aerion of House Targaryen, Lord of Dragonstone. On behalf of my house and from one dragonlord to another, I extend to you our hospitality," he announced in High Valyrian and with open arms. He then gestured to an older man standing next to him, who came forward to Jaenyx with a plate of bread and a bowl of salt.

Jaenyx stared at the plate, unsure of what this meant. Apparently, Lord Aerion saw his confusion. "In Westeros, it is custom for noble houses to offer guest rights to visitors with bread and salt. Once that has been offered and you eat them, you cannot be harmed for as long as you stay here."

Jaenyx nodded in understanding. "Ah, I see." He looked at the plate again before tearing off a piece and dipping in salt. Seeing Lord Aerion silently confirming that he was doing it right, he put the bread in his mouth.

"Excellent," Aerion declared. "If you would follow me, my lord, so we can discuss the nature of your visit here."

"Of course, my lord," Jaenyx answered.

The hallways of Dragonstone were just like the fortresses in the Freehold that his parents described. He never actually set foot in one since he was born a century after the Doom occurred, with his family's fortress being simple in form since they couldn't afford to expend much effort in building an elaborate castle so close to the Sothoryosi wilderness. Statues of dragons and other magical creatures were carved into the black stone walls, which would have been disturbing to any common visitor. For Jaenyx, it felt like home since he could feel the presence of dragonlords within these very walls.

The hallways and the walls of the castle were decorated with tapestries, paintings, and suits of armor. Most of the tapestries depicted famous instances of dragon combat and the great events of Valyria's history. The armors were also befitting that of the dragonlords, with similar armors adorning his family's castle back in the Basilisk Isles. However, he saw that the armors were made of regular castle-forged steel instead of the Valyrian steel armors that his family's castle had. It didn't surprise him, as Valyrian steel had become rarer with the destruction of the Freehold. Well, at least to the rest of the world outside of the Isles, he thought.

Some of the paintings were of Targaryen dragonlords of the past and other events at Dragonstone. At the end of the hallway was a massive portrait of Aenar Targaryen, the man who moved his family from the Freehold to his desolate outpost. He was also the man who accidentally played a part in ensuring the survival of Valyria's dragonlords. Many dragonlords called him a fool for leaving and listening to the supposed delusions of his daughter, who he also saw a portrait of. Now look where his scoffers are, he mused.

The hallway led to a large hall, which Jaenyx guessed was where newcomers were greeted. There were two doors at opposite sides of the hall that opened to different parts of the castle and a massive metal chair at the end of the chair. It looked more like a throne to Jaenyx, as no lord's chair would be that big and have two dragons decorating the backrest. It gave off the impression that dragons were ever present to protect their lord.

Lord Aerion took his seat on the throne, with Visenya standing to his right and another large man already at his left. The man, with black hair, black eyes, and black beard that grew down to his chest, was more physically imposing than Aegon or Jaenyx. Taller, with thicker arms, broader shoulders, and long powerful legs, Jaenyx surmised that he would not win against him in a match of brawn. What drew his interest was that he could not feel as much dragonblood in this man than Lord Aerion or their children, which made him question on why he was next to the lord.

"Again, I welcome you into our home, Lord Belaerys," Lord Aerion started, switching to the common tongue. "I have to admit that I was skeptical of my daughter Visenya's words about another dragonlord appearing on our shores, but imagine my surprise and delight when I gazed upon you and your magnificent creature in the courtyard. Know that you are most welcome in our presence."

Getting a closer look at him, Jaenyx saw that the Lord of Dragonstone was thin, fragile, pale, and sickly. Although he had the silver hair and purple eyes prevalent among Valyrians, his hair was unkempt compared to his children and grew past his shoulders. He then noticed the shiny circle he wore, silvery in appearance and embedded with rubies and pearls. It added to the regal impression he gave off, which piqued Jaenyx's interest even more.

"Forgive me, my lord, but I don't have a good hold of the common tongue. My name is Jaenyx Belaerys, son of Auryon and Maenarys Belaerys, Lord and Lady of the Basilisk Isles, dragonlord, and rider of the dragon Cloudwynd," he introduced with a fist placed on his chest, a common form of greeting among dragonlords. However, the Targaryens of the past would have had to been more reverent when treating with Belaerys', as the Belaerys' were wealthier and more powerful than they were and lived in the upper crust of Valyrian society. With the change in circumstances, such differences in the past no longer mattered. He only had one concern that occupied his mind.

"Well met, son of Belaerys," Aerion replied with a smile. "Last time I've read of the Belaerys', they were charged with settling the Basilisk Isles years before the Doom, with aim of further settlement into Sothoryos. Am I correct to believe that the settlement lasted past the Freehold?"

"You would be, my lord," Jaenyx affirmed.

"And please don't take offense at this, but you seem pretty young to be a lord and to be representing your people coming from the south, if the words I've heard from my daughter Visenya are to believed. May I inquire as to where your lord father and lady mother are at this moment?"

Jaenyx paused. Lord Aerion didn't know that he touched upon a sensitive spot, one filled with anguish and sadness. Then again, he should have expected that a lord like Aerion to question how someone barely in manhood could be a lord himself.

"They're dead, my lord," Jaenyx managed to say.

That elicited looks of shock and sympathy from the black-haired man, the Dragonstone lord, Aegon, Rhaenys, and even the stern Visenya.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Lord Belaerys. You have my sympathies," Aerion offered. Jaenyx nodded his thanks. "May I ask how they died?"

Jaenyx hesitated. "There was an outbreak of the red death throughout the Basilisk Isles. Nine out of ten people perished, including my father. I would have died too, if it weren't for my mother. Unfortunately, what she did came at a cost to her life."

Aerion looked as if he wanted to know more, but wisely decided to stop there. "You say that your people are coming from the south. Are they also of the settlement from the Basilisk Isles?"

"Yes, my lord," Jaenyx answered. "Forty-two vessels carrying two thousand and five hundred men, women, and children. Among them the families of Tarareon, Leniar, and Rahitheons."

Aerion raised his eyebrows in surprise, knowing what those families were known for in the Freehold. "The Rahitheons are with you, as are the Leniars and the Tarareons?"

Jaenyx nodded. "They came with our family when the settlement started. It was because of them that our settlement survived past the fall of the Freehold until now."

"Father, who are these families?" Aegon asked. Judging from the looks on Aegon, Rhaenys, Visenya, and the large man, they didn't know who Jaenyx was referring to and how their father knew them.

"The Tarareons provided the best cavalrymen in Valyria's armies, able to smash into the lines of heavy infantry and feign their enemies into chasing them over weeks. The Leniars were known for producing healers and scholars of unmatched quality, their application of bloodmagic defining the wonders of the Freehold. And the Rahitheons were among the best craftsmen, smiths, and engineers to be seen in the known world, able to manipulate the land before them into true wonders of man and being the ones to perfect the process of forging Valyrian steel," their father explained. That last part got the attention of his children, with the implications of such knowledge not lost on them.

"With the Rahitheons with you, has the knowledge of producing Valyrian steel been preserved?" Visenya asked.

"Though we lacked the materials to produce Valyrian steel in the quantities of the past, we have kept that knowledge alive," Jaenyx replied. "It is also one of the reasons our settlement in the Isles was able to survive for as long as it did past the Doom."

Aerion stood up, excitement clear on his face. "It's settled. I hereby offer sanctuary to your people on Dragonstone, although I would like to meet the heads of the families alongside yourself in more proper settings. Together, we shall reignite the flames of Valyria right here on this island and ensure the prosperity of our people." He moved down from his throne and offered his hand.

Jaenyx clasped it, surprised at how quickly Aerion agreed to grant sanctuary to his people. He wondered if he should have started with saying that his people possessed the knowledge of making Valyrian steel first. Maybe, he wouldn't have had to talk about his family and that they were gone.

"Thank you, my lord," he answered gratefully. "My people and I will never forget your kindness today."

Aerion waved it off. "Nonsense. All is not lost for Valyria and I am happy to play a part in ensuring that our people are returned to their former glory. I shall have our servants arrange proper accommodations for you in our guest quarters. You are most welcome, Lord Belaerys," Aerion began ordering the servants.

"Before you do so, my lord, I must fly out to my people first and tell them the good news. They must be worrying about me at this moment."

"Of course, Lord Belaerys," Aerion answered. "When you return, remember that you have accommodations right here in our castle."

"Again, thank you. I must take my leave, Lord Aerion. My people can't wait now." After getting his consent, Jaenyx left the hall and back towards the courtyard where Cloudfyre was.

Instead of being happy at the good news, Jaenyx cursed himself for not really leveraging his position. He thought about the ways he could have got benefits from Aerion, as Valyrian steel was rare and the knowledge of forging it supposedly lost. By bringing the Rahitheons right onto his lands, Aerion could benefit from those who had preserved the knowledge by enriching Dragonstone while putting large amounts of coin into his pockets. He should have considered not telling about the families with him, as he revealed too much and did not get very much. Hopefully that can change in the near future, he thought. He would be damned if he was going to let even a dragonlord take advantage of his people, especially after all they suffered.

Then again, Aerion pointed out that he was young for a lord. Jaenyx wished he had his father and brother here, as they were more familiar when dealing with others, and navigating the maze of dealmaking took years of experience that he lacked. I really need to be more alert now if I am to prevent another blunder like this, he pondered.

Jaenyx returned to the courtyard, Cloudwynd waiting for him. Climbing on and grabbing her spines, he urged her to fly. She roared before taking off into the sky, circling the castle before flying south of the island, towards the people awaiting their return.