Chereads / From Ruin to Renewal / Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: Rhaenys II

Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: Rhaenys II

A wince left Visenya's lips as she jerked her head to the side. "Please, Vis. It'll only take a moment," Rhaenys offered as she guided her head back into place. "I know you normally don't do this, but you'd want hair perfect for the ceremony. Isn't that right, muña?"

Their mother, Lady Valaena Targaryen, had just returned from her Velaryon siblings at Driftmark four days ago. Although overjoyed at the existence of another dragonlord, she became incensed at their father offering up her oldest daughter to this stranger without telling her first. They exchanged a few heated words, words that Rhaenys never thought would leave her mother.

"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! VIS IS MY DAUGHTER TOO!" Rhaenys heard her mother say through the door of their father's solar.

"I had to consider what I had to do at the moment, Val!" their father responded in defense. "We had a dragonlord come to our shores, the only one besides us that survived the Doom. Not only that, he brought three families that played a pivotal role in how Valyria rose to its zenith, one of whom preserved the knowledge of forging Valyrian steel."


"If she was going to marry some nobody lord or even one of our Valyrian vassals, that would've been true. However, think about it, Val! Our daughter will marry a dragonlord, who is deeply rooted in the ways of Valyria and is bringing people who will be of great help to us. Moreover, she seems to like the idea of marrying Lord Belaerys, which cannot be said about when I decided to have Egg marry Vis."

There was a pause. "Is that true, Aerion?" Rhaenys heard her mother, calmer.

"Yes, Val. She didn't like it at first, but even she and Egg cannot deny that they'll be unhappy with each other. Over the last few days, she and Lord Belaerys had a spar and started to spend more time together, either in the training yard or in the library. She's even acting more like a lady around him, which she never does."

Rhaenys still remembered that spar between Visenya and Jaenyx. Visenya was incredibly agile and fast, but Jaenyx exceeded in her both. In that spar, he held the training sword with both hands, which threw Visenya's out of her one-hand grip. For the next four days, they were seen in the training yard and their movements resembled more of a dance than sparring by how fluidly they combated each other. In addition, they spent hours in the library whenever Jaenyx wasn't helping his people settle onto the portions of Dragonstone their father granted him. She could only guess what they talked about.

"Still, Aerion. I don't like the idea of a stranger fucking my daughter after the wedding, dragons be damned. That's why I agreed to Egg marrying Vis."

"Val, he has a dragonhorn."

Rhaenys heard a gasp. Even their mother knew what that was. "Truly?"

"Yes, but it can only be used by someone carrying Belaerys blood. That means whatever children Vis has with Lord Belaerys will be able to use the horn also. Think about it. Our daughter will marry a man who possesses stronger dragonblood and our grandchildren will become stronger dragons as a result. There's everything to gain from this union."

Rhaenys fought the urge to giggle at the thought of Visenya being pregnant, the sight of her belly growing big and then seeing her water break would be a sight she would not miss for the world. The warrior dragon that is her sister brought down by the pains of childbirth. That was as golden as the thought of Rhaenys becoming an aunt. Hopefully, he's as good in bed as he is in the training yard. Otherwise, Vis might cut his throat and get Vhagar to kill Cloudwynd after finding out he put his seed in her.

"You have it all thought, haven't you?" Rhaenys knew that was more of a statement than a question.

"It won't be all bad, Val. Besides being a dragonlord, having strong dragonblood, and bringing those rooted in old Valyria here, he's handsome and he knows how to lead people despite his youth. He's only a year older than Vis and they are off to a good start. In addition, he's very audacious, a fact that I've learned a little too late when he pulled out his dragonhorn. Our daughter will be in good hands," their father tried to assuage their mother.

Silence filled the solar, but Rhaenys could still hear the breathing between them. "You better hope that this goes smoothly, or I will cut your fucking cock off and throw it in the sea for the fish to feed on." Rhaenys just avoided being seen as their mother left their father's solar in a huff.

People would assume that a proper lady would be molded by an equally proper mother, which was only partially-true for Rhaenys. Their father, being the proper lord, taught her court etiquette and how to be refined while her mother taught her the lady-like activities such as sewing, dancing, and playing musical instruments. However, with Visenya being their first child and being new to childrearing, their mother was very unrefined with how she talked to her and passed on her disdain for social conventions onto her daughter while their father indulged Visenya's inclinations towards the sword and hard learning. Their mother could be lady-like at times, but one would rue the day her ire was stoked. Valaena's father, their grandfather, captained a ship and sailors were not known for controlling their tongues, one thing she certainly gained from him. Rhaenys suspected that was one reason why their father became happy with their mother even though his father Lord Daemion arranged for their union.

Their mother saw her soon-to-be good-son some of the time in Dragonstone's hallways, but did not approach him. Rhaenys tried to rectify that by inviting Jaenyx to dine with them, but their mother ignored him and instead focused on preparing for the ceremony. She had the guest quarters cleaned, as that was where Visenya and Jaenyx would spend their first night as man and wife. She directed the cooks to prepare their finest meals, hired musicians for the wedding feast, and sent out the invitations through raven. She also spent the days leading up to the wedding relearning her High Valyrian, as she mostly spoke the common tongue. However, she remained displeased with her daughter being given away and she did not hide that.

As for Rhaenys, she prepared with much more enthusiasm. She set upon sowing Visenya's wedding gown, with red and black being the colors, as she did not want her to marry in her usual mail and leather dresses. She prepared some songs she would sing at the feast, as she was the most eager in getting Jaenyx and Visenya together. She picked out her own dress and deliberated on what she will give to Visenya after the ceremony was done.

Also, Rhaenys approached Jaenyx to have a banner designed for him. She said that it was a Westerosi tradition for noble families to have a banner and words for their house. Jaenyx flatly refused, saying he had no need for such things and that only his name was needed. Switching approach, Rhaenys said that having a banner was by no means an affront to his Valyrian roots and that it would be wise for him to have something that people can recognize before they met him. She kept pestering him and seeing that she would not give up, he relented but only after he discussed it with the families that came with him. Then, she approached the head of the Leniars, his cousin Taygor, as well as the Tarareons and the Rahitheons to design their banners. She stated that having a banner would not be compromising their Valyrian ways, as even those in Essos like the Iron Bank of Braavos had symbols, and she was merely going to design them. They consented after much effort on her part. Who knew Valyrians could be quite stubborn in their ways? Even though I come from Valyria.

Besides Visenya's wedding gown, Rhaenys and some female servants spent the next few days sewing together their guests' banners. The Tarareons chose a black-colored archer aiming to the rear while mounted on horseback in a field of tan to symbolize their prowess as horsemen and how they held the Rhoynar back centuries ago. They chose the words "Swift, Silent, Deadly".

Taygor Leniar, after deliberating with his family, chose a white-colored outstretched fist squeezing out blood red drops against a field of gray to symbolize their affinity for blood magic, which Rhaenys was sure would raise more than a few eyebrows. They adopted the words "Blood for a Life."

The Rahitheons decided upon a red and green-colored turtle against a field of dark blue. Confused by their choice, Rhaenys was surprised when they revealed that they were partially descended from water wizards taken captive after the Second Spice War, which saw Prince Garin of the Rhoynar captured and Princess Nymeria fleeing in her ten thousand ships. While the fire in their Valyrian blood had made them good builders and smiths, the water from their Rhoynish blood made them truly without equal as they could make any form with water at will. They chose the words "We Form from Fire and Water."

Rhaenys had the servants make their banners, as she focused on making a banner for Jaenyx herself. She knew that a dragon on his banner was a given, but Jaenyx hesitated on the colors and words. Their families soon to become equals, Rhaenys suggested a dragon colored after Cloudwynd, blue-green, against a field of black. The dragon faced the right side as opposed to their three-headed dragon facing the left, wings outstretched and blue fire with hints of red shooting out of its jaws. This would a banner that would be placed next to their own banner, a red three-headed dragon against a field of black, to symbolize the union of their families and how they were equal.

The words Jaenyx chose perplexed Rhaenys, as he did not deny their extremity. He chose "Death before Dishonor." In another life, he might've been a great knight, as honor is all their rage, she mused.

After completing the banners and having the servants hang them in the courtyard alongside the banners of their vassals, Rhaenys went to get her sister prepared.

"And… all done!" Rhaenys backed away before handing Visenya a mirror. She saw Visenya ran her hand against her smoothened hair, silver flowing all the way down her back. Although she preferred braids, Rhaenys saw Visenya most beautiful when she allowed her hair to flow freely. It matched her red and black gown that she saw, which ran to her ankles, the ruby-encrusted gold necklace around her neck, and the silver circlet encrusted in violets placed on her head. "A true beauty and proper lady of House Targaryen. Jaenyx will be mad with desire at the mere sight of you."

"Shut up," Visenya grumbled. But Rhaenys noticed a slight blush on Visenya's cheeks. She likes him, she thought mischievously.

"Vis," Rhaenys heard their mother speak. "Usually, mothers would be talking to you about what happens during a bedding. But as Lord Belaerys insisted on the two of you consummating your union in private, what's the point? Really just a young man and woman fucking."

While Visenya and Rhaenys wasn't shocked at their mother's strong language, Rhaenys was horrified at how she was describing what's supposed to be a magical night after the union of man and wife.

"Muña! How could you say that about your daughter's wedding night?"

Val shrugged. "It's true. Bedding ceremony or not, that's just what happens. Your kepa did that before he had Orys, and then us before we had all of you."

Visenya wasn't bothered. "Good thing I won't have a bedding ceremony. Don't need drunken scoundrels telling me how to go about my business."

"Don't you mean being able to have Jaenyx all to yourself?" Rhaenys countered. "Who knows what kind of things you'll both be doing without us taking your clothes off for you?"

Visenya shot her a glare. "Don't get any ideas, Rhae. I might not like how I got betrothed to him in the first place, but he will be my husband. He will be mine and mine alone, so keep your hands to yourself, little sister."

Rhaenys giggled, causing Visenya to lunge at her and Rhaenys to flinch. She still grinned, enjoying how possessive her sister was becoming of her soon-to-be husband. While she loved Aegon, she could not control the urge to make jests of Visenya coupling with Jaenyx.

"All right, let's stop this lewdness from getting out of control, ladies," their mother stepped in. She grasped Visenya's shoulders, staring straight into her eyes. "Whatever happens tonight, know that your family is with you. Do you know that?"

Visenya rolled her eyes, but only slightly annoyed at her worries. "Muña, I'll be fine. I can take care of myself."

They heard the door knock. "Come in," their mother called.

A servant came in the room. "My ladies, they're ready."

Letting out a collective exhale, the three women straightened their dresses and proceeded through the hallways towards the courtyard.

They found the rest of the Velaryons, the Celtigars, and the Sunglasses all gathered alongside their new guests. The Velaryon's seahorse, the Celtigar's crabs, and the Sunglass' stars hung alongside the Tarareon's mounted archer, the Leniar's squeezed fist with blood drops, and the Rahitheon's turtle. Centrally-placed and larger than the rest, the Targaryen's red dragon facing the Belaerys' blue-green dragon, banners placed at the same level to say to all that the dragons stood together.

Standing near the main gates was Taygor Leniar, Jaenyx's cousin through his mother's family, wearing black gowns and his long silver hair tied in a top bun and a pile of logs in front of him. He had piercing violet eyes, similar to Jaenyx, but was shorter than Jaenyx and possessed an average body that the gowns hid. He would be presiding over the ceremony held in Valyrian fashion. Rhaenys was perplexed at what exactly took place at a Valyrian wedding, with Taygor cryptically using her family's words, "Fire and blood."

Standing on the opposite side of the logs were their father, Aegon, and Orys. They were all dressed in black trousers with red and black tunics, with only Aegon and their father wearing the same silver circlets as Visenya, Rhaenys, and their mother. Orys was not a Targaryen since he was born out of wedlock with a Celtigar maid, but their father did not have the heart to abandon him.

Finally, standing opposite of his cousin was Jaenyx. Standing straight and looking directly at the three women, he had black trousers and a black and blue-green tunic, with a dagger tucked in his belt and his wavy silver hair straightened out. He looked exactly like a dragonlord of Valyria. Rhaenys also noticed the Yi-Ti man she saw on his ship, as well as three other men next to him, presumably also from Yi-Ti. They all wore blue robes, had their raven black hair tied in a bun, and trimmed beards. The old man held the blue-green cloak that would go over Visenya after all was done. Why are they next to Jaenyx?

Rhaenys and their mother stood back as Visenya took her place to Jaenyx. He stated that it was Valyrian custom for a man and woman to be married together, with no one giving them, as it would offend the gods to have subservience between those of the same blood. Rhaenys found that quite appealing and shared a look with Aegon, who smiled at her. It'll be my turn soon and I shall enjoy life with Egg.

"Let the ceremony begin!" Taygor Leniar announced in his attempt at the common tongue before he began to chant Valyrian prayers. It was bizarre for Rhaenys, witnessing a wedding without a septon and with their Valyrian roots now coming out in the open. And yet, it felt right for her. Like a piece that was lost finally returning to make her whole.

The Sunglasses in attendance were all in discomfort save the Velaryons and Celtigars, both of whom wished to be within Valyria's grasp again. They repeated the Valyrian prayers when prompted, although some did not understand a word they were saying.

"And now," Taygor opened his eyes as his last prayer ended. "Let us have the gods descend upon us and bring forth their blessings on this union of man and wife." He signalled to both Visenya and Jaenyx, who both said a Valyrian command that caused both Vhagar and Cloudwynd to land on the castle's battlements, their heads pointing downwards at them.

"Visenya of House Targaryen, do you take this man to be your husband?" Taygor looked to Visenya.

"I take this man," Visenya declared, her smile only noticeable to her family and Jaenyx.

"Jaenyx of House Belaerys, do you take this woman to be your wife?"

"I take this woman," he responded confidently.

Jaenyx drew his dagger, rolled up the sleeve on his right arm, and cut along it. Not too deep to touch the vessels, but enough for the blood to ooze out of it. Rhaenys did not expect that and so did Visenya, who kept her surprise hidden. The guests were shocked at what they were seeing.

Jaenyx handed her the dagger. Nodding her head, Visenya took the dagger, rolled her sleeve, and cut along her arm.

"Now stand before the gods to receive their blessing." Both Jaenyx and Visenya moved forward to the log pile, with Jaenyx standing next to his cousin and Visenya remaining on her side.

Pointing his head at their dragons, Jaenyx gestured Visenya to do the same. "DRACARYS!" he yelled as Cloudwynd released her flames. Visenya followed suit, Vhagar pouring her flames to join Cloudwynd's.

With the logs on fire, Jaenyx put arms over the flames, his sleeve rolled enough to not catch fire. Visenya took his arm, both clasping their forearms and their cuts over the other, as if to move their blood to and from each other. Normal arms would fry and burn over flames and even those with dragonblood were not completely protected from them. However, blood and fire released a force that would give life and protect those willing to sacrifice. Over the fire, the blood of man and wife flowed from their cuts, a part of themselves latching on to the other and uniting them as one blood. As they withdrew their arms from the flame, Jaenyx saw his cut healed and Visenya also.

Gesturing for Visenya to come round to his side, Jaenyx unclasped her Targaryen cloak and threw it around himself. Getting his new Belaerys cloak from the Yi-Ti man, he handed it to Visenya, who threw it around herself. Both now under each other's protection.

"In sight of the gods and men, I hereby bind these two souls together for eternity!" Taygor announced.

In a trance at the whole ceremony, Rhaenys beamed as Jaenyx cupped Visenya's cheek. She saw Visenya smile before she grabbed his neck, bringing his head down to hers and pulling him into a kiss that became deeper after some moments. Breaking their kiss, they both turned to the audience, all of whom cheered for the newly-weds. Or at least as best as they could.

Rhaenys threw flowers in the air, as Lord and now Lady Belaerys walked past her towards the feast in the great hall. She walked alongside Aegon, both exchanging smiles at the occasion and at thoughts of the future. Soon, Egg. It will be us soon.