Wedding feasts being merry affairs were a given, as anyone from kings to smallfolk who were able spared no expense in making the hours after the exchange of wedding vows to be remembered vividly for those who partook. Bards, mummers, and musicians bringing out a memorable performance before the guests, laughter leaving their throats and ale pouring down them, were common features in any wedding. A lord hosting a wedding in his castle was a chance for other lordlings and whomever they brought with them to banter and become drunken rascals at their host's expense. Rhaenys also sang and played along with the band.
Aegon's mind was not dwelling on such commonalities at the moment. As the heir to Dragonstone, he was seated at the head table on their father's right, with their mother on the left. He sat next to Rhaenys, chatting away at Visenya and their good-brother after her performance was done. Orys sat the left end of the head table, talking and laughing with one of the ladies of House Sunglass. A lord would never have his bastard seated at the head table, especially at occasions like weddings. But their father was different and would rather damn himself to hells if he allowed his son, no matter the circumstances of his birth, feel mistreated. Their mother was understandably vexed at being near their father's bastard, but eventually came around and at the very least treated him with courtesy. This was also because he gave her three children of her own, a sign of his devotion to her and giving up his philandering ways.
Instead of enjoying the feast and joining with their guests in dancing, Aegon was reflecting on how so much has changed since Jaenyx arrived. At the start of the moon, he was resigned to marrying Visenya and living a life where he had to fulfill the needs of both her and Rhaenys. Their father made it clear that he would not stop him, which made his upcoming marriage with Visenya more bearable for him. He continued to be trained in a knightly fashion, looking forward to the day both he and Orys would add the title of "ser" to their names. Although not really committed to the Faith like the rest of the Blackwater Bay, Aegon had become used to the culture that the Faith influenced and grew up enamored with the heroic deeds that the bards would write of knights. Ser Aegon Targaryen, first knight to ride a dragon into battle, fighting alongside Ser Orys Baratheon, honored by his father despite being a bastard. That would be one for the songs, he mused.
Now, Aegon was attending the wedding feast held in honor of Jaenyx and Visenya Belaerys. He first felt relief at not marrying Visenya, as they both knew they would not be happy with each other, and could turn his full attention to making his marriage with Rhaenys a loving one. Then, he felt worried about the future, of what it behold for the Targaryens at Dragonstone. She might now be a Belaerys, but she's still my sister.
Over the past week since Jaenyx's arrival, everything changed down for their family. Nearly three thousand people started to settle at the parts of Dragonstone south and east of the Dragonmont, all of whom played a part in raising Valyria to the pinnacle of its civilization and who could easily overwhelm the six hundred swords sworn to the Lord of Dragonstone himself. Their forty-two to fifty vessels that they arrived on may not have been built for war, but Aegon's Velaryon cousins would be hard-pressed to contain a fleet that equalled their own in terms of numbers. And now there were four dragons flying over Dragonstone. Six, if not counting the two wild ones inside the Dragonmont, but he doesn't know that yet.
Aegon had a feeling that Jaenyx was more than met the eye when he first arrived on his dragon Cloudwynd, a feeling that proved true when he first saw his dragonhorn. A truly menacing article of black and gold, one would not doubt its power after seeing what it did to Balerion and Vhagar. How they responded to his commands brought absolute fear to Aegon's heart, the realization of Jaenyx being a much more powerful dragonlord than his family ever could be hitting upon him. Their servants and household gave a wide berth whenever Jaenyx walked by them, them having also seen what he did.
What was equally disconcerting for Aegon was how much time Jaenyx spent with their father. It warmed his heart to see Visenya spending more time with her now husband, her initial distress at her betrothal disappearing with each moment in Jaenyx's presence. However, Jaenyx spending more time with their father in his solar was a cause for concern. He still recognized the Westorosi air that came off their father when he was doing his lordly duties, but he started to become more… Valyrian in his mannerisms. He spoke High Valyrian more often, having to switch to the common tongue after remembering that most of their servants did not understand the language. He ceased his time at the sept altogether, though he wasn't a pious man to begin with and only had that built to appease his trading partners in the Blackwater Bay, while spending more time with Jaenyx in learning more about and worshipping Valyria's gods and goddesses. He also had Dragonstone's maester, Harrion, return to the Citadel, stating he no longer needed his services. Aegon protested his father's expelling Maester Harrion, as he, Rhaenys, and Visenya knew him all their lives and much of what they knew was because of him. But it was clear that their father was beginning to cut off any connections he had with Westeros. The father I know is disappearing, or maybe he was always like this and needed someone like Jaenyx to bring his other self into the open.
Thinking back to Visenya, Aegon had always known that she had… peculiar interests beyond learning how to wield a sword. Maester Harrion tried to hide all of the books relating to Valyria's history and their more shocking rituals away from her wandering eyes, but she always found them no matter where he hid them. Aegon did not care that Visenya was an eager reader of real books, not the ones relating to the stories of love like that Jonquil and Florian, or that she was on her way to becoming a strong warrior in her own right despite both he and Orys complaining about her "cheating." Visenya was his sister and a dragon, and he would be damned before he allowed himself or others to try to turn her into something that she wasn't.
At the same time, Aegon saw glimpses of Visenya delving deeper in her learning about Valyrian blood magic, of which Jaenyx and his Leniar cousins served as direct sources. It seemed all wrong to him. The maesters and the septs all condemned Valyria's magic, seeing it as a reason of why the Doom happened. He had read about their rituals in pastime, and was content to accept what the books said at face value. He mostly devoted his efforts towards becoming a great warrior and knight while learning the duties of a lord when he would take over Dragonstone.
But after seeing what happened when Jaenyx and Visenya exchanged their vows, Aegon began to doubt what he knew. He was sure that the maesters could not explain how a fresh cut along the arm could suddenly be healed over fire, especially those from dragons, while condemning the practice altogether. He did not know what to think of the ritual, but at the same time, it felt… right to him. Maybe it was the dragonblood in his veins that made him feel less unsettled than most at the wedding, but he was not as unsettled as others in the wedding. It was a connection that the books or the sept could not explain, a feeling that ran deeper than the earth.
"What are you thinking, Egg?" Aegon heard Rhaenys as he turned to her.
"Just thinking about how much has changed in the last week," he admitted.
Rhaenys nodded in understanding. "It has. Not only do we have more people living with us, we now have a new addition to our family. It's… very beautiful." Aegon could see a hint of tears forming in her eyes.
Aegon smiled, happy that this was one thing that remained the same. Rhaenys might have been too prone to romantic feelings, but that was what he liked about her. The pressures from being a lord and the exhaustion that came from the training yard disappeared upon seeing her sweet smile, her beautiful dancing, and her divine playing of music. It brought more joy to him knowing that they would soon be together forever.
Aegon stroked her cheek. "It is, Rhae. Vis will be in good hands and we have more one more dragon with us. And this will be us soon."
Rhaenys grabbed his hand and gave a soft kiss on it. "Yes, Egg. Can't wait for that to happen. Although Orys here has still not found a woman of his own."
Aegon's smile grew smaller in sadness of the reality of Orys' circumstances. No proper lady would ever want to marry a bastard and it pained him that his older brother would be denied the love that he and Rhaenys would share, and hopefully Visenya and Jaenyx. "Orys would be foolish to believe that he has no love in his life. He has us and he has father. I'm sure there's a woman out there that would love him no matter how he was born."
Rhaenys nodded in hopefulness. She, Aegon, and Visenya never cared about Orys being a bastard. He got the impression that Jaenyx did not care about how he was born either, although he suspected that his distant and infrequent interactions with Orys was more because he saw him as a complete Westerosi lacking in any Valyrian characteristics. I would have to talk to him and make it clear that I will not tolerate anyone mistreating my brother.
The band finished their final tune, which got them a huge round of applause from the guests. Then, he saw Jaenyx rise from his seat next to Visenya and gestured his servant at the hall's left door, prompting the servant to open the doors for more servants, all of whom brought chests and laid them in front of the head table.
"My lords and ladies," Jaenyx began, with one of his servants translating into the common tongue for their guests to understand. "I want to thank you all for the festivities making this night a night to remember." He earned nods of approval and some cheers, but all of whom were still wary of this… upstart as Aegon heard. "To House Velaryon, your gifts of large wooden galley models will make a fine addition to the household of Belaerys and serve as a reminder of your family's mastery over the ocean, as well as who we can call on if we ever need help on the seas." He got a nod of thanks from Lord Velaryon.
"To House Celtigar, you gifted my wife and I with a horn that is said to call krakens from the sea. I look forward to putting the horn to the test and to keep it as a reminder of why the Celtigars are so valued by my good-father." Lord Celtigar nodded, smiling in appreciation to his words.
"To House Sunglass, you gifted us with a set of silver chalices with dragons engraved all over them. It was a gift truly proper for dragonlords and we shall look forward in being reminded of who we really are every day, as well as who remains below while the dragons fly high in the sky." Aegon caught his meaning, and apparently so did Lord Sunglass. He was aware of the Sunglass' poor attempts to have Visenya join their family and he was making it clear as to why they failed. Lord Sunglass forced a smile, though the rest of the hall saw his face grow red in embarrassment.
"I shall give proper thanks to other lords and ladies present for their gifts in the days after tonight. However, it is time that I present my own gifts to my new family." He had the servants open the chests in front of the head table and Aegon did not expect to see what came from inside them.
"Lord Targaryen," Jaenyx first approached him. "You made this wedding possible and as my good-father, you deserve a gift befitting of one with dragonblood." He held his hands out, which revealed a set of rings with rubies encrusted on all of them. "These belonged to my grandfather, Lord Baesellar Belaerys of the Basilisk Isles. He lived to see ninety name days and the magic flowing from these blood rubies and the fire from the valyrian steel that made these rings allowed him to live longer than most men could, passing away only when he took them off. I hope that these rings will allow you to live for centuries, as long as the dragons."
Their father took the rings from Jaenyx's hands, looking over them in awe. He put them on all of his fingers, come around the table to stare Jaenyx square in his eyes. Although they did not yet have a loving bond with each other, Aegon knew that they respected each other. Jaenyx giving him a family heirloom meant he was fulfilling his promise to treat them all with kindness and respect, which their father returned with an embrace. "Thank you, my son," he heard him say.
There were cheers in the hall before Jaenyx continued. "Lady Targaryen," he moved towards their mother. "I might not have known you as long as your husband and children, but you deserve a gift suiting one who had raised fine dragons." He brought forth a necklace with green-colored beads and a large sapphire in its center. There were markings over the steel lining around the sapphire, markings that Aegon did not recognize as Valyrian or even that of the runes of the First Men he had studied. "This necklace was originally made in Yi-Ti, and the green color of the beads is the natural color of jade, a mineral as valuable as gold in the rest of the world. The Yi-Ti say that jade represents purity, gentleness, and love, all of which I know that you gave to your children. So let this necklace be a reminder of your success as a lady and mother."
Aegon saw Jaenyx pause when he said "mother", not forgetting that he had lost his parents. Maybe one day, he'll find out how she died. Now, she saw their mother round the table and gave him a light embrace, although it was not as strong as their father's. "Thank you," she said while more cheers followed.
"Aegon," Jaenyx turned to him. "We're brothers now and I've seen the way you handle yourself with the sword. Although I know that Blackfyre will protect you well, let this serve you where Blackfyre can't." He held out a Valyrian steel sword with a black-colored dragon crossguard, red handle, and a yellow sapphire that matched Balerion's eyes. What Aegon noticed was that unlike Blackfyre, this was a greatsword and thus allowing greater reach than with Blackfyre. Aegon took a moment to marvel at the sword.
"How did you get this?" Aegon asked, eyes still looking over the blade.
"Some of the Rahitheons had blades already made from when we were at the Basilisk Isles, but not the hilts. I had them make that one over the next few days from some of the valuables we had."
Putting the sword down next to his heat, Aegon came to Jaenyx and hugged him tightly. "Thank you, brother." Although still unsure of Jaenyx, he knew that he was more at ease with him thanks to his actions.
Jaenyx returned the hug. "Not a problem, Aegon." He moved towards Orys, which surprised everyone present. "I know we may not have the closest bond, but I saw you handle yourself with a warhammer at the training yard. And now you will have a weapon that will always serve you well, one that served the Tarareons when Valyria defeated the Rhoynar," he held out a Valyrian steel axe, with a head as large as Orys' and a shaft as long as his legs.
Orys looked over the axe, surprised that Jaenyx even considered him. However, both he and Aegon knew that he did this to avoid disrespecting their father and family and not really because he saw him as his brother. "Thank you," Orys managed. Appearances still mattered.
"I will save my wife's gift for last, for my gift to Rhaenys is not a material object. I am told that you like music, sister." She nodded, giddy at what he was going to do. "I have prepared a song that I am sure you, your family, and the hall will enjoy. And this will be a new experience for you all, for I will play a tune that is dear to the hearts of those back in Nihon, one of the three lands of Yi-Ti." He gestured to three men Aegon recognized were from Yi-Ti, all of them carrying large harp-like tables to the front of the hall.
After setting down the harp tables, which Aegon heard were called kotos, Jaenyx and two of the Yi-Ti men sat down and played. It was a tune in a style that Aegon had never heard before, all of them playing in perfect harmony and their strings giving off a sound that harps could not match. It quickened before slowing down momentarily, taking moments to focus on one note at a time. There were quick note changes in some places before the pace, playing the beginning sounds of the song, quickened and slowed down again. What Aegon noticed that harmony existed throughout the song. Although not a music lover like Rhaenys, he knew that this song was synchronous and the sounds too perfect. More importantly, there was a calming feeling that came from the song, as if his mind was taken to a state where he could focus on his inner calm and ponder about the deep questions. Hang on. Why am I feeling this way? Why do I feel so… contemplative? Something's not right.
What was more surprising to Aegon was seeing Visenya watching the whole performance. She was easily bored with music, but here she was listening carefully. And Aegon could see that she was liking the calming effect the music seemed to give off. I don't believe it. She's listening to music and not being averting her eyes.
The song finished, with a round of applause in the hall following. Rhaenys came round the table and hugged Jaenyx tightly, thanking her brother for such good music.
"And now for my wife's gift. This was the most difficult to choose, for I am sure everyone knows how much of a hard woman she is." There were murmurs of agreement, which Jaenyx absorbed before pulling out his final gift. Unlike the others, this was not a sword or jewellery. This was a blue silk dress, though not one in the normal sense.
"This is called a dragon coat, but this is not a dress in the traditional sense. As you can see, the silk is woven together with plates protecting the torso and shoulders, all of which are made of Valyrian steel. Each of the silk threads has been dipped in dragon's blood, which together with the Valyrian steel plates make this impermeable to everything up to dragonfire. This was what Jaenara Belaerys wore when she explored Sothoryos and has been passed down to every Belaerys woman since then. The silk was dipped in the blood of her own dragon, Terrax. And as a woman acknowledged as a warrior in her own right and now carrying the name Belaerys, I can think of no one better to wear this coat than you."
Visenya held out the dress, eyes in wonder at such a fine work. You crafty bastard, Aegon thought. Visenya's leather dresses with chainmail were the only dresses that she would bear to wear. Now, Jaenyx gave her a dress that would not only made her look more beautiful, but fulfilled her need to be protected like a warrior should. On top of that, the blue silk also symbolized Visenya being a Belaerys. No matter her name, she is our sister. We are three heads of a dragon and nothing can change that.
Putting the dress on her left arm, Visenya walked to Jaenyx and pulled him in for a deep kiss. Everyone in the hall cheered, save the Sunglass'.
"And now," their father stood up. "It's time for Lord and Lady Belaerys to retire for the night. But rest assured, the feast will continue."
Getting the cue, Aegon stood up while handing his gift from Jaenyx to a servant, to be put in his room. He, Rhaenys, and Orys escorted their sister and their good-brother out of the hall to their chambers, their guests cheering for them as they walked out.
In the relative silence of the halls, Aegon could feel the nervousness coming from all of them. Rhaenys and Orys sharing his uncertainty in how their sister will fare in her wedding night, and Visenya and possibly Jaenyx unsure if their first night as man and wife would be a good one. All Aegon could hope for was Visenya being happy, for it would be truly painful to watch her growing attraction for her now husband come crashing down after what is supposed to be a memorable time for both of them.
Reaching Visenya's chambers, which they both agreed to spending their first night in, Visenya and Jaenyx turned around to see their family one last time before the plunge. Rhaenys hugged her sister and wished her a good night, which Visenya returned. Orys and Aegon also hugged her, no words exchanged but all of them knowing what they wished for her. Jaenyx hugged his good-sister, their fast friendship obvious to all, while Jaenyx embraced Aegon, respect evident to those who could see. Jaenyx looked up to Orys, clasping his hand but tension obvious. They saw Visenya walk first into their chambers before Jaenyx followed, both giving them a final look before closing the door.
Orys walked to return to the feast and the Sunglass lady he would most certainly try to seduce. As for Aegon and Rhaenys, they walked slowly through the hallways, their hands held tightly and big smiles growing on their faces. It will be their turn soon. Yes, it will be us very soon, Rhae, Aegon thought as he felt happiness spread through his body. He looked to see Rhae thinking the same thing. Before reentering the hall, Rhaenys put her arms around Aegon's neck and pulled him in for a kiss. They remained there for a few moments before returning to the feast.