"Did you hear that Brian and Edward next class had a fight?" said one kid.
"Woah for real? This doesn't even feel like a high school anymore, everyone's fighting all the time" said another.
"Hey, but who do you think is the strongest?" he asked.
The other boys fell silent for a minute.
Slowly, each one gave their answers one by one along with their reasoning.
One said Zack Lee, other said Daniel Park one more said Euntae Lee.
"Did you hear boss? People are saying that you are weaker than Daniel and Zack" said a member of the Burn Knuckles.
"It's ok. I can be weaker than my friends. What matters is that I shouldn't be weaker than the bad guys." said Vasco with a smile.
"But you are all wrong." said the kid who had started the question.
The others looked at him quizzically. What did he mean?
"The real strongest is Vin Jin from the Dance & Vocal department" in a matter of fact voice.
The others burst into laughter. Vin Jin? Sure. A guy who had never fought in school was the strongest? Fat chance. Heck, he doesn't even come to school very often because he is busy practicing for his debut in OK Talent.
"I lived in Sejong for years before coming to Seoul you know." he said.
"Our city had a notorious gang, whose influence went far and wide. Yet they didn't dare take a measly province of Cheonliang. Do you even know why?" he asked.
The others looked at him curious.
"I heard because there was a crew there led by a guy who was like real young, like a middle schooler young. He controlled the entire region like a real gangster. People's description of him is exactly like Vin. Always wearing shades, etc." he said.
The others went quiet. Strongest in the school is one thing, strongest in a region? That's unheard of. That's like the territory of real adults, real gangsters. Not highschoolers like them and this guy is saying Vin was in their league?
Suddenly Vin passed by them, they held their breaths, did he hear them by chance?
Vin gave the boys a quick glance but didn't say anything. It would be troublesome.