Chereads / Lookism (Fan fic) / Chapter 13 - Ch 428: The Hunt for Big Deal (Lookism Reimagined)

Chapter 13 - Ch 428: The Hunt for Big Deal (Lookism Reimagined)

Gun suddenly got a call from Crystal.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Oppa where are you?" she asked.

"Running an errand for Charles" he replied.

"I got a message from dad he told me to forward to you. Fall back." she said.

"Why didn't he call me to tell me himself?" Gun asked confused.

"I don't know. He said you were not picking up. Now just fall back." she said as she hung up.

Gun was confused. This was the perfect opportunity to bring Eugene down. Why was Charles getting cold feet at the last minute? 

Gun felt frustrated. Just stop immediately and fall back. Well, if it's what Charles said. Then it will be what he would do. 

James stepped towards Daniel, Zack and Vasco. 

"You guys should give up now." he said calmly.

Daniel suddenly threw a punch at him, James blocked it.

"You are very bold." he said grinning.

"I learnt that one should never hesitate." said Daniel as Vasco and Zack joined him to attack James Lee. 

James easily dodged or blocked their attacks, returning with much stronger ones of his own until Daniel pinned his leg with his foot and then proceeded to land a clean punch on his face. James immediately returned the gesture by slamming Daniel's face on the ground with a kick, knocking him down. He then made quick work of Zack and Vasco. 

"That was a clean hit. But it would take much more to defeat me." he said calmly.

"You were right Gun. He is your masterpiece. But unfortunately, he doesn't even scale anywhere close to you." he added facing the Oni. 

"You are right. He requires more polishing. But, he is someone who has the ability to think on the spot James Lee. He is my masterpiece after all." said Gun grinning.

James was slightly confused. He turned to look at Daniel who was barely sitting up. 

"I also learnt that, if you aren't strong enough at the moment. Then you must make even stronger friends." said Daniel with slight difficulty. 

James turned around to see Vin Jin approaching. 

"Long time no see motherfucker." said Vin Jin angrily.

FLASHBACK (Events right after One Night II)

Vin Jin was just done with a training session in OK talent agency when he got a call from an unknown number.

"How are you kid?" said a voice.

"Why did you call Taesoo Ma?" answered Vin calmly.

"I have news. For you." he said.

"I am listening." said Vin as he walked down the stairs.

"I fought James Lee. Apparently the bastard changed his identity. He is now known as the pop-star Diego Kang." he informed.

Vin froze.

"A pop-star?" he asked.

"Yes. What surprised me even more was the fact that he stepped in a fight between me and J-High students. The kid named Daniel Park appeared to have a history with him. You study in the same school right? Do you think you know any of them?" asked Taesoo.

"Oh I know them too well." said Vin as he hung up the call and marched towards the school angrily. 

He arrived around lunch break and went straight to the Fashion Department. Shoving aside a few students he reached Daniel and picked him up in the air from his collar. 

"HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW HIM!" he screamed angrily.

"Hey hey, what the hell are you doing?" said Zack alarmed as he got up from his chair ready to intervene, Jay was ready too. 

"Calm down, Vin. I believe there must have been a misunderstanding." said Daniel cautiously. 

Vin looked around. He could just beat everyone up and get his answers. But he decided to use dialogue for now. Going to a quiet place, the two began talking.

"How the fuck do you know James Lee? I know you must be someone close to him. You worked in his entertainment industry, even danced with him on stage. He knows you personally doesn't he?" asked Vin, his patience wearing thin.

"I don't. I mean, its because of the circumstances. Listen. Me knowing DG was purely by chance. But I am just so engulfed in this mess." said Daniel hesitating, he was thinking of how to tell him without bringing up his two bodies.

"DG wants me to destroy the 4 major crews." he said.

"And you do it like an obedient dog of his?" said Vin as he prepared to punch Daniel.

"Yes, but not for him! I have my other reasons!" he said quickly. 

"I will ask this one time Daniel Park. Do you or do you not, work for or with James Lee." said Vin.

"No I don't. I give you my word for it." said Daniel with a serious face. 

"I want to kill DG." said Vin.

"What?" asked Daniel shocked.

"He and I have a history. Because of him, my family was hurt. I will not rest until I pay him back for it ten times more." said Vin as he turned around and began to leave.

"Wait! Do you want to have your revenge?" asked Daniel his brain thinking quickly. 

"What?" asked Vin stopping.

"I will give you an opportunity to have your revenge, I promise. In return. I want you to lend me your strength when I ask for it." said Daniel. He had seen Vin fight. He had a rough idea that he was very strong, having the ability to easily overwhelm the likes of Olly Wang and fight hundreds of people all alone. Even now, he easily picked him up with his grip strength alone. His history in Cheonliang though unknown to him must mean that Vin is someone extremely strong. Even Gun respected him after all. 

"Fine." said Vin as he left.


Vin started wrapping hand tape on his fingers as he glared at James with immense rage.

"I will kill you motherfucker." he said as without warning he suddenly removed his glasses. Everyone around was surprised except Gun and James. 

He had two irises in one eye. A condition called Polycoria. 

"Vin Jin. Do you really think you have what it takes to bring me down?" asked James calmly.

"Oh yes I do you piece of shit." said Vin.

James dashed at him with incredible speed. A cloud of dust gathered around them, blocking them from the view of others around.

"Looks like your strong friend went down Daniel Park. Not unexpected. He was up against the legend after all." said Eugene calmly. 

"You truly need better glasses Eugene." said Daniel as the dust settled, revealing that Vin Jin had actually grabbed James's leg, blocking the kick. 

Everyone was shocked. Gun grinned. 

'How the hell did he managed to block an invisible attack from James Lee?' thought Sinu Han and Jake Kim in disbelief. 

"You are still the same James Lee." said Vin Jin grinning as he tightened his grip on James's leg and swung him around, throwing him away. James smoothly landed on his feet, unfazed. 

"You could see my attack?" asked James curious. 

Vin's mutated eye was gleaming as he stared back at James with immense concentration. He removed his jacket and ripped off his shirt. Revealing the scar on his chest. 

"My Polycoria isn't just for show." he replied.

(Do you know why is it so hard to swat a housefly? Its because of its eyes. On each of its eye, it has 4000 to 5000 lenses. It also has a third eye to perceive motion. The combined result allows it to capture many more images at a given time allowing it to view things almost 5 times slower than normal humans or any other animal, this allows them to react much more quicker since they see things slower. In the same way, I imagined Vin Jin's Polycoria to grant him somewhat the same ability, allowing him to use the two irises of his left eye to see things 2 times slower than other normal humans. This is kind of like a bloodline ability of Mujin Jin only. Their mutated eye allows them to see things in slow-motion, but only from that eye when they concentrate on it hard enough. This gives them the edge to react faster to high speed attacks which makes them useless against them. This along with Mujin Jin's superior grip strength and power allowed him to rival the likes of Gapryong Kim and be one of the peak of the pre gen. In reality however, Polycoria doesn't do anything abnormal, in fact, people with Polycoria have slightly less and blurry vision in their mutated eye.)

"Oh I see. You truly are a blessed one when it comes to fighting against invisible attack users then." said James with serious face. 

Eugene was shocked. Polycoria? This is just an overkill ability then. If Vin can see the invisible attacks, it levels the playing field for him. Could this be anyone's victory now?

Vin dashed at James, his punches were being dodged, but James's attacks couldn't land either. Both kept attacking and dodging with immense speed and force. 

Zack and Vasco were shocked, they couldn't even keep up with their speed.

"Incredible. You truly earned the title of King of Cheonliang, boy king" said James as he paused for a moment.

Everyone present there except Gun were shocked. King of Cheonliang? Boy King? 

'So this is who the shitty monk was talking about' thought Zack to himself remembering Gongseob's Ji's words about a guy his age who rivalled even the strongest of Kings. Gong and other kings had personally fought against him to train him. Soon he outshone almost everyone in the first gen due to his bloodline talent. His father, Mujin Jin who was an equal to Gapryong Kim himself. 

Even Taesoo had used the term boy king. They didn't know that he was referring to Vin.

"Shut up and fight!" yelled Vin as he dashed at him again. 

"But you are still nothing like the original." said James as he kicked again, this time Vin barely dodged the kick unlike the previous times. Vin was startled. Did James increase the speed of his kicks? He could still see the attacks in slow motion. They were still fast, but perceivable to him. 

"You can only see things in slow motion. That doesn't mean you are fast enough to dodge with equal speed." said James as the speed of his kicks increased, each time narrowly missing Vin, the distance was getting closer. 

"You can't even see in slow motion with both your eyes, your right eye is still normal. You are just concentrating extremely hard to not use the vision in that eye. That already restricts your field of view since you are only using your left eye." deduced James.

Vin Jin was very surprised. 'Did this bastard just figured all this in a matter of minutes? How? This ability was the ace up his sleeve. Something which no one else could have. His eye. A gift from his father.' he thought to himself. It did its job perfectly. But the problem was that he still wasn't fast enough by his body movements.

"That just means that you have a very obvious blind spot." continued James as he now aimed a kick from Vin's far right, Vin shifted his concentration to both his eyes, the right eye which was normal couldn't perceive the kick's speed and he felt the full brunt of the kick, flying towards a nearby wall. 

He coughed out some blood. The kick was very powerful. His ability had a very obvious weakness and this guy had figured it in a matter of minutes. It wasn't omnipotent. It didn't give him any power. Just the ability to perceive, his body still needed to be strong to keep up. 

He staggered and got to his feet, wiping his mouth. 

"Don't be disheartened. You had very big shoes to fill after all. Seongji Yuk was a very strong person indeed." said James calmly.

This snapped something inside Vin.

"You dare say his name you fucker!" he yelled as he dashed at James again. James kicked him again.

Everyone around was extremely silent. The kick had definitely landed, everyone had heard a loud audible crack. But they couldn't see anything due to the dust which surrounded the two. Vin Jin had surely lost. 

"You are right. I have very big shoes to fill after all." said Vin Jin coughing some blood as the dust cleared. Everyone was shocked. The kick had landed perfectly on his shoulder, dislocating it. There was a large crater underneath Vin. But that was planned. For Vin had finally managed to grab James's pelvic bone. 

"You are not escaping my grip now!" said Vin smiling, revealing his bloody teeth as he lifted James up and slammed him to the ground. But he didn't stop there. He picked him up again and slammed him down again and again all thanks to the Mujin Jin Ssireum, which was something he had calibrated so perfectly that if once someone was caught, they can't escape. Before long, he had already created a large enough crater on the solid concrete with James. 

"I will make you puke blood." said Vin his eye gleaming as he took a Ssireum stance. 

"Vin Jin." said James as he got up, wiping some blood from his forehead and dusting his clothes.

"SHUT UP!" he growled as he rushed again, throwing a punch at him.

"Why do you have this misconception that you are stronger than me?" asked James calmly as he grabbed his punch.

"You truly are the strongest student Seongji Yuk taught. It is evident. You are the son of Mujin Jin after all. But what I said before still stands. You have very big shoes to fill." he said as he raised Vin and slammed him to the ground with such immense force that it created an even larger crater than before, James then jumped high in the air and stomped down on Vin. The force was so immense that the windows around shattered due to the sonic boom. 

'Its over huh.' thought Gun as he flicked away his cigarette. 'It was fun to watch. The boy certainly grew very strong'.

"I will take my leave James Lee. But remember. We will be enemies the next time we see each other." he announced as he left. 

James just glanced at Gun before looking down at Vin, he was done. He was struggling to even stand. His injuries were too great. After all, he had managed to push James to actually try. That alone was a thing to respect him for.

"You did well Vin. Seongji Yuk would have been proud. But just for you I will say this. Whatever happened between me and him, and what happened to him after. It was not my fault. No matter how much you or the other kings blame me for it." said James as he started leaving.

"I will take my leave now Eugene. You can wrap it up." he told Eugene. 

Eugene nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. Vin Jin was a very dangerous and unpredictable variable. He was able enough to do what Gun did. So even if Big Deal hadn't managed to gain the assistance of Gun, Daniel could very well have called Vin and Workers would have been destroyed. Vin certainly wasn't at the level of Gun or James. But he was now someone he needed to keep a very close eye on. 

The police SWAT arrived. They immediately started making arrests. Jake Kim tried stopping them, but then was immediately taken away by Jerry. Finally Daniel, Zack, Vasco and Vin were arrested. Daniel barely managed to get Chairman Hong on the line and have them all released. 

That frustrated Eugene. He started arguing but the Police Chief reminded him that what he asked for was done. Big Deal was destroyed.

Eugene could do nothing but stare as Daniel and others left.