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"Tell me what you got. Any tail about how he does things?"
"Tails ," said Hestia. "I set three different investigative agencies on it. You'd be surprised how cooperative they were at being paid gold up front. Some of this shit goes so deep I cannot fathom how the Ministry overlooks it."
We were sitting in my office room. It had been two days since I had charmed Hannah and her submissive mother to become my bitches, a position they were too willing to be in. Hannah, because it fulfilled her fantasies about the Boy-Who-Lived, and her mother, because she was a repressed slut that needed a powerful man to take control of her life. She was utterly content to be at my knees, my cock in her mouth, and her face and tits drenched with my body fluids. Both women would occupy relevant positions in my plan, and when it passed, their sexual submissiveness would turn to blind loyalty to me, bound by extreme anchorage values, not unlike Hermione.
But that is for later. For now, I had asked Hestia to get me a thorough check-up on Lucius Malfoy's dealings as Regent Black over the last sixteen years. Gringotts was only willing to give me a statement of holdings, but any further than that would require an official notice to be sent to the man himself, with me giving away my position as Lord Conditional. But Gornuk, despite being the busy goblin he was, was accommodating enough to lend me an ear while verifying financial documents. That the documents belonged to House Black were merely a coincidence. It certainly wasn't Gornuk's fault if someone had quietly duplicated them when the goblin had visited the loo.
And all it took were a pair of chalices, crafted of pure goblin silver, taken from Grimmauld Place.
"Investigative agencies?" I asked. JKR said nothing of that sort in the books. Did she?
Hestia grunted. "There's a private company that uses house-elves for that. And a gang of werewolves operating out of Edinburgh. Got them through Chiara. The final one was an official search through Gringotts channels."
"Right, wouldn't want them to feel left out," I drawled. "About the tails?"
She pulled out a bunch of files and slapped them on the table. "House Black has a total of twenty-six investments. Seventeen of them are Share-purchases in famous companies. Firebolt Broom, Owlmaster, CYS Gailbraith, Magical Menagerie, Kwikspell Company, and so on. The profits are through dividend payouts, mostly between five to seventeen percent. Out of these seventeen, Lucius Malfoy set eight of them up, and almost all of them are performing adequately."
I grunted. "And the other nine?"
"Angel investments from House Black. Acts of support to help fledgling businesses to thrive in a cut-throat world."
Translation. Helping shady dealers help them make money in shady ways without reflecting it in the books.
"Lucius Malfoy set five among these up, but so far, two of those deserve the most attention."
She pushed the files towards me.
"Gallo-loans. It's a payday loan company, set up under Lomfay Enterprises. Unaffiliated with Gringotts. Gives out loans at a hundred and fifty percent to three hundred and seventy percent interest."
I blinked. "And… that's normal? Overcharging like that?"
"Without collateral, yes. It's a bit over the top," Hestia admitted, "but it beats the hassle of getting a loan passed at Gringotts."
Briefly I wondered if Fred & George would've ever managed to kick-start their business without Harry's help.
"What about the collection agents?"
"Petty criminals from Knockturn Alley."
I cocked my head. "A company of criminals, set up by a criminal, to help other criminals harass people. House Black's being an actual angel."
Hestia snorted. "And you're it's Lord."
"I feel angelic already."
Rolling her eyes, Hestia pointed to the next file. "This one's especially interesting. Mystical Meanderie. On paper, it's a wizarding distillery that manufactures knotgrass mead. Again, owned by Lomfay Enterprises."
I narrowed my eyes. Something about the name bugged me. "Have you gotten anything about this company? Any ties to Lucius?"
Hestia shook her head. "I'm working on it, but nothing so far. All I've got is that they set it up in 1983, and they distributed their shareholdings all across Europe, most of which are owned by tertiary companies."
That sounded suspiciously like a network of shell companies owned by someone in the shadows.
"My agents report Mystical Meanderie is also an illegal potion manufacturer."
"Illegal potion manufacturing inside a distillery? What's the world coming to?"
"Shocker, right?"
"Absolutely," I said. "I'm practically shaking! The scandal!"
Hestia snorted.
"How does it get the resources?" I asked.
"It purchases the ingredients from Phyllida Greenhouses, an asset under Greengrass Exports, owned by Broderick Greengrass. They have several greenhouses and distilleries, and are big in the herb extract trade. I think only Sleekeazy Products Inc and Green Valley Inc, owned by the Longbottoms, are the ones stopping it from establishing a monopoly in the market."
I cocked my head, years of experience in under-the-table corporate dealings rising at the back of my mind.
"This Phyllida, what does it produce?"
Hestia shrugged. "Mostly flux weed, but it's open to taking jobs from other companies."
"Like growing ingredients for Mystical Meanderies."
"Yes." Hestia agreed. "On paper, it's the least productive asset for Greengrass Exports."
So that's how it was.
I smiled at her and pushed back into my chair. "Right, now let me see if I clearly understand the situation, and in case there are any holes, I'll need you to fill in. Phyllida Greenhouses grows the ingredients for Mystical Meanderie, owned by Lomfay Enterprises, which is owned by several shell companies, likely owned by Lucius Malfoy, or Greengrass or both. Mystical Meanderie is a cover, paid by House Black's fortune, that sells these potions in the black market and makes Malfoy and Greengrass all the richer for it. For all I know, both Gallo-loans and Mystical Meanderie are shown as non-productive assets in House Black's books. Is that about the size of it?"
I looked up and found Hestia staring at me, her jaw kind of hanging limply.
I arched an eyebrow.
"...Nothing. I mean, I know you're smarter than you look, but… I didn't expect you to be this familiar with wizarding economics. Just… how do you know all this?"
Because I spent over a decade building my fortune through illegal deals. That's how.
"My uncle Vernon is a corporate Exec. He used to do a lot of this stuff," I said. It seemed like the most convenient excuse. "You'd be surprised by the kind of stuff you pick up if you're sufficiently bored out of your mind."
"So you say."
"Would I lie to you?"
"In a heartbeat," Hestia said quietly. "Honestly, if I didn't know better, I'd have said you aren't Harry Potter at all."
I smiled. "Let's return to the business at hand. What about the profits made by Gallo-loans and Mystical Meanderies? How are they faring?"
Hestia gave me an inscrutable look. "Like you said, they're non-productive assets. Gallo-loans is practically broke on paper. Nearly had to sell one of its offices two months ago. And Mystical Meanderie is barely coping up. I had the elves' service locate the place. It's in Bangor, Wales. They set the entire facility up on a stone hill, some portable units stored outside in a yard with a twelve-foot razor-wire fence, and obfuscation wards."
I drummed my fingers on my desk. "Lucius Malfoy and Greengrass are running these businesses, and funnelling the under-the-table profits directly into the Malfoy coffers. That's what bolsters his fortune and lets him keep the Minister on his payroll."
"But we have no proof."
"But… we have no proof," Harry repeated after her. "And I can't go demanding about either without revealing my status. And even if I did, the companies are broke, and House Black is an angel investor. Risk of loss comes with the territory. However…."
I drummed my fingers. Lucius probably knew of my status as a Black. Narcissa knew it, and it wouldn't be a long shot to believe that Lucius had made a study of the Black family line, just in case anyone tried to obstruct Draco-poo's ascension to Lord Black.
"However?" Hestia asked.
"This…" I placed a finger at the document on Phyllida Greenhouses. "You said it's the least productive asset in Greengrass exports, right? Say…" I drummed my fingers again. "What happens if this unit gets taken off the market?"
"Taken off?"
"Bought," I clarified.
Hestia narrowed her eyes. "I imagine Mystical Meanderie would be in trouble?"
"Why not just move the entire setup to some other spot?"
Hestia shook her head. "Harry, this is agriculture we're talking about. Magical herbs require specific conditions, environmental factors and a bunch of other things before you can cultivate them on a mass scale."
"And Phyllida fits in perfectly for ingredients used in Mystical Menagerie."
I smiled. Shark-like. "Good. That means Greengrass cannot move it. Cannot stop it. Cannot unveil it or sell it either."
"Harry?" Hestia asked warily. "What's going on in that anarchic mind of yours?"
I smiled. I'd tell Hestia about it, but only after her anchorage crossed the fifty mark. Until then, I'd be playing things close to my chest.
"Oh you know," I said. "A little of this. A little of that. I've some more work for you. Get me everything on Daphne and Astoria Greengrass."
"Are you…?" She trailed off.
I smiled. No doubt she was thinking I was gonna use my incubus powers to influence the Greengrass daughter. And to be honest, she wasn't wrong. Just not completely right.
"Yes." I said simply.
"Harry?" Hestia said, wariness seeping into her voice. "You're smart. I don't know how, but it's obvious you've got hands-on experience at this thing. Honestly, it's insulting that you'd think that excuse would fool me. But you know what? I don't care. I work for you, and protecting the Boy-Who-Lived is my priority."
"What are you going to do?" I asked, my fingers dancing on the table. "Run to Dumbledore and spill my secrets?"
Hestia stayed silent for a long moment before her head moved in the slightest of shakes.
"Because you're Harry Potter. And whatever secret allows you to be like this, I'm sure you've excellent reasons to keep it safe. That and…"
Hestia exhaled. "Our world needs change. A big one. A drastic one. And I've not seen Albus Dumbledore be that force of change, not even in the last war. He was a… shield. You, on the other hand, are a sword."
I decided I rather liked that analogy.
"My oaths at the Order prevent me from giving out its secrets to you, just like the ones I gave you keep me from spilling yours to them. But I know Professor Dumbledore believes you should be protected, and I agree, so I'll protect you, with my life if need be. But whatever you're doing, are you… are you absolutely sure you're ready to tread through those dangerous waters? Digging into Malfoy's records was one thing, but directly going after him and Broderick Greengrass?"
"You think I'm not up to it?"
"Honestly? I think you're way out of your league here. They called Lucius Malfoy the 'Boogeyman' back during the last war. The Dark Lord might kill you, but Lucius Malfoy would destroy your reputation, your finances, your family, and leave you down on the ground, screaming your lungs out in impotent rage. And you're going after him."
I smiled. Back in my world, I too had a reputation. And it was time this world bore witness to it. Who better than Lucius Malfoy to do the honours?
"You called me a sword. There's a saying. A sword cares not where it falls, only that it is swung."
Hestia narrowed her eyes. "And you believe in it?"
I stood up from my chair. "No. I live by it."
It was only a few minutes later after Hestia left that I slowly trundled down the stairs to the living room, right next to the foyer. The sight of Hermione stopped me in my tracks. She was bending over, her head in the Floo, talking to someone, her side profile visible to me. I could see her breasts hanging down, pressing against the silk fabric of her robe, her nipples cutting large dents in the otherwise smooth surface. My cock stirred instantly and my mind travelled down all sorts of naughty paths.
"Now that's an excellent sight," I announced my presence.
Hermione lifted her head out of the flames, and I watched with erotic fascination as her breasts bounded and swayed until finally coming to prominent rest tightly against the silk fabric. She caught me looking and moved her arms to cover herself, somehow managing to only look more voluptuous in the process.
"I was talking to Ginny."
"About what?"
"I invited her."
I arched an eyebrow. Ginny and Hermione had been fast friends in canon, with Hermione going so far as giving Ginny advice on snagging Harry. But in this reality, knowing Hermione's deepest desires, her vow to be on his side, her being cursed, and most importantly, her living with me, things had gone sideways. Ginny had a possessive streak a mile wide, but it was mollified by her anchor crossing the fifty mark. On the other hand, Hermione knew of his need to fuck other women. Was that why….
"To do what?"
A small smile formed on her face. "To get fucked by you, of course."
She said that it was the most natural thing in the world.
"You told me you need to bed other women to gain strength. And you've already fucked her." She lifted her shoulder in a half shrug. "Two plus two is four."
"And I don't get a say in that?"
She arched an eyebrow. "No. You only get to make me feel better about it."
I chuckled. "So be it."
I strode ahead and grabbed her by the hips. She let out a yelp as I pulled her to me, her hands caressing my face softly, and my throbbing cock pressing against her.
"Is that for Ginny, or are you just happy to see me?"
I rolled my eyes. Hermione laughed, and locked me in a deep, passionate kiss, my tongue generously invading her mouth. I slipped a hand under the soft fabric of her robe, running my fingers lightly over her full breast. I moved over her smooth flesh until hitting the thick, hard nub of her erect nipple. Hermione sighed deeply as I lightly pinched the sensitive tip between my thumb and finger and pulled slightly. I made sure to tease her sensitive, hard nipples, which she clearly loved. I spun her over and kissed her ear and neck softly. Hermione was always there for me, giving me free rein to conquer and bed other women. It was only fair to make her feel that she mattered, and no matter whom I bedded, she'd always excite me in ways that no one could.
I pressed my hardness against her back and could feel my cock settle in the crack of her ass. Subconsciously I was making slow, purposeful thrusts against her and she reacted by pushing back against me encouraging me to continue. I spun her back again, and pulled her robe open, freeing her large breasts from their silky confines. Dropping my mouth to her nipples, I sucked them hard, my tongue moving around the tip. Hermione gasped as I moved from one breast to another, taking in as much of their softness into my mouth.
"Lick my pussy," she whispered.
Without waiting for my response, she swung a leg up and over the counter, beyond which lay my mini-bar, exposing her full body to me. Not wanting to disappoint, I dropped to my knees and quickly drove my tongue inside her dripping pussy. Gently at first, and then sucked her as hard as I could.
"Oh, my! Merlin Harry! Yes! YES! Kiss my cunt! YES! FUCK! You are so fucking good at this! FUCK!" she moaned out. As I felt her juices dripping from her naked cunt, landing on my jeans, I ceased the kissing and extended my tongue, attacking the tight folds again. "God fucking damn! Yes!" she squealed, shaking with pleasure. She reached back with her other hand and grabbed the back of my head, joining her other hand, now relying on me fully to keep her standing as she really pulled my face into her pussy.
"YES! YES! YES! Get in there! Please, Harry! Get your tongue deeper! Yes!"
Her fingers criss crossed over the back of my head, her werewolf strength putting pressure on me, as I eagerly complied. I pushed her legs further apart, and grabbed her arse-cheeks, with a thumb penetrating her arsehole as I dug my tongue deeper into her.
"Yes! Yes! Fuck! Suck my cunt! Suck my fucking pussy! Yes!" she squealed with delight. My tongue wiggled inside her, making her squirm in pleasure. She was getting worked up, her pussy dripping with her heated juices, her tanned body shining with a sheen of sweat, adding to her wicked appeal, adding to the lust of the moment.
I shook my face against her juicy ass, revelling in the wicked act. As my eager mouth attacked her tasty folds, the work required had its effect. My tongue was tiring, forcing me to slide my tongue from her tight asshole and resume rimming the clenched hole. It was time to make her orgasm.
Hermione's eyes rolled back into her head and she arched her back. Her luscious tits tightened, her hard nipples sharp as steel. Her nails dug deep into my neck and her legs locked my head forcefully as she screamed as loud as possible. Greedily, I drank her nectar, and pushed myself up, meeting her in a steamy kiss. Hermione tasted herself in my mouth, our tongues twirling around each other.
Hermione collapsed forward as I pulled her off the counter. She draped against my back as she clutched onto me, reaching around and taking my cock, which had conveniently found the hole in my boxers. She grasped my hardness firmly as she moved up and down my shaft, trying to catch her breath.
"That was fucking amazing, and you're so hard," Hermione murmured behind me, in obvious satisfaction and desire as she continued to jerk my cock.
"My turn."
Hermione turned me around and looked directly at me as she switched hands and continued moving up and down my shaft.
"What do you want?" She cooed, her brown eyes searching deep into mine. Eyes that had developed a faint trace of silver in them.
My fingers reached to her arse-cheeks, and I dug a finger into her tight hole.
Hermione's eyes flashed with lust. "Is that what you want?"
I smiled at her mischievously. "Unless you don't?"
Hermione closed her eyes and tensed a bit as the words rang pleasurably through her. "I… we haven't done that before."
"If you're uncomfortable.."
"No… no…" she said, embracing me. "I told you, Harry. Everything I have is yours. My mouth, my pussy, my arse, everything. Just…"
"Just?" I arched an eyebrow.
"Ginny…" she said, "we didn't finish our talk. She's probably still waiting for me to call back. But it's okay, I can always do that late—"
I shushed her with a finger. "No need. You can have your talk with Ginny." I brought my lips next to her ear and whispered. "While I bugger your arse."
Hermione shivered. "But Ginny—"
"Without her knowing. Show me how much restraint you've got."
"Restraint?" she asked incredulously. "With your cock in me?"
I took the point, knowing full well that if we fucked, she'd scream in hot pleasure. Honestly, I was looking forward to seeing Hermione lose control while on the Floo call. With Ginny listening to her cries on the other side. And if Ron was nearby…
My cock throbbed at the idea.
"So?" I asked the lascivious witch in my arms. "You in?"