Chereads / Harry Potter: Seducing Destiny / Chapter 9 - Chapter 9: Tricky Maneuvers (2)

Chapter 9 - Chapter 9: Tricky Maneuvers (2)

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Fear can literally feel like ice water. It can be an icy feeling that you swallow, that rolls down your throat and spreads into your chest. It steals your breath and makes your heart labor when it shouldn't, before expanding into your belly and hips, leaving quivers behind. Then it heads for the thighs, the knees (occasionally with an embarrassing stop on the way), stealing the strength from the long muscles that think you should use them to run the hell away.

I swallowed a mouthful of fear, held my wand tighter, my eyes on the horrifically dangerous wizard in front of me, with the mythical Elder wand pointed in my direction. If Dumbledore had indeed found out about my true origins, then this was probably my last moment in this new world. There existed no spell, no perk, nothing that could protect me if Albus Dumbledore came after me. While I was sure he might not exactly kill me, he'd probably extract everything from my mind, and then send me packing to the weirdos of the Department of Mysteries.

Instead, Dumbledore lowered his wand.

"Do not be afraid," the Professor said, "It was not my wish to frighten you. It's just that the answers to your questions require a bit of… privacy."

I clenched my wand tighter and looked around, at the transparent barrier all around us, my inquisitiveness getting the better of me. "What… is this spell?"

"Cave Inimicum," he answered, pronouncing it at 'cah-vey-un-nimi-kuhm', "a powerful protective charm. It creates a boundary around the caster, keeping others from perceiving what's inside, blocking all five senses."

I blinked. That was a surprisingly useful spell. Wait, hadn't Hermione cast something similar back in the seventh book to hide their tent from Scabior?

"Before the idea even appears in your mind, no, you may not try to learn this spell. It is a NEWT-level spell and way beyond anything you've tried."

Given what I knew about spells, I conceded that point.

Dumbledore gave me a tentative nod, as though deeming me worthy of his time, and I released the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"You're right," He said, his eyes distant and nostalgic, "Saying that you'll be glad to have saved Pettigrew's life feels empty boasts. One that suits muggle fortune tellers and false prophets. The truth is Harry, my family – the Dumbledores, we are blessed with a strange prophetic condition. A strange, albeit limited clairvoyance that expresses itself in the most wondrous of ways."

I knew what he was talking about. A perk. Albus Dumbledore's perk.

"What… kind of ability?"

"Probability," He replied. "I have an ability that allows me to manipulate probabilities, to a very small extent. In practical terms, it translates to occasionally having very precise hunches about things. I might not know what lies around the next bend, or the right moment to strike or retreat, but occasionally, my instincts demand that certain things be done, certain actions be taken, even if those actions and things might not make any sense at that moment. But somehow, those actions always, always end up with outcomes like I had predicted."

"That is… some power," I admitted,a little stunned as I tried to wrap my head around the full implications of such an ability. Unless Dumbledore was lying, such a power definitely explained a lot of things. His allowing Hermione to have access to a Time Turner, regardless of the fact that she'd use it for taking extra classes. In fact, the more I thought of it, the more sense it made. Dumbledore made weird and surprising moves, handing Harry with just enough information to keep going and yet hiding away the more relevant portions. Hell, he hadn't even helped the boy learn any martial magic. Were all of them actions made by a man under the influence of a prophetic condition? Or was this simply an excuse he was using to make me believe him?

"You think that my saving Pettigrew–"

"Will it help you in the long run? Yes. I'm afraid I can't tell you how, but it will."

It certainly did in the books. But it was nothing compared to getting him captured or even better, killed.

"You cannot fully know the future, Harry. Even true prophecies have a chance of being proved wrong. On the other hand, significant events have a… resistance to them. The more significant it is, the greater the chances of that event coming to pass, regardless of what you do."

"Voldemort will rise in power again," I sighed.

"He will, and it will be greater than before. But that does not mean he's undefeatable. It is almost impossible to kill him as he currently is. But when he gains a corporeal form…"

"We can kill him?"

Dumbledore looked at me strangely and then said, "yes."

My mind raced, wondering what this meant for me. I certainly didn't remember the Dumbledore of the books sharing this information with Harry. Which meant, his sudden visits, this discussion, his willingness to share information, all of this showed towards a future that Dumbledore thought was in his favor.

"Professor…" I said at last, "If Voldemort comes back to power, he'll come after me. Then… Can you teach me how to be better?"

Dumbledore smiled. "I believe I have told this to you in the past, Harry. Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those that ask for it."

It took an entire two seconds for me to fully grasp what the man was telling me. And then I glanced back at his face and found his blue eyes twinkling behind those half-moon spectacles.

Dumbledore nodded.

I grinned.

The exam results came out later during the afternoon. Ron, Hermione and I had passed every subject. Surprisingly, Snape had given me an Exceeds Expectations in Potions. I figured that with Sirius dead, the sadistic man was probably maddeningly blissful. Plus, seeing Harry Potter nearly dying probably affected the man a little, what with Lily Evans' son and all that.

Silver linings and all that.

The term was now officially over, and the Hogwarts Express would pull out at the Hogsmeade station tomorrow, so everyone was busy packing and chattering away with their housemates until late at night, making me wonder if Ginny would try to come to my dorm room at all amid all the commotion. I lay on my bed, waiting until the sounds had died down, discounting Ron's snoring which had gone up, but Ginny was a no-show.

One hour.

Two hours.

There was still no sign of hers. Hell, she hadn't even left her dorm room as per the Map. I reasoned the girls were probably still awake in the room, in which case, Ginny would probably not get the chance to get out. Besides, I had to get up early the next day and decided that getting some shut eye was probably for the best.

It was then that I noticed.


On the map.

Ginny was climbing down the stairs of her dormitory towards the Common Room. With a flick of my wand, I sent the Map folded and packing into my trunk. I had already cast the Silencing charm just to be safe. I didn't want to show that I was in fact, waiting for her and so I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

That made all the difference.

Around five minutes later, I felt the doorknob turn ever so softly that it barely made a sound at all, with someone pulling it back. I squinted my eyes, only to see a wand peeking out as someone whispered–

"Petrificus Totalus!"

Before I knew it, my body had gone stiff as a log, completely unmoving despite my best attempts. I couldn't move my arms, and my wand was underneath my pillow. I couldn't do anything more than squint at her, and even then my vision was blurry. Damn these glasses! Seriously, I needed to find a proper optometrist and get my eyesight fixed, no matter the cost.

The door opened further, and Ginny Weasley stepped into the room. I grew anxious as she raised her wand a second time, but luckily, it was at Ron and the others and whispered, "Morpheus!"

The sleeping hex. I knew Ginny was supposedly good at curses, knowing her infamous Bat-Bogey hex, but seeing her cast was another thing altogether. There was no actual difference between the other boys since they were already fast-asleep.

And then she strode towards me until she was looming over me.

I lay motionless, my body cold from the hex but my heart already beating like mad. I knew the theory behind the petrifying hex, and how to undo it. It was just that without access to my wand; it was going to take longer.

"Harry?" she whispered, "Harry, oh you're awake!"

She grabbed the covers and pulled it off, her hand feeling through my shorts. She gasped as her shaking, tentative fingers brushed against my cock, which already had blood flowing through it.

Guess there were some bodily actions that the petrifaction hex didn't cover.

"Oh! You're… hard!"

Of course I was. Sure I was wondering what the deal was with the petrifaction, but the sound of her breath on my chest and her fingers jacking my cock was enough to make me wait and see what she wanted. I slept without my shirt on, and Ginny pulled my pants off, revealing my body for her viewing pleasure. She dragged her tongue from the base of my shaft, lovingly tracing the line of my vein. She then licked my balls and let out a deep, deep moan.

Sliding her hands against my waist, Ginny slid her mouth down my shaft, opening her throat to try to fit it all. She straddled my naked thigh, and I could feel that she was naked from the waist down, her cunt wet and warm and shaved. And then, she slid downwards.

"Ugh!" She gasped, pulling her mouth up, saliva and pre-cum dripping from her lips, "I'm… Oh!"

I didn't respond. I couldn't.

So, I focused on my magic. The petrifaction hex was a simple one, and a sudden outburst of magic was more than enough to disperse it off. Gathering my magic, coalescing it together, almost like a taut bow. I flexed the power, and internally prepared myself to cast the general counter-spell, only without a wand. Power flooded through me, and the hex was broken.

But I didn't react, or let her know. I wanted to see the limits she had set on her debauchery. That is if she had any.

Ginny leaned back and took her shirt off by the hem, sliding it off her body in one smooth motion. I regretted not being able to look at her breasts, nor grasp them as she straddled me, but that anticipation, and knowing that I had to free myself while not letting her know, only made me harder.

And then she slid her leaking pussy across my chest until it was right in my face. Obviously I couldn't lick it because of the hex, so instead I watched her rub her pussy all over my face, smearing it with her juices while her thighs squeezed around my head, her body writhing in ecstasy as she bobbed her head on my cock. Then she turned over and asked, "Harry? Harry, are you angry?"

I didn't respond. I could have, but instead, I wondered. Just what part of Ginny Weasley was this? Petrifying me and having her way with me? Nothing about the girl– whether from the books, or Harry's memories, suggested that she had a rape fantasy. It only made me wonder just how different was this world than how Rowling painted it to be.

Guess I'd find out soon enough.

"Oh!" She muttered, "You're trying to fight it! As expected! But… oh, this makes it so much better you know!"

She began to slide her moist hips around, rubbing the head of my cock against her wet pussy. The head poked easily into her snatch.

"Oh…!" She sank it down on it, all the way, her arse quivering all the while, the muscles on her thighs gripping me right. My cock slid into her as easily as a greased piston, and yet she was so tight, and tense like a coiled wire. I was fully inside her, and then her whole body shuddered. I had filled her.

I suppressed the urge to grab her.

"Oh!" She groaned, "Oh fuck!"

She pushed down into my chest, her arse rising up until my cockhead was perched just at the entrance of her body, and then she let herself drop back down, her arsecheeks resting on my balls. "Ahn..." she gasped. Her hands slid up my chest again, to my neck, and her thumbs dug into my throat. "Don't fight it, Harry!" she pleaded. One hand slid up my face and dug into my scalp. She raised herself up and slammed herself back down on top of me. She groaned again, her grip tightening on my neck and scalp. Her pussy gripped my naked member.

"That's it," she grunted, shifting herself forward with me still inside her. She didn't rise up this time but moved her hips only, gyrating in my lap as she shifted my cock around. The bed creaked and strained as Ginny used her powerful hips to grind on my cock and hit all of the places in her love canal she wanted to touch. "Ahh..." she gasped. Her toes curled against my calves. Her grip tightened around my neck. She rocked back and forth, soaking the base of my shaft in her cum.

"Oh fuck…!" she gasped.

She arched her back, sliding up, and slammed her arse down on me. "Ahn..." she grunted as softly as she could. She did it again, the slam of her asscheeks on my thighs a wet, dirty sound. "Ah...!"

A quake started in her belly that radiated throughout her skin, shaking her breasts, vibrating her ass. She reached between her thighs and began to play with her clitoris. She had her toys, and she was using them, finding the limits of her pleasure.

Ginny used my body. As fast or as slow as she liked, she did all the steering, shivering and shaking both from the waves of sensation rising from her pussy as much from the exertion of lifting her big, beautiful arse - again, and again, again. She fell into a rhythmic pounding, digging her palms deep into my chest as she slapped her pussy down on me. I wondered if this was in response to my actions earlier in the morning. Had I perchance, incited an animalistic vindictiveness inside this secretively spiteful girl?

Another part of me reflected on the fact that the silencing charm was probably going to fade in some time, and if that happened, her sounds would be unmistakable. But I wasn't going to tell her to stop.

Free to try every position without fear or need for consent, Ginny gave each and every one a go as she impaled herself on my stiff member. She turned at one point, riding me with her hands planted on her knees and her legs together in my lap. She pulled me out and faced me again, and then rolled me back and forth inside her, reaching down to fondle my balls as they wedged into the crack of her ass.

She bent down and dragged her moist tits against my now naked chest. "Don't be angry, Harry," she said, her eyes shining in the moonlight, "I… Your cock feels so nice. I want to do this over and over, so please don't be angry with me. Please?"

She grunted again, her fingers digging into my hair as she humped furiously on my cock. "I promise to never do this again, I promise. Ahhh!"

Deciding it was enough, I moved, plunging into her, driving my hips up.

Ginny never saw it coming.

One moment she was humping against my cock, the next moment, I grabbed her waist, shocking her enough that she failed to react when I drove my hips up, mercilessly screwing her with my shaft. She was lucky she was already drenched, or else she'd have been hurt. Her mouth opened to say something but I was past listening. I threw her next to me, and rolled over her, and began drilling into her mercilessly, robbing her of any more words. When she opened her mouth again, I grabbed her by her hair and pushed her into my pillow.

"Ha— ugh!" She groaned as I smacked her ass, and used my left hand to grab her neck and push her down into the pillow. Ginny was desperately trying to grab the bedsheet, the pillow– anything within reach really, which was when I pulled my wand from beneath her, and with a flick, cast the incarcerous charm, tying her hands to the sides of my bed. I took a moment to reapply the silencing charm, before grabbing her arse and raising it upwards.

And then I really gave it to her.

She moaned unbridled, as I fucked her even harder. The slap of my pelvis into her thighs was loud and getting even louder. Ginny kept screaming about how she was sorry over and over again, but I didn't listen.

Instead I fucked her like a dog.

"You like that?" I asked, my voice hoarse, "You like that you little whore?"

"No, Harry– please! Please let me–"

I did not know what part of her twisted personality I was encountering now. This was the girl that intercepted him in showers for surprise blowjobs. This was also the same girl that had petrified me to pull off her rape fantasy. And now she was behaving like I was taking advantage of her against her consent.

I slid my hand down her ass, slathering my thumb in her copious juices and then ringing around her puckered asshole. "Oh!" She gasped. "Don't– not there!" I popped my thumb in, and her hips slithered in every direction.

"No– don't–"

I didn't care, and instead fucked her harder than ever, and I knew she was loving it. My balls hit her thighs and our sweat mixed with each other and flowed down to the pits behind her knees. "Uh!" Ginny gasped as I bent her further, pushing her asscheeks up and smacking them left and right. I scooped her breasts up into my palms, squeezing her hard as I continued to cum inside her, my teeth biting into her neck. She rocked with me, reaching up to grab the back of my neck as I took her hard, her other hand holding my left hand that was still on her breast. I collapsed over her, exhausted and sweaty and definitely spent, in a heap of wet sex.

"Ugh!" Ginny groaned, "That… wasn't quite what I had planned. But it was… exactly what I needed."

"Did you… now?" I panted, slapping her right asscheek. "Tell me, does your mum know her daughter has rape fantasies?"

Ginny let out a moan at that, choosing to snuggle into me. "No… No, she doesn't. It's just something I always wanted to do."

I arched an eyebrow. "Always?"

I could feel her snuggle further. "Not… always. It started last summer. You know, after what happened with the Diary. I'd get lucid dreams of Tom … sometimes he'd make me play with myself. He'd… he'd make me do all kinds of twisted things. And I'd do them. It felt… nice. I'd wake up drenched, and thinking of…"

I clenched my teeth.

She paused. "I thought I was just suffering the effects of possession. We couldn't afford a mind healer, so I kept my mouth shut. I didn't want to do what Tom was making me do. I… He'd denigrate me, treat me like a dog. I wanted to… I wanted to be in control. I wanted to be in total control. Like… just own him."

Own Tom Riddle? Fat chance of that happening. Still, that made me wonder. Harry had destroyed the Diary horcrux back in his second year with the basilisk fang, so why was Ginny still suffering from it? Had Tom Riddle left lingering traces of his presence in Ginny's mind? Could that– could that mean–?

"It went on for the entirety of this year," Ginny went on, oblivious to my thoughts. "Until… until that night."

"What night?"

"When you, Ron and Hermione went after Sirius Black. And you nearly died."

I froze. Harry had died that night, and I had been put in charge. But what did that have to do with Ginny?

"That night, when I dreamt, Tom changed. He…" She spun around, and met my eyes. "He turned into you, Harry."

I blinked.

Of all the things, that was something I never expected.

"The dreams were the same only, only if it was you doing those things to me. Denigrating me. Hurting me. Fucking me like a bitch in heat."

I could taste the bitterness in her voice. "I'm–"

She shook her head, and I got the impression she didn't want me to interrupt. "And then you woke up, and you– you felt me up. You know I was already infatuated with you. You saved me from Tom. You got me out of the Chamber alive and you– you're Harry Potter. Between that and my dreams, I couldn't hold myself back. I– I had to have you. So I came to you that night."

And saw me with Romilda.

"I– I was surprised. I knew Romilda would make a move, but to see you fucking her like that, it drove me wild. I wanted to curse the heck out of her. I wanted to be in her place, having you carve out my pussy. Just like in my dreams."

"And you surprised me in the shower."

"I mean," she continued, unable to look directly at me now, "I just kept thinking about it the whole night. I knew I snatched you from Romilda even when you were fucking her, but… but it isn't the same as you doing me directly. Merlin, the idea of cumming and then having you shoot it within me…."

She shifted slightly, and I realized my sleeping cock was still within her.

"You're right. I was afraid when I found you were fucking Hermione. She's… she's your best friend, and smart and awesome in every way. She's been with you from the very start. I was only Ron's stupid sister that needed rescuing. Part of the background. I thought– I thought you'd forget about me, throw me away like used goods, now that you had her."

"I wouldn't."

"I know, but…" She exhaled, "I thought I'd let you fuck me in that room. Show you who's better. Guilt-trip you and then fuck the hell out of you. Just like in my dreams. Instead, you dominated. Like Tom did. You left me drenched and alone, and defeated in that classroom. It–it made me angry. I wanted to get back in control. So I—"

"Petrified and raped me."

Ginny flinched at that. "I'm– I'm sorry–" She pushed herself away from me and tried to get up, but I pulled her back into my arms, holding her by the waist until she stopped trying to squeeze out of my grip. Eventually in exasperation, she quit struggling and collapsed back on my chest.

"You're stupidly strong."

"Like in your dreams?"

She groaned.

I chuckled. "Ginny, it's okay."

"It's not!"

I reached down and gently hooked her chin under my finger. "Believe me. It's all water under–"

"Stop babying me!" She snapped. "I know you think I'm a freak!"

I blinked. "I don't–"

She actually pouted at that. "I could be a freak."

She was, but no way I was saying that to her face. "Doesn't matter. You're stuck with me either way."

It probably said something about the Screen's timing that it decided to pop in with a notification right then.

World Anchor – Ginny Weasley has gone up by 24%

Current World Anchor Analysis

World Anchor — 121

Required World Anchor - 15

Meta-Luck — 14.4

Gained Affinities from World Anchor — Ginny Weasley

Charms +2%

Transfiguration +6%

Dark Arts +11%

Martial Magic +6%

At 50% World Anchorage, you've gained a Perk!

That perked me up. Pun intended.


Born a female in a family cursed to only bear male children, Ginny is the crystallization of hopes and dreams of the Weasley family.


Increased resistance against curses

Your curses have 10% greater resistance to counter-curses.

Finally! I had been waiting for this moment over the last two weeks. Even in that post-coital state, I couldn't help but imagine the potential benefits of this newest perk. Unlike Hermione's Eidetic Memory, this one wasn't a literal boost to my stats. Instead, it momentarily heightened my resistance when dealing with curses. Something like this would be unequivocally useful in dealing with Voldemort's horcruxes. Especially if the Diadem of Ravenclaw was indeed hidden in the Room of Hidden Things. I still hadn't forayed into the Room of Requirement, or the Chamber of Secrets for that matter, lest I fell into the suspicious category.

Something for my fourth year.

Besides, the current conversation was giving me all sorts of ideas. Maybe I should start experimenting a bit with Ginny. Like if she still had access to Parseltongue. And if she did, then what it meant for her. Both as a witch. And as an ex-vessel for Voldemort.

"Thank you," she said, oblivious to my thoughts, "I know you must think I'm dirty. Come to think of it, I am more full of your cum than you are right now."

My cock twitched at that. "Did you always talk this dirty?"

"Only in my dreams," She whispered, "and now, when you make me feel dirty." She slid over me, resting her hands over my chest, now sticky with her juices. "Fuck my wet pussy, Harry," she gasped, "I need to be demeaned. Like a bitch."

I smiled. I would tell you how many times I pounded her that night, but truthfully, I lost count.