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"You—uh—" Tonks looked at him, her face slightly flushed, "I mean—"
"Hermione and I are living together," I replied without the slightest affliction. "Is that a problem?"
Tonks blinked, her face slowly losing the red sheen it had gathered, completely destroying the Auror facade she had put up right after entry. She relaxed down on the couch, looking away in embarrassment. "Uh, no, not really. As long as she isn't coerced—"
I arched an eyebrow.
"—which she likely isn't, you can do whatever you want. I'm, I mean, I'm terribly sorry for barging in without prior information."
"It's fine!" I waved off. I turned towards Hermione who was doing her best to imitate a mannequin. The girl had always been a fiercely independent and headstrong one, drawing firm lines between her beliefs and everything else. Being a werewolf had amplified her strength, agility and stamina, which only supplemented her intellectual and magical strengths. If anything, she should have become more feral, stubborn and a dangerous character, one that was stronger than ever before. Instead, she was displaying increasingly submissive tendencies, and given his most recent experience, an actual kink towards bondage. It was like the werewolf nature was somehow accentuating her submissiveness to authority. Whether that was because wolves in general followed a pack-leader, which mirrored my own presence as a bedrock for her in the magical world, I had no idea.
Still, I had expected her to try to preserve whatever was left of her modesty, to actively rebel against my commands. Instead she stood there, waiting for my commands, disregarding the fact that she had my cum oozing out of her sex, in front of a complete stranger.
"Come here, Hermione!" I told her, putting a little bit of authority in my voice. The kind that a gun-wielding cop uses when he asks you to stop and put your arms up.
She turned around and slowly walked up to me.
"Sit!" I said, tapping my knee. Hermione looked at me with a mixture of disbelief, confusion and to an extent, arousal, glancing at Tonks who looked just as much flustered by my decision. I could almost see the gears in Hermione's mind shift before she submitted to my command, turned around and sat down, both of her legs between mine. I put my right arm across her waist and grabbed her right breast, massaging it softly.
Hermione let out a soft moan.
"I– she–" Tonks looked utterly conflicted about what to say. At some point there was even anger flickering across her face, her hand going for her wand. I understood that. She was an Auror, Cadet or otherwise. Seeing me put Hermione through a humiliating ordeal was probably firing all kinds of wrong signals in her head. She stood up, raised her wand, and angrily whispered, "Finite!"
The ropes on Hermione's wrist fell open.
Hermione let out another moan and fell down on my shoulder, her breasts sagging against my chest. She then lifted her face and kissed me on the lips before shifting back to face Tonks in all her glory.
"He doesn't make me do this." Hermione proclaimed.
I think, of the three of us, I was the most shocked. Never in my dreams could I imagine Hermione Granger to be this forward and displaying such utter disregard for social conventions. I looked at her as she pushed along my leg slightly, until her hand was grabbing my crotch over my pants. She began zipping the fly down with deliberate slowness. I was already hard, and given what she was doing, my cock was already at full mast by the time she had released it from its confines.
"He was making out with Ginny," Hermione replied, proudly stroking my cock, never leaving her gaze from Tonks who was slowly turning crimson. "I told him I had to have it," she said, "I told him I'd do anything." She bent downwards, her tongue snaking out, and licked me from the base of my shaft all the way to the tip. "See? How could I resist?"
Tonks watched us in mute amazement.
"I said, 'Please, put it in me, Harry. I need it. I need that big thing inside me so bad…'" Hermione kissed my cock again, licking it until it shined. Then she looked at me over her shoulder. "Because I'm a werewolf. I'm a bad girl. And he knows how to punish me."
"Merlin…" Tonks muttered. Her previously unimpressive breast was slowly morphing into a most impressive bosom.
I couldn't help it. I grabbed Hermione's arse and pulled her over my cock, and I felt her whole body shake as she took me inside her.
"He fucks me so good," she said, shivering, her eyes still fixated at Tonks, as if sending her a telepathic message. One woman to another. "He fucks me like I've always wanted to be fucked. You know what that's like? Getting the fuck you've always wanted, out of your man?"
Damn. Hermione was so bad.
"Behave!" I said, slapping her arse-cheeks.
"Fuuuuuck!" Hermione let out a guttural moan and sank down deeper until she was balls-deep into my crotch. "See? That's what I mean."
"You're such a fucking slut!" Tonks whispered, her eyes transfixed at the place where my shaft was entering Hermione's cunt. Her breasts had grown to the size of melons, and her hair was slowly transforming into blazing, hot pink.
I wondered how long it would be before she'd either run out, screaming bloody murder or rip her own clothes apart and join in.
"I know," Hermione said, swiveling her hips to angle my cock further against her folds. "That's why he has to fuck me, to keep my little hole plugged!"
Tonks swallowed, and looked at me helplessly.
"Sorry," I replied blandly, not apologetic at all. "We're just a bit… physically affectionate. We were in the middle of something when you dropped in, and I kind of left her tied on the stool before coming over to meet you. But never mind, let's talk about Malfoy. Draco has lodged the complaint against me, and I already have given you my statement. What happens next?"
Somehow between all the embarrassment and her body's involuntary responses to the ongoing scene, Tonks still managed to send me an incredulous expression that screamed, 'Are you shitting me right now?'
"Well?" I asked.
Hermione decided to add her two knuts by giving Tonks a condescending sneer, enough to make Severus Snape clap in approval.
That put the woman into action.
Nymphadora Tonks exhaled, and slowly put her wand down, and relaxed back onto the couch, folding one leg above another, shifting her eyes from Hermione to me. Clearly she had decided to indulge Hermione in the game she was bent on playing with her.
"Depends. Are you perchance familiar with a pensieve?"
"I have one in my study, yes," I responded. The Potters had a pensieve sitting in the Vault. I had collected it and gotten it installed. Turns out that it was customary for most pureblood families with enough money to invest in these sickeningly-overpriced objects– often as a symbol of status.
I grabbed Hermione's breasts and mauled them, making her moan again.
"You want to view my memories of the event?"
"Maybe, maybe not," she said, "depends on the Minister really." The quill scratched more lines on the pad. "For now, I'm registering that you're willing to provide memories of the event. Unless Draco Malfoy is willing to challenge yours by providing his own, this is an open and shut case."
Really, the way she was maintaining her composure in presence of this erotic comedy spoke volumes about her emotional control. Even the sudden morphs on her body were slowly returning to normal. I wondered if she was employing Occlumency to ignore the sexual vibes and render tunnel vision upon our scope of discussion.
This was getting so much interesting.
"A spoiled little brat goes tattling to his father, and the Minister sends Aurors to my home without notice, and has me playing ball." I smacked Hermione's right breast as tightly as I could, as if to accentuate my statement. "Open and shut case indeed."
Tonks winced at both of my actions, doing her best to ignore Hermione's moans. She waved her wand and the quill drooped instantly. Had this been Privet Drive, I'd probably have gotten a warning for Underage Magic but my apartment was classified as a magical dwelling, cloaked by all kinds of wards, including those that kept the Ministry from determining what spell was used inside the premises, or who the caster was. It was my ticket to grow stronger and develop an arsenal of spells before the fourth year began and everything went to hell.
"But so long as we're just talking," I said, "it doesn't seem fair that I have to deal with this nonsense, just because someone has the ear of the Minister. I'm not sure about you Miss Tonks, but had this been the muggle world, I could have sued for defamation, as well as aggressive provocation and harassment."
That caught her off-guard for a second time. "Don't– uh, take this otherwise. But are you sure you're a third-year?"
I laughed at her expression, and pushed Hermione up just enough to reveal my cock before allowing her to sag down. "Do I not look the sort?"
"No," She blurted. "You're bigger— I mean, third-years do not end up living together like…" She trailed off, giving Hermione a quick glance before meeting my eyes, "... or have a home like this to themselves and certainly not… this informed about the law."
"Celebrity is as celebrity does," I replied. "Gilderoy Lockhart taught me that one. I'm the Boy-Who-Lived, which means the Prophet loves to glorify me one week and vilify me the next. That and I'm the last Potter. If I can't protect my interests, who will?"
She nodded, and stood up. "Uhm, that's all. I'll– I'll just take my leave now."
I grabbed Hermione by her chin and made her look at me. "How about I join you after I see her off?"
She smirked. "Go easy on her."
And then she stood up, and left the room, but not without passing a knowing grin at a surprised Tonks.
"She's rather feisty," I commented, watching Hermione vanish around the corner. "You'll have to forgive her. She got a little testy with how I left things. Hearing me talk with a woman might have made her a little… competitive."
"Yeah," Tonks replied, laughing uneasily. "I can see that. But I should leave now. Thank you for…" She glanced at my crotch, "for indulging me without prior notice."
"No problem at all," I waved her concerns off, "but if you really feel that bad about it, perhaps I could invite you to have some firewhiskey?"
She looked undecided for a moment before saying, "Two pegs, with ice."
I stood up. "Coming right up."
"Don't bother. I'll come with you."
She followed me to the mini-bar on the side of the drawing room. I summoned a bottle of Ogden's Finest, unstoppered it and poured it into two glasses. Tonks tapped her wand on the glasses, conjuring two cubes of ice in each of them.
"To the Ministry's hypocrisy," I toasted.
She snickered and raised it as well. Taking a sip, she rested her back against the bar table, and looked around and whistled. "Quite the house you have here. atmospheric charms, undetectable extension charms, goblin wards and enchantments, magical shielding and state-of-the-art facilities. This isn't a house, it's almost like a VVIP hotel."
"I have the money, I might as well spend it, though I think the goblins made too many bedrooms for some reason."
She looked at me with an arched brow. "How many?"
She whistled. "I take it back. This is a hotel."
"You want a room?" I teased. "I'm sure I can offer a decent rental."
"And make your friend jealous? You wouldn't get a night's sleep."
"No big deal," I admitted, "We end up going to sleep in the early hours of the morning anyway."
She crossed her arms and grinned. "Too much information!"
"You started it," I said playfully. "But jokes aside, I can get you a room if you want. My charges are quite reasonable."
"I wish," she said wistfully, "but a Cadet job has shitty pay. Maybe after I get promoted. Whatever you offer will probably be less than renting a room at the Cauldron."
"You live with your parents, right?" I asked. "Andromeda and Ted Tonks?"
She froze, and glanced at me warily. "...You know who I am."
I smiled. "Nymphadora Tonks. Daughter of Andromeda Druella Black. Your mother was cast off from the Black family after she trashed her marriage contract with Antonius Selwyn and eloped with Edward Tonks. She's currently a healer at St. Mungo's, Janus Thickey's Ward to be precise. You finished school with five Outstandings in your NEWTs and got directly put into the Fast-Track Auror program by Alastor Moody. Most Cadets get promoted in three to five years but you're up for it in the next six months."
"I take that back," She slowly put the glass back on the bar table, "You're practically my stalker."
"Part of the job description," I laughed, and willed the Black ring on my finger to materialize. The large tanzanite ring appeared on my middle finger, with an engraving of a barghest on top, with the Black insignia in the background.
Tonks inhaled, her eyes wide, "You're the—"
"Conditional only," I finished for her, "I have plans for acquiring the entire mantle for myself, but it's a work in progress."
She ruffled her hair with her fingers. "This is blowing my mind. Lucius Malfoy gets half the Wizengamot to kowtow by playing the Black Regency card and you—"
"It's a recent shift, one Lucius Malfoy isn't exactly privy to, at this moment."
"And you'd trust me with this?" She whispered.
"I like to think I can read people fairly well," I replied, "And you don't seem like the type to kiss Lucius's graying arse."
She made a nasty face. "Ugh!"
"Boy-Who-Lived. Lord Potter, and Lord Conditional for House Black. Yeah, I can see why you like to be prepared."
"One can have only as much preparation as he has foresight." I took another sip from my glass, grabbed hers and offered it back to her.
She held it gingerly. "Was it part of the foresight to have me flustered with your little act with the girl?"
"Not really," I admitted, "Preparation is great, but I'm open to improvisation from time to time."
She took another sip.
"Back to the topic, what are my options against Draco's complaint?"
Tonks fidgeted a little. "I'm not sure I'm the best person to talk about on the subject."
"I'm just asking, as a friend."
She met my eyes, surprised. "Friend huh? Well, as a friend, I suggest you get yourself a solicitor. Preferably a pureblood if you catch my drift."
"Any recommendations?"
Tonks frowned. "Depends." She looked around the room, and whistled again. "You have too many things juggling on the political level. Two Ancient Houses, investments, fortunes, and two very influential Wizengamot seats in line. And you stay at Hogwarts for most of the year. Plus, you have multiple women involved if that remark about this Ginny girl was any clue. That's literally a neon sign for endless courtroom drama."
Damn. She was sharp.
"I hear you."
"Normally anyone in your position would hire a secretary, or a steward, depending on your preferences. Someone who'd have enough experience as a secretary, plus working knowledge of the law and capable of dealing with financial and business transactions without having to involve you in every step. You can ask Gringotts to do the hiring if you're looking for something even more specific."
"But you have a name in mind."
"I do…" She hesitated, "and given your… proclivities, she'd fit in right at home. I'm just wondering if it's a good idea."
I blinked. Did she really mean what I thought she did?
"My friend Hestia Jones is currently in-between jobs. And she's a half-blood, pureblood mother, muggle father, kind of like my own, and she's got baggage."
I arched an eyebrow. Hestia Jones was a member of the Order of the Phoenix. In the books, the Order was activated sometime after Voldemort's resurrection, which meant Nymphadora and Hestia were fresh joinees. But if I could have her before she became Dumbledore's pawn….
I smiled. The Child of Prophecy perk was a wonderful, wonderful thing.
"Blood does not matter," I claimed, "and what kind of baggage?"
"She was a junior attorney in the Department of International Magical Cooperation, working for Bartemious Crouch, but lost the position after an unfortunate run-in with Lucius Malfoy. Last I heard, she's shacking up in Knockturn Alley. So if you're willing to provide living accommodations…"
"Then she'll probably jump at the offer."
I frowned. A history with the Department of International Magical Cooperation meant Hestia had connections with other magical nations, which could come into its own use. And with her history with Malfoy, she'd probably be the best person for all the chaos I had in mind. And she was kinky enough for Tonks to think she'd fit in with ease, which meant new affinities.
"And she's good?"
"Best I've ever seen. Ravenclaw with enough skill to make Crouch's assistant in less than a year of working," Tonks said, "Last I heard, the Weasley boy is trying to fill her shoes."
I snorted. So that was how Percy got promoted to that position.
"I can arrange a meeting if you want. She'd be perfect for the secretarial duties, and if you're willing, maybe a full-time Seneschal. I'll warn you though, she's rather… spirited."
This coming from her? If this wasn't a pot-kettle, I didn't know what was.
"I'll remember that. If you want, I can get a rental drawn for you too, Miss Tonks. Say, payable after you get your promotion?"
She smirked. "First this Ginny, and Miss Granger, and for all I know, you'll be bedding my friend. And you're still lobbying for more? You're a greedy one."
I snickered, and took another sip. "Greed is good, and its name is Harry Potter."
She laughed. "That might be, but Mr. Potter–"
She smiled. "I'll stick to Mr. Potter. As a young, unmarried woman and given what you are…"
I crooked an eyebrow. "What I am?"
"Yes. Someone who's good-looking, fantastically wealthy, publicly notorious, a celebrity, and a younger man but not scandalously so, and…" She paused.
"I don't want to be crude about it, but given what happened earlier…" she brought her lips closer to his ears. "I don't wish to be one of your conquests, Harry Potter. It's bad enough that anyone that hears my name automatically thinks of sex, and that's without confirming my ability."
Damn this wasn't going to be as easy as I thought. Still, the hunt would make the feast even better. And given what the prize was….
My inner animal grabbed its forks and licked its chops.
"I totally understand, but the offer stands."
Tonks placed the now empty glass on the table, and strode towards the door. "I'll remember it."
She glanced at my crotch again. "And the manner in which it was given. Thanks for the whiskey."
And with that, she walked out of the apartment, idly whistling a Weird Sisters tune as she left, sashaying her ass as she did.