With the hidden task reward as well all the magic stone from yesterday and today my total saving is 765 points so I decided to get newbie bundle for 500 points.
[You have brought the newbie bundle you get
25 premium random item coupon
100,000 valis ]
Hmmm I nodded my head in satisfaction but this left me with only 265 points.
Anyway I found a secluded area without many adventurers or monsters and start mass unwrapping all my premium gifts I left normal one for later till my day 6 reward you know why hehehehe.
(Evil Laughter)
Anyway BUT First off all I need to do my good luck ritual for best reward..
I lift my right hand touch my forehead with my finger tips
"In the name of ROB behind me"
Then moving my hand down to my left shoulder
"For all love of Anime"
Moving my hand to the right shoulder
"And that of Games"
Finally moving my hand to lower stomach
"I ask all Yahweh, Allah, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Abasi, Ahura, Mazda, Aten, Amm, Zeus, Hera, Odin, Amaterasu, Tengri, El, Amun, An, En, Isten, Great Spirits and all to give me all luck possible in this world. Ohhh Yaa Dungeon you also give me your blessing."
And as if to answer me, dungeon just spawn a couple of monster from the wall beside me. To show my respect I just leave them and go away before they could come out.
After reaching a empty area I started using the premium coupons.
[You have used 25 premium random coupons]
[Due this being your first Premium draw you have 100% chance to get epic or higher quality item]
And with a burst of light come out several item in my inventory.
[You get Dragon Mech Armor (legendary 5-star) ]
[Dragon Mech Armor: A 4 meter high, 5 meter wide and 12 meter long White Dragon Mech with golden lines and a bit of neon blue which can be piloted from the pilot cabin present in it's chest area. It has physical fighting power of a peak level 8 and magic power of low level 6. Comes with it's own power core which can last it for one hour at full fighting capability and all systems online.
Charge one its own or through user's mana. Can be instantly equipped.
Auto-repair from minor to mid level damage. Use have to do repairing if heavily damaged like missing chunks. (legendary 5-star) ]
Wow my First legendary and its already something that can thrash the strongest in the city like rag doll. I heard he is a level level 7 warrior class of Freya Familia. I don't fear any now hahahahaha.
[You get Space Splitter's blade (mythical 3-star) ]
[Space Splitter's blade: A straight 180 cm long one edged silver and mostly black blade with glowing purple edge. (similar to katana but straight for those who can't see image)
Have sharpness that can cut any thing under divine realm.
By using a high amount of mana it can cut space and open portal in a particular direction straight in line. (mythical 3-star) ]
[You get get Shadow Cloak (epic 7-star) ]
[Shadow Cloak: A simple looking black cloak that allow user to completely blend into the shadow.]
[You get Burst speed boots (epic 4-star) ]
[Burst speed boots: A black knee length boots under it's sole Mini explosions of mana occur giving the wearer bursts of speed. Can also be used to fly. Explosion size and burst speed depend on mana supplied to the boots.]
[You get 1 pack of (25 Ultimate healing potion) mythical]
[Ultimate Healing potion: Can heal and regrow whole body as long as the soul is in the flash. Excise potion is stored in body in liver to be used when needed.]
[You get 5 Energy Regain boost potion (epic) ]
[Energy Regain boost potion: Boost stamina and mana boost by 100% for next 12 hours.]
[You get 10 Mini-Gamma-Ray burst (epic 2-star) ]
[Mini-Gamma-Ray burst: It is a mini palm size white star which is spinning at a extreme speed. When taken out it activate in 1 sec on itself and release a ray of powerful super charge particles at almost speed of light at a particular user wants (one direction only unlike the real cosmic version) Has strength of strongest mid level 7 spells ]
And now I also have 10 rounds of KAME HAME HA. I should have chosen Monkey human instead of werewolf I guess.
[You get 5 pack of spear missile (25 each) (epic) ]
[Spear missile: A spear like missile both in shape and size with a nozzle at the bottom end. It can be activated by a simple spark of mana and explode upon something making contact with it's tip after activation. Has strength of mid level 5 spell.]
SOOO all the LOOT I got from my 25 lottery tickets are these.....
1 Dragon Mach
1 Sharp Blade
1 Shadow Cloak
1 Pair of Boots
25 Ultimate Healing potions
5 Energy Regain Boosters
10 Round of Kame Hame Ha
125 Missiles
Hmm that's quite the lottery with 100% epic. NOICE !!
After equipping my new sword, cloak and boots I disappear from anyone's eye and made my way toward deeper floors.
While I was walking I Used all the EXP I saved up to boost my battle powers even more....
EXP held: 155->0
Level 0 (unblessed)
Strength: 15+30=45
Endurance: 10+30=40
Dexterity: 10+30=40
Agility: 10+35=45
Magic: 15+30=45