Loki's POV-
My dear Ais, Lefiya, Tione and Tiona were fighting against that ugly snake like monster which turn out to be a monster flower now.
It suddenly did a surprise attack at Lefiya who was casting a spell. Looks like this monster is sensitive to mana which cause it to target her. As she was send flying through air a sudden force caught her and gently placed her on the ground. She was not in good condition but not in life threatening condition either so I decided to give her a potion and wait for guild's medics. Then I saw the one who helped Lefiya. A black-blue werewolf. He look young around 16 and I don't fell any blessing on him but he still posses magic which is extremely rare but not unheard of. People before the first descend of gods were also used to have magic after all.
Than he jump at it with a mana blast from his boots speeding him up and with a quick double slash he chopped the monster into pieces with some kind of divine sword, I can feel it's power. That sword remind me of the divine swords made by lesser deities back in the heaven. What is one doing here in the mortal realm where divinity is not allowed to use, even Hephaestus can't make a sword like that with out unsealing herself.
Just after he took care of that one several more monsters popped out of ground like they were waiting for a perfect time. But what happened next was even more shocking.
He used some kind of shadow manipulation skill I assume as he don't use any chant, to use the shadow to dug up the plant monsters and then using the same skill he used to save Lefiya on the monsters and lift them in the air and chant some kind of activation chant for a very powerful artifact. It has to be an artifact, a Falnaless can't possibly have this much power on their own, but I don't see where he kept that artifact.
When he used that artifact it was sight to be behold. The power it released was even stronger than the strongest spell of Riveria reducing the monsters to dust and even brighter than the sun. It was a similar sight to when gods return to heaven. It also have a intense pressure of it's own. It has to be an artifact!!!!!!!!!
After that attack ended he fell on the ground on his butts, as he was catching his breath Tiona approached him asking what that was just now but instead of saying anything he was staring at her chest with a confused look and Tiona understand what he was thinking. Embarrassed and a bit angry she was about to bonk him but he instantly unleash a quick slash on her out of defensive instincts it seems which she barely dodged. It was very dangerous, that sword of his can even kill a level 7 easily, if it lands that is.
Both sides tensed up immediately, so I finally decided to step in and calm their nerves a bit.
"OK OK, calm your nerves will' ya" I said braking the silence between them.
I saw both party lower their fighting stance a bit but not the guard. But then I felt it a gaze from him it was almost as if he can see through me everything leaving no secret behind those eyes of his must have some see through ability a strong one at that. I want him my Familia, he to valuable to be left for others specially for that whore, whose disgusting gaze I can feel right now on this area.
So I started with some normal obvious question like what attack that was and the answer I got was interesting to say the least. Something like a spell that imitate nature and that also a miniature form of it? which natural disaster were you trying to imitate?
Calming myself down I decided to be direct this time and ask him to join me. He was surprised which made me feel happy but his answer surprised me this time too, he seems wanting to join a crafting Familia and if possible Hephaestus. People would jump at the chance of joining my Familia and here he was wanting to do some forging.
Before I could say anything else those guild staff came took care of Lefiya's wounds and told us about the last remaining monster. Hearing that we start heading toward it. In the way we split up from him and start searching for the monster in this maze. After sometime when we reach the monster it was already killed by a young adventurer. When we were about to leave I saw him there and our eyes meet for a instant but before I could call him out he disappeared in the shadows merging with it like a ghost. As for others they didn't even notice him even when they were level 5's that's scary to say the least.
What inquisitive me even more was that Ais told me she felt the energy similar to her mother but different element from him when he used his shadow manipulation. Could it mean he is similar to Ais, a part spirit.
Next day Twilight Manor.....
In the morning after breakfast I and all three executives were discussing the event take place in festival.
"So the magic stone the monster left behind was similar to the stone of new monsters you encountered in the deep floors." I asked.
"Yes, I suspect there might be a connection between." Fin said adding his thoughts as well.
"And that adventurer you and other told us about, Riveria please share the reports." Fin continued about the werewolf I told them about. Ais also told them what she felt about his magic back then.
"Here, according to what we gather in one day, his name is 'Rain' only become a adventurer a week ago and claimed to be falnaless but reports on his strength says otherwise. He was seen on 17th floor on the first day of being registered as a adventurer. He also got a nick name, 'shadow demon' for his way of killing any monster in front of him with one slash of his sword and specially for ability to disappear and appear from shadows anywhere like a specter which terrified many adventurers." she said while giving us a copy of the reports.