Lucifer had been staring at the ceiling for hours now, sleep seemed to have deserted him. Maybe as revenge of him refusing his warm embrace for ages now, how could he suddenly want him now and expect him to be available to him.
His breathes were slow and he consistently tried to match it's rhythm with Khalan's.
She was sleeping peacefully with her head and right arm on his broad chest while crossed his arm over her shoulder as he rubbed on it lightly and traced his fingers up and down her arm.
After several failed attempts to exhale and inhale the same time as Khalan, he finally gave up and decided to just focus on his thoughts. He had been thinking for hours now if he should pay Moist a visit and find out her plans or rather just stay here with Khalan and protect her from any futher attacks from Moist.
Khalan's encounter with Moguos got him very worried and he feared that Moist was now aware of Sheba's reincarnation even with all his efforts to keep it a secret from her.
He knew Moist well and knew how much she had the whole Cullen under her control. There was absolutely nothing that happens in Cullen that Moist wasn't aware of. She knew the weight of every rain drop, the sound of every heartbeat, the voice of every throat and the movements of every limbs. Nothing could happen in Cullen without her knowledge and Lucifer understood that fact. He had made lots of sacrifices since the day Khalan was born till this very moment just to conceal her existence but unfortunately, Moist was now aware and would stop at nothing to kill her.
He thought of manipulating Moist again, just like how he did before and stop her from finding out that he had swapped the amulet, right under her nose. He also took the manipulation really far by blinding her eyes to the appearance of the blood moon and everything that happened in Risari(the village were Khalan was born) that day. Yes, he could do that all over again and just hold her down for the remaining months before Sheba's awakening but the price he would have to pay might be greater than the worth.
He was still trying to recover from the horror he went through the first time, all the sarcrifices he made just to subdue Moist's consciousness and most especially, all the time he had to spend with her to make that possible. He could not possible leave Khalan now of all times, she was beginning to feel something for him! No! He was not going to through all of that again. He must find another way, but really there was no other way.
Moist was a very powerful goddess who possessed unparalleled power. She fed her power daily from the adorations and worships brought to her feet by the humans and spirit in Cullen who have submitted under her rule.
Only the witches, sirens and demons opposed her authority, obviously because they had capable masters who were as powerful as Moist herself or even stronger.
During the time when Sheba was sealed, Moist had wanted to covet the witches under her rule just to strengthen the pillars of her leadership. She already had the humans and spirits under her control, if she was to manage to also rule the witches, that would make her twice stronger and also, her army would be ten times more powerful. Hence, granting her long time wish to actually face war.
Moist dared not war against any race with the strength of her current army. Naturally, she had power over the humans only and they certainly had no power to fight against spirits, demons or witches. They could not even breathe under water to talk of facing the sirens so she knew she had to strengthen her army really quick and she knew just how to.
It was no secret for centuries now that Aliadam, the spirit lord had eyes for Moist. He had for long been in love with her but dared not confess his feelings to her. Not like he was scared or anything but because he knew about the hatred between all the races and their killing intent against one another.
However, that did not stop him from utilizing every single opportunity he had to show how much he truly cared for her.
He first began with sending her flowers everyday, the spirit rose that only grew in the spirit realm. It was very beautiful and it's white petals always reminding him of how beautiful Moist was so he chose it as the best flower to send to her every morning.
Moist would always wake up each morning to find the spirit rose flower sprouting on her window. She found it weird at first that such a unique flower would find it way to not just the human territory but also her window to be precise. But it all made sense when she sensed Aliamdam's spiritual energy evidently on the flower.
She allowed it go on for over 60 days, not confronting him or anything but would always pick it flower and keep it safely with the other ones sent before. She had created this mini garden where replanted all of them, hoping Aliadam's spiritual energy would keep them alive and it did surprisingly, proving to her how incredibly powerful his spiritual energy was and how much good it would do to her if she had it under her control too.
She kept receiving the flowers and one day decided to make the first move. She knew no matter how Aliadam adored her, he dared not trespass into human territory or more less make his way to her castle to seek her face. The flowers were his own way of reaching out and if she was interested in him as well, she should probably send him an official invite and that was exactly what she was going to do.
However, she was not interested in him, her heart already belong to another, Lucifer. But that did not mean she could not get what she was truly interested in, Aliadam's powers…