Chereads / Reincarnated to be lucifer’s mate! / Chapter 28 - Fall of the spirit race

Chapter 28 - Fall of the spirit race

"Exactly how long does your goddess take to speak simply words?" Drucius snarled, looking at holy Zebedee with seething contempt.

"Keep your words in check spirit!" Zebedee cautioned, "you are still in human territory!"


Drucius was getting really uncomfortable and perplexed with the whole situation. He had been standing at the entrance door to Moist's castle for over an hour now and still no sign of either Moist or his lord. This made him very worried, not only because they had stayed too long out of spirit territory, but also, the spirit lord could be in serious danger. No, he could not wait any longer. He had to find his lord and leave this castle immediately.

He made for the entrance door to push it open but was impeded by the guards around not to take another step.

"I am afraid you shall remain here with us till the goddess calls for you or says otherwise" Zebedee spoke as a matter of fact.

"I and my lord have spent far too much time in human territory and we must return home. I do not care if you goddess still has a lot to say to him or talk to him about, we are leaving now and that is final!" He said with determination in his eyes, aiming for the door one more time but the guards still refused to allow him in.

"If you encumber me from reaching this door again, I will turn you into corpses under the blink of an eye!" Drucius threatened, making the guards cower in fear as they looked to Zebedee for help.

"Behave yourself wild spirit!" Zebedee shunned, trying to get hold of some control over Drucius. "You shall not enter and that is final!"

"Well old man…" Drucius turned to meet the evident terror in his eyes, he tried so much to hide it but Drucius saw it through immediately. "….it's going to take more than you and these worthless guards to stop me!"

"Do not start a fight you can not and will not win, this is human territory! Are you sure your lord will want this?!" Zebedee hope Drucius would rethink his actions and remain calm but everything he said seemed to get him angrier.

If a fight were to happen between him and all of them, the chances of them winning were slim. Drucius was a spirit and his true form was a tiger, he could tell with the strips on his face and he knew very well that fighting a tiger was not going to be easy in anyway.

He was still reasoning of what say next within him when he saw Drucius make very swift movements at him. He immediately made his staff appear and made few strikes at him as counter but drew back immediately in order not to get hit or injured but he was too late. He felt this thick liquid tickle down his neck, he felt the place of the pain to noticed three claw scratches. They were not really deep however, maybe it was because he dodged on time or because his strike hit Drucius because he stood few paces from him, no longer aiming to attack but just stared blankly into space, as if he was lost or something.

'This was the right time to attack!' Zebedee thought fast. He did not know why Drucius just stood there unmoving with his expression stoic but he was not going yo giving him another chance to attack first, it might be more brutal than the former. He was a tiger spirit and he strength was unmatched but not his wisdom and intellect.

He had his tricks too. He was Moist's priest and possessed a great deal of her godly powers within him but it was definitely not strong enough to withstand the strength of a tiger with high levels of spiritual energy. Now that was the main reason for the whole plan, to destroy the source of the spirit lord's spiritual energy and drain all of his spiritual power so they could become stronger and also rule the spirit race.

He stretched his staff immediately and swung it ferociously, attempting to give Drucius a disastrous hit while he was still unmoving but he saw the attack coming and quickly dodged it.

"So this has been the plan of you and you goddess all along?!" Drucius's voice was simmering in anger.

"You plan to drain my lord of his spiritual energy, I will kill you all!"

'Wait, how did he find out?' Zebedee was still very confused on how Drucius got to know their plan but then remembered what just happened moments ago.

'No! That can't be!'

He remembered reading about the spirit race one time and ran into the abilities of the tiger spirit. It is said that they could look into one's mind by coming in contact with their blood. Could it be that was the reason why he has scratched him earlier? He was not aiming to attack him then, he only wanted a bit of his blood!

No! Their plan was now exposed and he expected the worse from Drucius.

The worse? Of course, Drucius gave him the worst! He immediately transformed into his true form, a magnificent white tiger about the size of a dozen humans and began a killing spree.

Zebedee tried his all to us his powers and subdue him but was too powerful and that was when he knew had to call for Moist.

He disappeared from the scene immediately, leaving all the guards and warriors that he had called on earlier to hold Drucius down, while he went to call Moist's attention.

He reappeared at the door leading directly to Moist's bedroom and gave it a light knock.

He got no reply at first and opted to knock again but the door opened immediately, bringing him face to face with a fully dressed Moist and a completely naked Aliadam, lying unconscious on the bed.

"Goddess" he bowed.

"I know the tiger is wreaking havoc already, I will beginning the draining now" she said calmly, looking at the helpless Aliadam.

"I am afraid he found out about our interior motive, please hurry goddess" Zebedee pleaded, "we can not hold off the tiger for too long".

"Is he really that powerful?" Moist asked, seeming a bit interested by Drucius's capabilities.

"Of course goddess" Zebedee confirmed. "He is very much powerful"

"Then we shall take his powers too" she said, clenching her fists. "I will drain Aliadam's spiritual energy then let you have all of the white tiger's"

"That would be a great deal goddess. You sre too kind" he appreciated. He has this very wide grin on his face and decided to rest his chin afterwards before speaking again.

"I must commend you on your wisdom and high intellect goddess, you were able to fool the spirit lord into thinking that you actually like him while you only want his spiritual energy and blazing fire. You are really the most wonderful goddess" he bowed unto her again, showing how much he admired her.

"Hahaha" Moist laughed out loud before speaking again. "It took intellect and patience Zebedee but I did it. Finally, all that is remained if the spirit lord's spiritual energy and blazing fire would be mine and mine alone. It is so pathetic to think he actually thought I truly loved him. My heart belongs to Lucifer and none other!" She bellowed.

"The spirit lord is basically a pawn in my quest to conquers all races, with the spirit race down so easily, in no time I would probably take down the witch race and even the sirens too. I will stop at nothing it I become the ultimate queen of all races and have them all bow their heads in worship to me!" She clenched her fists and squinted her eyes, showing how much greed she had for power.

"Very wonderful goddess. If you keeping crippling races at this rate, I believe that in no time, your dream would become reality"

Zebedee assured her.

"Of course Zebedee, Aliadam is already weak and maim, lets go tame the wild beast and this all over with". She finally said, before she left the room with Zebedee and slammed the door behind her.

She led the way out of her bedroom, as Zebedee followed her closely. She has never been prouder of herself, even when she sealed her sister. She could only imagine how powerful she would be after possessing all that is Aliadam's she would be unstoppable and even use that power to acquire more. The whole thought of it made her very happy, today was going to be the fall of the spirit race. But first, she had to tame the white tiger.