Aliadam was too tired to open his eyes. He felt the intense level of weakness and he knew why.
However, he did not care at all what it takes or whatever price he pays, he was just very happy and satisfied that Moist was his now and he was hers.
He laid on the bed still, knowing very well that she got up minutes ago to get dressed. He would have loved to help her out but he was even too weak to open his own eyes. He was about dozing off again before he heard the knock.
He wondered who it might be within him but waited to know if Moist was going to get the door. It took long minutes but the door eventually creaked open, followed by another awkward moment of silence.
Finally, the person spoke. Who was that? The voice sounded familiar, yes! It was the priest from earlier. What was he doing in Moist's bedroom! How often does he enter here?!
Aliadam was still running questions through his head before his attention was drawn when Moist spoke.
"I know the tiger is wreaking havoc already, I will beginning the draining now" she said.
Wait, the tiger? wreaking havoc? Oh no! That must be Drucius' Aliadam thought. Of course he must be worried sick about him, he had spent too much time Moist and justified his reason for getting worried but why was he wreaking havoc, this is human territory, what did he plan to do, ruin his lovely bond with Moist? A bond he sarcrificed so much to build! With the tone of her voice, it was obvious she was not happy at all and what exactly did she mean about 'starting the draining'.
"I am afraid he found out about our interior motive, Please hurry goddess" Zebedee spoke again, with the tone of his Voice, Aliadam was sure he had pleading eyes.
"We can not hold off the tiger for too long".
Drucius has really lost it! If this outburst of his made him loose anything, he swore to make him pay, even though his reason is actually justifiable. But hold on, what interior motive was Zebedee speaking of.
"Is he really that powerful?" He heard Moist ask, judging from the way she sounded that she was inquisitive.
"Of course goddess" Zebedee confirmed.
"He is very much powerful"
"Then we shall take his powers too."
What?! What did she mean by take his powers too?' Aliadam's blood began to boil up.
"I will drain Aliadam's spiritual energy then let you have all of the white tiger's"
What was she saying? His confusion kept rising with each word she uttered.
"That would be a great deal goddess. You are too kind"
Too kind? Someone who is planning on draining my spiritual energy? No!' Aliadam tried to restrain himself from jumping into conclusions, maybe he heard wrong or maybe that was not how she meant what she said. He probably overthinking it.
He was about to make himself believe what he just thought till he heard Zebedee speak again.
"I must commend you on your wisdom and high intellect goddess, you were able to fool the spirit loud into thinking that you actually like him while you only want his spiritual energy and blazing fire. You are really the most wonderful goddess"
Wait, is this really true?' Aliadam was about to give up all hope but then heard Moist laugh lightly and decided to hear what she has to say first.
"It took intellect and patience Zebedee but I did it. Finally, all that is remained if the spirit lord's spiritual energy and blazing fire would be mine and mine alone. It is so pathetic to think he actually thought I truly loved him. My heart belongs to Lucifer and none other!" She bellowed make Aliadam's ears bleed but not as much as his heart did.
He could feel his eyes become wet suddenly and the excess liquid rolled down his temples to ears. What was going on, what's was wetting his eyes and face, was it tears? He has never cried before! What was happening to him!
However, that was not the only thing new, he also felt this very strong pain in his heart, which made it very difficult to breath and it seeemed to get worse as Moist kept speaking.
"The lord is basically a pawn in my quest to conquers all races, with the spirit race down so easily, in no time I would probably take down the witch race and even the sirens too. I will stop at nothing it I become the ultimate queen of all races and have them all bow their heads in worship to me!"
"Very wonderful goddess. If you keeping crippling races at this rate, I believe that in no time, your dream would become reality" Zebedee assures her.
"Of course Zebedee, Aliadam is already weak and maim, lets go tame the wild beast and this all over with". She finally said, before she left the room with Zebedee and slammed the door behind her.
Aliadam was in utter pain and agony. How could he have fallen so effortlessly into Moist's trap and now she was going to take over his race and rule over his people! If only he had listened to Drucius all this would have been avoided. Speaking of Drucius, he would probably be in danger right now. Moist left to tame him and also drain his spiritual energy for Zebedee. If Drucius looses all his spiritual energy, he would be dead and nothing would remain of him, no! He had to stop that from happening.
He immediately forced himself to get up for the bed, causing himself a heavy migraine but he could not careless. He put his pants on and made for the door immediately. He could have teleported, but he save his spiritual energy for later use.
He took to his heels as he searched for the way that let to outside the castle and he finally found it. He made his way to where Drucius and Moist were, gracing his view with a very irated sight of Moist trying to suppress Drucius in a deadly formation.
He was already in his human form and looked very terrible as Moist must have already done him a lot of harm with the aim of maiming him and drawing his powers. No, he was not going to let that happen.
With clenched fists, Aliadam summoned his blazing fire upon Moist but she someone how saw it coming and sheilded herself and Zebedee, leaving the blazing fire to consume the rest of the human soldiers there whom she could have saved if she saw the fire coming earlier than she actually did. Zebedee was only lucky to be beside her at the moment.
Under the sheild, Moist could not help but wonder when Aliadam woke up and why he automatically chose to attack her, was it because he saw her harming Drucius or has he figured out her plan all along?
She was still confused and was in the bid of getting her thoughts together so she got distracted for a little while, giving Drucius an opportunity to escape. He was already on high alert the moment he sensed that Aliadam was conscious and seeing him come to his rescue gave him the greatest joy ever.
However, he noticed something off about his blazing fire and the amount of spiritual energy it held, it was very low and he believed he knew why, his power source was no more! Moist had succeeded but he was not going to let her possess his spiritual energy and fire. So he remained focused and was able to escape with him while Moist was still distracted by the fire he rained on them.
He teleported back to spirit territory, the spirit palace, with half dead Aliadam and laid him quickly on his bed
"Guards!" He called fiercely, simmering with serious anger.
"Yes your lord hard" three guardsmen appeared before him in fully coated amor suit.
"The spirit lord has been hurt by the human goddess, send message to the general, the human race declared war and we shall give it to them"
"Yes your lord hand!" They bowed and left.
Drucius knew fully well it would be a matter of minutes before Moist and her army invade's spirit territory, and he knew they were at a disadvantage with the current state of their lord. Now was the time he had to secure the future of the spirit race. Aliadam already made a mistake and he hoped he does not repeat it again, not after all the sacrifices and loss this mistake of his was costing them right now.
"I hope that someday in the future, you redeem the spirit race, recovering all that was stolen from us and most of all, killing all our enemies". He took a deep breath and began the process of sealing him back into his egg form with the ancient technique.
He went on for long minutes, using all of his spiritual power and then he was finally done. He looked as pale as chalk, with his breath shuddering and hot tears streaming down his cheeks. He carefully studied the Phoenix egg on his right palm and wondered were would be the best place to keep it. Moist had already invaded spirit territory at that time and he was sure they stood no chance of winning so apparently, spirit territory would belong to her too. He had to look for a safe place to keep the egg, where neither Moist nor any other ruler from other races would see it to destroy it, then he had an idea immediately.
"Celia!" He called and one of the palace maids came to his aid.
"My lord hand" she bowed.
"You are of the tortoise clan?" Drucius asked, just to be sure. He knew how long the tortoise clan lived and how very careful they were with treasures.
"Yes, your lord hand" she affirmed.
"I happened to learn of the fact that you are newly wedded and with child, is that true?" He asked, making Celia very uncomfortable and nervous but she dared not leave his question unanswered.
"Yes lord hand" she replied with her head still bowed.
"Here…" he showed her the egg before speaking again. It no longer looked glorious as it did when he sealed him, Drucius also seal the egg's true glory.
"This is our spirit lord in his egg form, ha shall hatch when the time is right, on the palms of his desired one. You must tell no one about this, not even your husband, absolutely no one! This is much more than being a spirit Celia, you must protect this egg with you life and never let anyone know what it truly is. In generations to come, the spirit lord shall return and your work shall be done. This about the future of the spirit race. Do you understand?" He asked finally leaving the egg under her care.
She took it gracefully, feeling very honored to be handed such a crucial task. She was about to fall on her knees and thank him he already turned to dust, his spiritual energy was gone and there was nothing left of him. He gave his own life, for the mistakes of Aliadam.
Centuries past, and Moist continued to rule over the spirit race and made humans superior to them. Notwithstanding the fact that she could not take Aliadam's powers, she was still worshipped by them till date..,