"What did you just say?! I and Lucifer, Mates?!".
"Yes Sheba" she affirmed. "They ignored your rivalry with him, and made you his mate with out your consent. They have betrayed you Sheba and tied your destiny with the devil. You must disagree Sheba and break the deal". She frowned looking at Lucifer with resentment.
"l can not believe this!" she yelled in anger.
"Nyx, Denna and Shyla did this? But...but why! And you" she looked down at Lucifer.
"How dare you agree to that arrangement, when you are quite sure that we are sworn enemies. Why did you agree to that?" she asked.
Lucifer wiped the blood off his mouth before speaking. "That was the least reward l could take for retrieving that amulet from Moist and setting you free. You should be thanking me you know. Not whine about meaningless points!".
"You... you kill joy! Was my sister never enough for you that you still want me too? You are a very selfish demon and l would never consider the option of being your mate!" she said to his face with anger but that made him chuckle.
"lt is not an option Sheba. It is a deal and no deal ever made with the devil can be broken" he smirked wickedly at her making her clench her fists in pain and frustration.
"l saved you, l caused your reincarnation and in return, l order that you to become my mate!" he said with authority.
"No one dares to order the enchantress supreme" she retorted. "I am the most powerful witch to ever walk the surface of this world. You don't give me orders Lucifer and l will never bend to your will" she declared.
"lt is either you peacefully become my mate" he started, speaking very dreadfully. "Or..."
"Or what Lucifer" Elisha interfered.
"Keep your mouth out of this foolish fish!" Lucifer cursed before turning back to Sheba.
"And who did you just call a foolish fish?" Elisha was now furious.
"You cower on the floor there like a coward and still have the guts to call me a foolish fish?!" she made an attempt to stab him with her nails but Sheba stopped her. "Let me go Sheba!" she shrieked. "l must teach his arrogant self to shut up sometimes".
"Not now Elisha" she shook her head. "Or what Lucifer" she returned him back to what he was saying before Elisha's interference.
"Or, l will return you to the amulet you came from and you will remain nothing but a stone hanging on the neck of your beloved sister Moist" he smiled darkly at her, which got her more frustrated.
"That is never happening. It is totally impossible for me to go back there" Sheba widened her eyes. The thought of becoming trapped again made her feel powerless.
"Of course it is, you can confirm from your witches if you don't believe me. Oh! You can't, and do you know why?" she shook her head.
"Well that is because the deal made it clear that they shall have nothing to do with you till you are eighteen and shall be fully awoken" he said with all seriousness but Sheba didn't seem to believe him.
"Lies devil!" Elisha objected. "You cannot do that!"
"Are you really sure about that, foolish fish? Or are you just so angry that Sheba will be mine and not yours". Now this broke the camel's back. Elisha could take him no more, the thought of Sheba becoming his drove her insane and she did not let her get in way of dealing with him for good.
"Enough!" she made to stab him again but Sheba held her back again. "What is with you stopping me from teaching him some manners Sheba?" she asked with utter dismay.
"Can't you see he is in enough pain already? He is already hurt, no need to cause him more harm" she answered sensibly.
"You care about him" Elisha pointed out looking at her, disappointed.
"Of course she does" Lucifer answered with delight.
"Nonsense!" she objected.
"Then why are you stopping me?!"
"Because he is hurt and in no condition to take your deadly stabs now Elisha. Just let him blab his nonsense chattering, it's of no sense anyway" she replied.
"Besides, all this would not have been happening if you truly love me as you claim to!" she charged against her.
"What do you mean?" she asked looking very confused.
"l had expected that you be the one to set me free from that amulet and bring me back to life, so that we could finally be together, but what did you do instead? Huh! You remained in your layer underwater and allowed him of all people to cause my reincarnation! You allowed this to happen Elisha because if you were the one who set me free, Lucifer would never have had any claim on me today! You failed me!".
At her words, Elisha was hurt. She was definitely right, if she had been the one who retrieved the amulet, she would have had her all to herself but she failed. She failed her. "l am so sorry Sheba" she quickly apologized. "l failed you and l am so angry at myself for doing so, please forgive me"
"Leave Elisha" she ordered. "l have nothing else to talk to you about". She turned away from her pityful pink eyes, that could charm her to accepting her apologies as she spoke to her with a stern voice.
"No Sheba. You can not ask me to leave, l said l am sorry, l can still fix this. I can make this right and you won't have to be his mate" she eyed Lucifer as she spoke.
"l said go Elisha. Just go! I don't want to see you ever again!"
"But..." she tried to object but Lucifer didn't give her the chance to.
"Did you not hear her foolish fish? She said leave".
"l promise you Lucifer, l will make you pay for this. Mark my words, you will pay for it".
"Keep fantasizing about it foolish fish. It will never come to be because my mate will always be here for me" he gave her a wicked smiled which made her heart shriek in pain.
But she only ignored him and turned to Sheba.
"l will make this right Sheba. I promise" she pecked her both cheeks before leaving, which made Lucifer feel the sudden urge of tearing her apart but he was too weak to, even if he was given the opportunity to.
"You must be very glad Lucifer" Sheba now focused her attention on him now that Elisha was gone. "You must be very happy now that l gave up my love for Elisha because of your selfish desires right?"
"Love?" he snorted. "Oh please Sheba. You might be the enchantress supreme and all but we both know you are a very bad liar".
"What do you mean?" she asked with no intentions of getting angry unnecessarily.
"We both know you never felt true love for Elisha, all of that was just lust and carnal obsession" he scoffed.
"Good you know then" she smiled slightly. "I suppose you don't expect me to love you right?" she asked, already predicting his answer to be a capital 'No' because she was very aware he felt nothing for her but only cared for her sister Moist. She was sure he needed her as a tool to acquire more power but she was sure to turn the tables around.
"Not unless you decide to" he said simply.
"Splendid! Then that decision is something you will never hear. I will never fall for you Lucifer, even if my life depends on it. You are and will forever remain my rival for eternity" she said directly at him but he did not answer, he only had this sad expression that if she was not reasonable enough, she would have believed that her words hurt him but she was very sure it did not.
He hated her as much as she hated him, the feelings were mutual and that gave her peace of mind.
"Why are you this hurt?" she finally asked after all said and done.
"Do you really wish to know?" he asked as he tried to stand up.
"Not like l care, l am just very surprised that you are this weak. The last time l saw you centuries ago you were more like you, but now you are nothing but a hurt dog licking his own blood in pain" she insulted.
"Well Sheba, like it or not, this hurt weak dog is your mate" he reminded her with a smile on his face as he finally got up to his feet.
"Say that again and..." she clenched her fists as she charged against but she was stopped by this sharp pain she felt in her head, it felt like a very strong migraine and it was like her head was going to split into two.
"Aaah!" she shrieked in pain as she held her head.
"What is going on?" she asked him but he didn't bulge at her question. He only stood there and stared at her like he was waiting for what ever it was that was happening to her to stop before saying what he had in mind.
"What are you doing to me Lucifer" she asked again and received an answer this time.
"Nothing Sheba. You are only going back to sleep, you are not eighteen yet, so be a good witch and shut your eyes tight" he said with a smirk.
"You are the..." she wanted to curse but like he said, it was time for her to go to sleep. She felt so weak and dizzy, so she lost her balance but he didn't let her fall to the floor. "You are..."she continued again, now in his arms. "the worst person l have ever met Lucifer" she said finally before letting the darkness envelope her.
"l know" he answered her while she was already unconscious. "But all that is going to change very soon, real soon, when l finally mark you my dear Sheba"...