The light creeped into the room through the slightly drawn curtains and it rested upon her closed eyes. It remained there till she turned to the other side of the huge bed to avoid it's radiation, then it rested on the pillow.
She had been asleep for over a day now and she has not moved till now. The view of her lying on the bed looked like a little flower on a wide palm, with she being the flower and the bed being the wide palm. The room was grand in size, and so was everything in it. The bed was very comfortable and that was definitely what allowed her sleep for twenty four hours straight without opening her eyes or making movement up until now.
She groaned a bit in her sleep before finally opening her eyes to find herself in an unfamiliar place. She looked around in confusion before finally asking the question in her head, 'Where am I?'
She sat up a bit, and supported her head with the pillow as she examined the whole place while she compared it with all other places she had being in. It looked nothing like her hut in the forest with Nathan and it didn't resemble her brother Moguos's hut, neither did it take the likes of the beautiful woman's home, the one who kidnapped her before and mistook her for some 'Sheba. She snorted at the thought.
This place wasn't as beautiful as the woman' s home but it sure looked beautiful and was very big.
"Where exactly is this place?" she asked herself again. She stood from the bed to at least leave the room and see if she could see any one else she could ask about her where abouts.
She walked straight to the door without feeling the need or urge to check how she was dressed, that was the least of her thoughts now. She twisted the door knob and it clicked open. With a slight smile of satisfaction on her face, she opened it wide and peeped outside only to find a whole hallway empty.
"Where is this place?" she said as she stepped out of the room, closing the door behind her carefully. She didn't want to attract any attention or make any noise, so that if this was another act of adoption she could easily escape without the one who adopted her knowing.
She looked left and right, debating which way to take then she settled for her left, not really sure why. She tiptoed towards her left, making sure she made no noise nor bumped into anything. Luckily for her, nothing or no one was on the way so she was totally out of sight.
As she walked along the endless dark hall way, she noticed that the whole place was awfully quite. She couldn't hear the sound of any thing at all. The only thing she could hear were her own unsteady breathes and the loud sound of her thumping heart.
"This place is giving me the creeps" she hugged herself as she kept her eyes straight and continued walking, hoping she would sense some bit of life soon.
She walked for long minutes more, before she could finally hear voices. She rejoiced within her, 'finally some life in this dark and cold place. She followed the voices she heard until she got to 'the main hall of the house she guessed. The whole place was lighted and it looked very beautiful,with long magnificent curtains which the ray of pure light that made their ways into the hall from the slight openings made it look magical. She stood there admiring the hall, then she heard the voices again. They were deep and surely coming from men.
She traced where they were coming from only to realize that she was directly above them. She walked to the rails she saw and looked down to see an even more beautiful space. Unlike the one she was standing on, this one had various magnificent seats and it was arranged in a sort of 'C shape, with the most majestic of them all in the midst of the curve.
It was situated in such a way that anyone sitting on it could see all those that sat on the rest. But something was just off with it. Everything about it spoke of darkness, from the curtains to the walls and the floor itself. It had this aura that gave her this strange cold. At that, she cowered backwards, pulling away from the rails no longer interested to see they were that were speaking.
"Has he really brought her here?" one of the voices asked, and it made her curiosity rise again. She went back to the rails to look down and this time, determined to see the faces of those who were speaking. She must at least find out who her kidnapper was if she wished to escape or should she just escape now since she was very sure he was occupied?
She gave it a quick thought and settled to satisfy her curiosity first. So she remained. She looked down this time, no longer focused on the seats, it's majesty and the darkness she felt from it.
She strained her eyes but still could not see them because they were directly under her and she knew she wasn't going to see them like this. She had to get down there and at least hide behind the chairs, but how?
She looked around for stairs but she couldn't find any, how then did they get down?' She furrowed.
She thought of going through the dark cold hall again but discarded it immediately. She needed a plan B'. She looked round her as she thought very fast then her eyes landed on the long grand curtains and she smiled to herself. Without wasting time, she went straight to the first ones her hand could reach and she tried to tear them but it was too strong and too hard to tear. She looked up to where the curtain began and saw that its holds were not too strong at all, so she could bring it down easily.
At that, she pulled the curtain as hard as she could, with all the strength she could muster but she tried not to groan or make any noise so that she won't get caught in the act.
The curtain seemed stubborn but she was the queen of stubbornness, so she was not giving up. She pulled it for few seconds more before it finally came down, falling upon her and illuminating the whole hall and the hall below her as well.
"What just happened?" she could hear a man ask. It was definitely one of those talking before. She was struggling to get the curtain off her and at least get out of there before the man comes up. She actually did not think her plan through before putting it into action. What was she to do now?' she was out of ideas.
"The curtain fell" she heard another man answer but not from below her anymore but directly before her. She was now very confused. How could he get up here without her hearing any footsteps or at least sense that someone was coming in case if he tiptoed like her. What was going on?' she wondered still beneath the fallen curtain. She no longer struggled to be free but just stayed quite and unmoving.
"I can see that Sherlock" the first man to speak spoke again. "But what made it fall or was this your doing?"
"Of course not Lambert. I am not that desperately in need for light".
Wait a minute' she thought within her. Sherlock, Lambert. she knew those names. They were the names her dead brothers. The twins!' she gasped within her, Lambert and Sherlock. Was it really them or was it just a coincidence her kidnappers bore the same names. Yes, it must be. Moguos had made it clear that they were dead, so it definitely wasn't them.
"Well let's pull it back up then" one of them suggested.
'What? Pull it back up?' she was totally doomed now. She would have just escaped when she had the chance but now, she was going to be killed and there was nothing she could do about it.
"What now Sherlock?" the other bawled.
"I feel this magnificent dark aura here. Don't you feel it?"
"Yes, I do now. It is not something I felt before. Who is there?" he asked boldly and loudly
"Show yourself!"
'Or no where they talking about her? Khalan now knew that this was the end. There was no way out this time and Nathan was no where around to save her.
Yes Nathan' she sobbed within her. If only she had curtailed her stubbornness and had remained in the hut, all these won't be happening. From meeting her brother to falling into the hands of kidnappers that bore the names of her dead brothers.
'Oh Nathan! Where are you?' She cried. She wondered if he would even forgive her after all she had said to him. She missed him so much and longed to be with him again.
"Who is there?" he called again and then a voice she knew very well spoke.
"Why is my curtain on the floor?" he asked and the tone of his voice proved that he was not pleased at all with the excess light that found its way in.
'Nathan? she gasped was that really him? Unfortunately, she couldn't see because she was covered with the curtain.
"This is not our doing my lord" one of them tried to speak for the two. "Someone else did it but we are not sure who".
' Lord? Why were they calling him lord? She puzzled.
"Yes my lord" the other added. "We feel this other dark presence here, and we can say some other being of darkness is here my lord. Some other powerful being".
'Some other powerful being' whew. For a moment there she thought she was the one they sensed. But luckily for her, it was some one else but who could that be.
"You may leave now" He spoke again. "I will handle things from here".
"Of course my lord" they said in unison and she waited to hear them leave but she heard no footsteps. She strained her ears but still couldn't hear any. 'Did they stay back even after his order?' she asked herself and suddenly, she felt the curtain being lifted from her by some one.
'Oh no! They didn't leave, and were really bent on killing her. What should she do? She didn't plan on dying yet.
Infact, she did not plan on dying at all. With many things running in her head, she could not think of any other thing but resolved to the craziest thing ever.
"Help! Help me Nathan! They did not leave as you had asked them to! They are trying to kill me!"
Wait! Was she insane. What if the man was their leader who ordered her kidnapped and not Nathan but her rethink of actions were already too late and the curtain was completely pulled away from her, leaving her exposed and in sight. All she did was cover her face with her palms as she curled her self up, too scared to face reality.
"Seriously! Dressed in your underwears again before me? You certainly do not learn Khalan"...