Mr. Henry and Kyler had a lot to talk about. Kyler stood there watching him regain composure and then sat on the couch he had sat. There was no getting away with this. He wasn't ready to tell her everything about himself first but the things going on in that amazing mind that he didn't know made him worry. This is so complicated he thought and choosing not to say anything to her yet started to walk back but was stopped in his tracks.
"So, you choose to walk away? I thought we had something between us. Something fiery and strong and beautiful but now you're walking away without giving me a piece of yourself. I thought we were good for each other and open to each other fully. Personally, and very clearly, it's only me who is open because what I heard just told me there was a whole lot of you, I didn't know and maybe I would have never known if I hadn't come out. Whenever I think I am ready to marry you a reason comes out and shows me I am not and right now I know neither are you. You were going to leave so I will leave before you."
She thrust the glass of juice she had brought out to him and went inside. Not looking at him. At dinner, she sat at the other end of the table across and far from him. She ate slowly and sadly. She didn't yap about her day to Bridgit while at the table like always and it would be like that for a couple of weeks. She didn't complement the food and the cold icy aura of the man of the house was too much for Bridgit and Jeremy to endure but they had no choice but to stand beside them on prickles and jitters. They dared not make a noise or breath too loudly because with this attitude back all hell could break loose if one wasn't careful.
{CRRR!} Kyler pushed the chair backwards and without looking at anyone or telling them her next activity like 'Bridgit I have a movie I'm watching care to join me?' or 'Henri, you lazy ass hurry come let's play this game before our bodies can't do anything anymore rather than sleep'. This time she went silently up the stairs and into her room. She couldn't believe that despite all her openness, Henry had the guts to hide so much from her.
First, the penthouse through his office, second, he had said I won't marry her so there was another 'her' in his life that loved him too and she remembered him saying something about not living there,,,doesn't care about the crown prince...blah blah! She tried to think all that again, but nothing made sense. She was so angry that all she could do was cry because she just realized that she actually knew nothing about this man. She felt cheap to him and easy going and she hated herself. It must be her taking things too fast. She swore to herself that night; never again.
The next morning, the Ice king was back fully. He saw the flaws in everything. He ordered the pillows to be put upright, he complained about the chairs being pushed too much inside and as he went out, he realized that he hadn't seen Kyler that morning taking breakfast. Bummed all over again, he got into the car. Adrian and Tommy climbed in, and they went to the company. At the parking lot, Adrian saw a car packed in his slot and identified it as the Bently Kyler had refused to drive. So, she had come to work earlier, maybe that is what made this man so angry in the morning. He laughed at the thought and walked back to his boss' office to his stand.
That day, Kyler didn't put a foot in his office even though now that she had an assistant she had a lot of breaks. Having an assistant seemed useless though. She still buried herself in work. This assistant was mostly being sent errands. Please go get me an espresso with cream and ice. Please take this to the CEO's office for signatures. Can you bring me meatloaf and white coffee for lunch? She was more like a PA. Fortunately, she was a good, kindhearted woman called Georgea, and she was verry attractive. Her hips swayed from side to side as she walked, and many turned their heads after her. She had a chocolate complexion which made her look as if her skin glowed especially when the sun hit her.
She had a killer smile, and it was very contagious that you just had to smile back. Her hair was long, and it looked like a mane with curls. She was among the very few in the world. She contradicted the saying, 'the beautiful ones are not yet born.' On the other hand, their boss was in his office, in a very bad mood. And the new secretary had noticed that that day the two love birds had come in grim face and separately. The usual smiles that had become normal to her were now gone. The boss was even more scarer that day and she dared not do anything the wrong way. in the office, she kept a distance and did everything the correct way. She had heard of how ruthless and merciless he could be if you didn't tread slowly along his path.
Days passed and things got even worse. Kyler never ate at the table. Bridgit would carry her food to her room and since that night, Henry never heard her voice again nor see her as frequently as he had been used to. Now it was him craving for her. So many nights, he had walked to her door ready to tell her his weird past and his life as the crown prince of Lee Crest kingdom. No sooner was he ready to knock when he felt all the strength drain and he would walk back to his room angrier at himself. She had given him a chance to explain, and he had been too worried that all that would push her away but now he regretted it.
He didn't know how to tell her without hurting her feelings that this was all a plan gone wrong. How would he tell her that he had accepted to an arranged marriage with a princess just because he had thought no one would love him without his manhood. That he had been given this chance to live in the city and get a woman who could arouse him. That the woman was supposed to go back with him to Lee Crest and be his sex toy because he had promised and swore to live with the princess to maintain the friendship between the two kingdoms. Him having feelings for her was a mistake he never regretted. He wondered if she would ever believe him, trust him or even accept to be his wife after all this.
He had never been this afraid to lose someone. He never cared enough to get this attached. He knew his cold demeanor was just a facade to cover his weak cowardice side. Days passed and they continued to live like strange housemates. In the office things were still great and the employees still happy to work while bantering because the CEO hadn't gone for any rounds of late and they didn't know he was back to his cold self.
One night as he was going to his room, he heard her sniffing and carefully tiptoed towards her room. Her door was slightly ajar, and he saw her throwing her clothes on the bed. Her suitcase was on the floor and in all the chaos she was creating, a cloth had wrapped itself on her leg and she tripped on it. Henry ran in and managed to hold her blouse and with good stability, helped her stand on her toes. Seeing it was him; she stepped away from him and knelt on the suitcase folding her clothes to fit in. She was no longer crying, just the loud gasps of air came out loudly.
Not wanting to see her go he gathered his courage,
"I'll explain everything." he said
"I don't want to know. Thankyou."
"Please give me a chance."
"Too late."
"I was afraid and a coward to approach you"
"Because it was not sex"
'I am sorry. Please, at least listen to me."
"Do you mind sending my salary for this month to my account?"
"Don't leave...please....I'll tell you everything. You deserve to know."
"Don't cry in front of me Henry you're changing my perspective of you. You don't have a heart. Go to your room please. I have never cried in front of you. So, I don't think I deserve to see your tears. You have someone who loves you like no one else and you don't want to go back to her and marry her.Why are men so ungrateful. I hate you so much"
The almighty Ice king now clung to her leg.
"Can't you see you make me vulnerable. It means you're my soulmate."
": Ooh please let. You believe in that, yet you just proved to me how that didn't exist.?"
"It's all a plan. I am a prince and I ... I blindly agreed to an arranged marriage to please my parents and to help them keep their friendship with another kingdom. I don't want to go back to my kingdom because a lot of me is in the city. My flourishing company all thanks to you. I have assets in town, and I like it here. with you I like it the most."
"You do know that flattering me and telling me things that don't add up will change my mind? You think all the anger in my heart can be quenched with one made up excuse? Do this... just send my money to me by tomorrow morning. I'm leaving." she said and removed her leg from his grip. She went to the bathroom and stayed. Crying her heart out again. She really loved him, but she wasn't sure if he really did. She wanted to change her mind, but she was not sure if it was a good idea. What if he just made up a story to make me see he is sincere and maybe he is hiding some more info. She didn't want to make a mistake.
After almost a millennial in the washroom, she went out and was shocked to find Henry sited on the floor his back leaning on the door to her room. He looked so pale and without speaking a word, she went and sat beside him, leaning on his shoulder. She needed assurance of their love. In abundance. Hugging his arm, she chose to give him a chance and to actually listen to him.
"I'm ready to listen Henry." she said still having the loud gasps of air.
"I am sorry for being such a coward and..