" Let me start where all this started,"
"You better tell me everything." she said hugging his arm.
"All my life, being the first son of a king, I grew up with all eyes on me. They expected me to be the perfect son because later I like it or not, I would be their king. I learned to fight, to draw to stay alone, playing to me was cut off at an early age. I had tutors at home since I was three. My two brothers joined me when they reached five years of age. I could say I was almost good in everything and to top up I was quiet, and I always tried to be super careful in everything I did to be just a little perfect. But a little was never enough for my dad and he criticized me a lot. His excuse to rattle on me and be so harsh was that Diamond and gold go through furnaces to be what they are. For some time, I believed him. Why? Because he countlessly called me his favorite. But then I reached teenage hood, and I never was attracted to the opposite gender or my gender. "
"I guess that was your first real flaw. Being asexual right?"
"Yeah, and soon my mother noticed I was passing that stage, and I had never brought a girl home and at first she thought I was gay. She came to my room and asked me if I had a girlfriend, and I casually said no to me I didn't think I it was a biggie until I heard her ask me if I was gay. I was hurt but I answered her and told her soon I'll bring a girl home if that is what she wanted. I forced myself and I started by hitting on my maid's daughter because their quarters were the nearest to the castle. She was sweet but when we kissed my shaft never stood and I was hurt. Even when she removed her clothes or let me touch her breasts, nothing happened. So, there was no way we could have sex, and she broke up with me. I knew then that she saw me as a lesser man, but I could do nothing. I tried dating even hotter mature women, but nothing happened. My ego was hurt, and I thought maybe I was gay something I hated. I tried to look at men differently see them in a different way than just men but never happened. So many days I tried to marstabate but the thing never erected no matter all the naked girls I tried to imagine and remember, I tried watching porn but no. By then I couldn't even face my mother. I thought she knew of my impediment because of course mothers know everything magically. You don't have to tell them. "
And you discussed it with her?"
"Ew. No. My dad came to my room one night unexpectedly and found me banging my thing on the table and was shocked to see me crying. I was just punishing myself for being such a failure, but dad told me I wasn't helping myself by making myself feel all that pain. For the first time since I started school, he hugged me, and I calmed down somehow. He had come to recommend me to see some specialist but a week of them coming didn't improve a thing but then one day, my grandad called me and told me some stuff about a king's prophesy. At that time, it was damn but was true. here you're and we've had sex so many times, yet I still want you day and night."
"And what about that other woman?" she asked.
"Oh, before my granddad had called, my dad had lost all hope for me and thought I 'll never find anyone to marry so he made a deal with a very needy kingdom. He would help them grow by buying the golds found in their very fertile land, but their daughter was to marry me and stay with me no matter what. That night, he had come with her and brought her to my chambers. I thanked God that she didn't ask for sex that first night but unfortunately, she did the very next day. She was so angry with me, and she came to hate me. For a whole month, that woman treated me with so much contempt. Not once had I tried to be the head, but she used my manless to tell me I didn't deserve her, to tell me that it was like she was living with another woman, and I had to see her everyday go to parties and obviously have sex with other men. My mother noticed but she couldn't stop her, sex was a need to everyone. Well except me and I hated myself."
"So, what was the prophecy?" she asked and kissed his neck, "you had a hard life."
"Grandpa told me that in the past before our kingdom, btw It's called Lee Crest, became the largest and the strongest, there was a war between kingdom Zana and a powerful sorcerer in their kingdom. Well, they believed in such, those days. He was powerful and could use magic to control weather and plants. However, he had joined forces with witches who hated the unity of people and soon his mindset changed too, and he would kill people mercilessly. With no care in the world. He tried to get close to the king. Immediately the king had asked for help from our kingdom and at that time my grandpa who was king agreed to help his fellow king to fight the opposition. Unfortunately, when all this was happening, the Zana's queen, delivered triplets. Identical triplets. Two boys and a girl. However, as the war continued for years, King Liberty of Zana had brought his boys to our kingdom, sad and sullen.
His daughter had died, and he had mourned her death in the comfort and company of my grandfather. His sadness and sorrow were too much that he had started to see visions and strange dreams. At one time, he sleepwalked to the drawing room and taking a chalk, he had drawn a flower on the wall. So big and magnificent. He had painted it in two halves. One half green and the other half blue. At the center, he had written the forever flower. All through, my father had been on the doorway astonished. He had not been sleeping and had heard the rapid short steps and murmuring on the hallway. He had followed and had been shocked to see king Liberty crying. He had gone to his father, my grandpa and woken him up.
He had followed his son to see what the urgency was, that he had to be woken up at midnight. In the drawing room, they found King Liberty repeating and saying that his daughter must live again, and her life will be as good as her and her marriage will be pure because her husband will be among the few who are pure. My grandpa and my dad had stood there transfixed to the ground and had watched as the blue and green merged, forming a bright yellow flower. It had then shrunk and peeled itself from the wall. It floated on air and was almost falling on the ground when my dad, not knowing the strength of the words that had been coming from the king's mouth, had ran forward and picked it up. No sooner had it touched her palm than it stuck and slowly sank into his skin. My father had just started crying when they all found themselves in their beds and it felt like they had been in a dream. My grandpa told me that my father couldn't remember a thing and no matter how much grandpa tried to show him flowers or draw the same flower or ask him anything about the night he had come for him, nothing came to his mind. Grandpa had then let it slip, and it stayed as if nothing ever happened.
He then told me that in his old age, he had had a dream where he saw me and a woman glowing blue and green and when we became one glowed yellow. I didn't understand but then he told me that glowing yellow meant that we could be intimate, and I was happy but then it occurred to me where could I find you. At first grandpa helped me invite ladies daily to my chambers across the kingdom but when I found no one, I stopped believing, I got even more sad, and I left the kingdom. I didn't care if I was a crown prince or not. My second brother could have the crown, and I left. My dad gave me a lot of gold and Money to start a new life. At home no woman respected me or saw me as a man anymore and so when I came to the city, I established myself and I hated people, women especially. At home, I had seen how people could use your weakness against you and as a result, I became the Ice king you call me. I couldn't let history repeat itself.
I never talked to Bridgit just so you know. I had told Jeremy to warn her never to be in my presence. Her place was in the kitchen and kitchen alone. Tommy was the only one who came to closely see me smile but I assure you he doesn't know me at all. Maybe he thinks he does but I've never really shared anything that matters to me with him. I don't ever think he'll ever understand me. Nobody does"
"Thats the weirdest story I've ever had. I thought sorcerers never existed like in the real world. I also don't believe in that freaking story but now that I have you, I guess it's true. I have never had sex with anyone, but I was this close. I have had boyfriends, but I guess them cheating on me before it became so serious or before we had sex was because of you. Should I really believe in that?"
"Yeah. It's all. I had never told anyone because it makes me look so ancient and plus, I don't like to go through the most embarrassing story of my life but for you I did." he said carrying her to bed.
"Can we?" he asked as he played with her nipples and kneading them between his fingers. They were so hard.
"Yeah..I missed this those days we never talked or saw each other anymore..."
"Stop talking." he said crushing his lips on Her's. As he played with her boobs, her hands were on his belt. Working fast.
"FYI....I understand you...ok?"she said breaking the passionate kiss and then pushing him on the bed and switching positions, sat on him.
"Today. I take charge" she said planting butterfly light kisses on his chest all the way from his neck and even farther down.