Rafael woke up in the morning and realized how much he had missed to see the bright golden sun rays in his room. For the past year, the sunrise had always found him at the hospital's gates. Standing guard or even sitted. It was 7 o' clock and throwing his blankets away, stumbled into the bathroom. He prepared a warm bath and sat in the bathtub planning a successful day in the office. He didn't plan on messing it.
He then dressed in one of his black suits which complemented his brown skin and combed his hair back. He Then drank a hot glass of milk with a scrambled egg and left. He had just ignited his car when he noticed he had not changed into work shoes and immediately went back again. He just laughed at himself imagining what if he hadn't realized it? He would have become the laughingstock. Hurriedly back to the car, he drove off.
He had to be there by 8 sharp. To meet with the Company's president, Leo Chico. He was told last night when he talked to Darling that her brother was a very time conscious man, and he has anger issues. Rafael didn't want to be at the receiving end of his anger on the first day. He arrived at 7.55 and was happy to have some minutes to bring his thoughts together.
At 7.58, he walked out and walked to the receptionist who directed him to the 6th floor. The place spoke of opulence with its very beautiful desks for employees and walls decorated with large frame arts hanging. The elevators were made of silver and they had steel handles to hold on. The sixth floor left his mouth hanging, there were more exquisite things and vessels that could break at a single touch.
At the end of the hall, there was a misty glass door written CEO. As he walked down the path left at the center, silence fell as everyone looked at him bewildered. He was handsome, neat, elegant and his walking style attracted a few ladies. As he walked and knocked at the CEO's office, whispers had already issued especially among the ladies who didn't know that this man was already off limits. He belonged to their boss.
A secretary opened for him and again it was like entering another opium. The secretaries glass office was on his right and beyond it was a series of lobby chairs, opposite them was an office which his soon to be wife will occupy. It had a translucent door which covered the interior pretty well. At the end was another translucent door. He observed all this as the secretary informed Leo of his presence.
The secreatery ushered him to go to the door labeled president. As he approached, the door became clearer and the man inside could see him. He knocked again and as he entered he felt like he was here to do an interview when it was just to get acquainted to the president and then get his place. The door was not translucent it was just automated to clear the mistyness when someone approached.
"Good morning, sir," he greeted him.
"Morning," he answered as he sat upright and looked him straight in the eye."Have a seat and let's talk." He said to Rafael. He wondered if this man was capable of being angry, yet he was so polite when speaking normally but then he remembered still waters are under.
"So how did you manage to trick my sister into looking for a position here?How bold were you to even go meet our father and manage to manipulate the unmanipulative into hiring you and even giving you a car from our household?"
Rafael was puzzled, This man thought he was the one who came to Darling's life? He couldn't believe it. Furthermore, where is all this coming from?
"Sir, I don't understand what you're speaking of. I.."
"Cut the crap. You think I don't know scumbags when I see one? And you're one of them. I did a background check, and what I found spoke volumes. You want to do what you did with your wife. To trick my sister into helping you grow and then you'll have the wealth you lost and leave her? I'm not stupid. Know that every single day you enter this building, I am watching you and just so you know, if I had the final say, this would've been your first and last day to put your leg here."
Rafael was rooted, he had neither words nor the strength to talk back and clear his name. He was tired of explaining his changed self to people. He was tired of trying to prove how better he was now. Tired of people thinking and seeing him as a bad person and just sat there waiting for him to finish his critcism. He won't believe anything he said to him as his mind was set on who he was. He had no problem of how people saw him anymore.
At least he hadn't fired him. Thanks to the stars because his father had recommended him.
"When Rafael saw he heard finished his torrent, he politely said,
"Thank you for the job, Mr. Leo. I hope to exceed your expectations in my work."
"Go ask Linda, to show you your desk. The secretary."
"Thank you, sir." Rafael appreciated and left his office. Outside, he sat down on one of the chairs and breathed in, composed himself and motivated himself. He was going to work in this company, no matter the challenges because he had a family life ahead. He stood and walked to Linda who walked with him to the others and took him to his desk. It was at the farthest corner of the large room and he was surrounded with a bunch of glass wearing weirdos.
That whole day, they worked in silence and none of the four men went for a break or for lunch. Occasionally, one would put earphones and another ear pods as a distraction, but I bet you could sleep if you listened to any of that. Rafael just drunk water and often looked at Darling's picture and would go back to work with newfound energy. Every time he looked at her photo, his love for her made his heart swell and pump blood. He wondered why she didn't come to the office but chose not to call while in the office even though he missed her terribly. He was so lonely despite the many people in the office.
He really missed to be home, and he left immediately when it was time. He had finished the day's task given to him earlier. In his car, he called Darling.
"Hey...I missed you. I miss you every minute you're not with me."he said to her.
"I missed you too honey. I was to come but something happened."
"What happened darling? I'm getting worried."
"You didn't want this but it's happening. It happened."
"Please stop beating around the bush, tell me what's going on."
"I woke up pressed with a vomit. I was so sick the whole morning but the doctor was called."
"And...?"he encouraged her to continue.
"The doctor said I maybe pregnant."
"Wow!! I've waited for such a moment in my life for so long. Wait, isn't it too soon?"
"No It's two weeks and two weeks ago we did it in the washroom remember?"
"What?"He said laughing,"we made our baby the first time we did it?"He was so happy.
"In the washroom imagine."she said laughing heartily and relieved he had no problem.
"I want our wedding to be before you give birth. So that the child won't be 'born out of wedlock'. Is that okay with you baby?"
"But I'll be pregnant."
"No problem. At least our baby we'll take part too, right? Darling, don't you worry. I'll find a good large dress, okay?"
"Okay Raf. I guess I should call you Raveloe because I love you soo much. How was your day honey?"
"Your brother hates me from the bones."
"What did he say to you. He still doesn't know how to use that mouth of his well."
"He said I'm a gold digger and I engineered all this to get close to your parents. Plus my past also took part big time. I really hate when it lowers my standards."He said to her sincerely.
"I'll speak with that brat."
"How did your parents take the news of you getting pregnant?"
"They just asked if you're the dad and when I said yeah, they jubilated. They really like you."
"I'm honored to be the loved son in-law." he said laughing.
"Where have you packed your car? "
"Why? I am still in the company's packing lot."
"I guessed, go buy something and rest. Tomorrow I'll come to the office after my morning sickness. To visit you though, not to work."
"Your brother won't like that, and I may suffer the consequences as his subordinate." He tried to make her stay at home and not drive.
"I know what you're doing. Everyone wants me to stay indoors and look after myself. No that's not happening plus I have to talk to that knucklehead." she said firmly that Rafael couldn't help but agree.
"Okay but rest well to have enough strength tomorrow."
"You too. Bye and don't forget to eat something."
"Of course, how can I forget and I'm a foodie."
He drove back home happy and singing,
"I'm going to be a dad" all the way.
The next day, Rafael arrived earlier and had breakfast in the company teahouse. He ate a French toast and by 8, he was sited at his desk. He really waited for Darling. Their video call in the morning had not been enough.
At around noon, Darling came in followed by two bodyguards. She didn't see him, but he did and was so happy and excited to talk to her, but he couldn't stand up and follow her. She was the one to make the first move. No sooner had she sat down on his chair, than she summoned for Rafael. Everyone heard him being called from the intercom as Linda called for him and again whispers came alive. Once behind the inner doors, Linda told him to enter the vice president's office.
On opening, he came face to face with his love of life. Without talking much, their mouths met, and they passionately kissed. Darling wanted to make out, but Rafael was worried about the pregnancy.
"Yesterday, I searched about pregnant women, and I found out, that at these early weeks and the second trimester, it's not okay to be penetrated but...,"
"In the fourth trimester, when the baby is fully grown, it's necessary to have sex often to make you ready for birth."
"What's fourth trimester?"
"At around eight months darling?"he said and kissed her eyes, nose and bit her earlobes,
"You do know that you're not helping me by doing that?"
"I'm teasing you because now you can't have sex. but I am her to always satisfy you in all other ways and this is among them," he said and kissed her again. Darling couldn't keep her hands to herself and stroke him while he kneaded her breasts. She had just started to pull his trousers off when he remembered where they were.
"What if someone catches us?"
"You don't have to worry, no one comes here without being called for"
"And you brother...he'll hate me even more and my life will sure be hell."
"He doesn't get out of his office much, he calls people to go to him." she said that and pushed him to sit in her office chair behind her desk. She touched him and licked him like never before and what made this even hotter to Rafael, was the fact that Leo was in the adjacent room, and he hated him. He couldn't help but pull her deeper and arch his head. He had just reached his climax ,cummed and Darling was sitting in his lap when the door opened and a wide-eyed Leo stood at the door and quickly retreated to his office.
The two people caught red handed were left looking at each other and the fact that Leo had seen them almost naked destroyed the mood. They both dressed up and an angry Darling ordered Rafael to stay there and stomped off to her brother's office.
"What exactly is your problem? You forgot how to knock on a door?"
"And did you forget your manners and dignity at home?"
"He's, my man. I do whatever I want with him. Two, it's my office I can do anything in it" She said slamming her palms on his desk."And what is it with you and him?"
"I don't understand?"
"Obviously. Why did you call him a gold digger? You don't even Know him?"
"Is it not clear now. He wants sex only and your money of course."
"You better treat him right or I'll tell dad. Keep your hatred to yourself."
And what will dad do? Beat me up?"
"You're the only one who sees him that way. Mum and Dad were so happy when I told them I'm pregnant with his child, so you better look out and be careful. You know better than anyone else to hurt a friend to dad."
"Wait! You're pregnant?"
"For him, just to confirm it to you. He's family now and you better treat him like a brother in-law."
"I'll try but I won't guarantee."
"Shameless." She said angry with him. That's why he doesn't have friends. He is so egoistic. she said to herself. In the office, Rafael apologized for any quarrels with his brother but was dismissed.
"It is lunch. Let's go grab something." She said as she snaked her hand around his elbow and marking her territory as they walked in the different floors. This made her feel special.
"He stays in his office, huh?"
"Forget that Barstad." she said closing that topic.