Our 16th birthday was coming up, they typically like to do a ceremony for those shifting for the first time, but I was uninvited like I said treated like dirt. I was excited to finally see Xena but I also knew I needed to find a safe place to shift as there might be a chance my scent is released. So for the months leading up to my birthday I searched for the perfect spot, not on my territory or an other territory, so I was ready.
The night before I snuck out to this place only taking the things I needed to stay the night just in case I shifted before I was meant too. I got settled in for the night talking to Xena telling her we will finally be one tomorrow, she is bustling around in my head ready for it to.
With that I fall asleep.
I was woken by so much pain the next morning, thank god I found a safe place because I was shifting and like I feared my scent was released during that time.
Xena is beautiful she is white like an almost glowing white with fire red on her paws and a flame mark on her forehead red like fire. She is stunning.
I let her take over, I tell her to stay out of territory lands we do not need to draw attention to ourselves she listens, and with that we are off like a rocket, she is fast faster than I have ever seen any other wolf run. I feel so free, thank goodness when we turned I was able to hide our scent again hopefully the release of my scent was just for the first shift.
It is starting to get dark so I take over again and make my way home. Straight to my room to shower not wanting to be seen by no one. I will make everyone think I am unable to shift, because if anyone saw her there would be no telling what would come of that.