Chapter 6 - Jonathan

The visit home was like going on a suicide mission. Before deciding to go I had second thoughts about it.Thoughts like; what if dad hadn't gone for work? What if one of the house helpers saw me?

Even though those thoughts crossed my mind I still decided to go because I really missed Bubu and I was pretty sure she missed me too.

I also had to go and tell her when she'd be expecting me to go and get her from that godforsaken house. The house that only has stupid rules.

I should be able to open my restaurant within a year with the money that I saved and the money that I'm getting from working for Derrick.

But first I need to get a certificate for a chef. So I applied at one of the colleges in Lusaka and I'll be taking online classes.

I just thought going to college physically might be a risk for me so that's why I decided on going for online classes. I also applied for a place in college in Lusaka because if I did it in my home town my dad would surely find out and my efforts would all go in vain.

Have I mentioned Jonathan yet? I don't think I have.

Well Jonathan aside from Bubu is one of the reasons I ran away from my wedding. Why? Because he is my boyfriend. He and I have been dating for like one and half a year.

I met him four months after mom's death.

At that time I was still healing from the trauma of losing my mom. Two months after meeting we started dating and he's always been caring and loving.

I love him so much and there's just no way I was going to leave him and marry another dude. So not right.

I look at myself in the mirror and I think I'm quite satisfied with how I look. I'm wearing a pink tank top with a black mini skirt. Some black lip liner on my lips. Black is so the color for my lips and I so like how it makes them look.

I put on so slippers and I take a look at myself in the mirror again. Okay I think I'm ready to go and see my man.

It's been quite a long time since I last saw him and I hate myself for that. Funny thing is that I didn't tell him that my dad had arranged a marriage for me. But I just couldn't bring myself to tell him.

But just to be honest I'm pretty sure he knew because my dad had announced the wedding on television.

I head out of Derrick's mansion and I make my way to Jonathan's apartment. I haven't told him that I'm going to see him so in short I'm surprising him.

I walk to his apartment because it's only a few streets from Derrick's mansion. Thankfully Jameson avenue is a bit far from luangwa extension ( dad's resendetial area).

I get there within twenty minutes and I knock on the door but no one answers. I open the door with my own copy of house key, enter the apartment and I sit on one of his couches.

What! Can't a girl enter her boyfriend's house without knocking.

"Hello! Is anybody home!" I call out "babe are you here." He still doesn't answer. So I go to his bedroom and I hear water running in his bathroom. Oh he's bathing.

I come out of the room, find my way to the kitchen, open the fridge and then I make myself some juice.

I sit on the kitchen table sipping from the juice I made myself. I get my phone I start scrolling through it in order to make myself busy as I wait for Jonathan.

Ten minutes later he comes out of the bedroom. Wearing a black short with a light blue t-shirt.

Immediately after seeing me he stops in his tracks a huge smile sweeping through his face.

"Omg mon amour !" He calls running towards me.

He picks me up twirls me around the room and while touching my cheeks he says "hi baby."

"Hi," I say while giggling "how's mon amour doing ?"

"He couldn't be any better than now," he says placing a soft peck on cheek "oh God I missed. Where did you disappear to this past is it two months?"

"A month and two weeks," I correct "and well you'll have to sit down first before I tell you."

"Alright," he says as he sits down and I sit too.

I tell him everything that happened starting from the wedding, the fleeing, the accounts being frozen and the working for Derrick.

"Omg love, so much has happened to you in such a short period of time. It must have been hard for you." He says his voice filled with sympathy, "did he really just have to freeze your accounts? Which father does that to their own daughter?"

"I guess it's a way of him wanting me to go back to him and begging him for forgiveness."

"Oh Lord I'm so sorry bae. but how are you holding up?"

"I'm just okay don't worry I'll get through this it's just a matter of time."

"And I'll be there to support you. Anyways have you spoken to Rose how she doing."

"I went home yesterday and she's fine, she was even saying hi."

"You did what!" He screams "mon amour how can you go risking your life like that?"

" Don't worry, no one saw me. Besides it's not like when he finds me his going to end my life."

"What difference does it make? Quite alright he won't end your life but he is still going to ruin it. So please don't go around risking your life and happiness like that, okay?"

"I hear you, I promise I won't go back there until I sort everything out."

"Good girl. I hope you keep your promise."

"I love you,"I tell him

"I love you too," he says

He places his hand on my cheek, places his warm lips on mine and I feel the ground beneath me melting. Oh it's been long since I felt this loved.

I kiss him back and our kiss deepens into something passionate, something surreal. We kiss for what feels like eternity and pulling out my lips are nothing but a bit swollen from the intensity of the kiss.

Afterwards he serves me some cookies and I eat them.

He and I talk about a lot of other things until I tell him it's time for me to go back.

He walks me to the door and then gives me a goodbye kiss.

I head for Derrick's mansion and as soon as I reach there I start preparing Derrick's dinner Coz the last thing I want is to make him eat late.

I'm busily cooking, with a huge smile plastered all over my face when I hear a voice behind me saying "someone seems to be in a pretty good mood today."

I turn around only to find it's Derrick, smiling at the fact that I'm smiling.

"Oh hi sir," I say "I guess I am."

"So what's gotten my chef smiling like this?" He asks

"It's just that I went to see my boyfriend today." I say another smile sweeping through my stupid face

"Oh I see, the lady even has a boyfriend but she was going to marry another man," he says mockery in his voice "well I must say I find that amusing."

"It's not like I wanted to marry that same other man." I say

"Quite true you didn't," he says "anyways sorry for disturbing I just wanted to get some water to drink."

"Alright sir,"

He grabs a glass pours some water then he asks "your boyfriend must be a nice person huh?"

"Yes he is," I answer

"Alright," with that he leaves the kitchen and I remain still having the smile on my face.

Omg what was that? How can I act like that in front of my boss? That was quite embarrassing.