Third person pov
What do most people do if they found out that the person they so love does not feel the same way about them?
Well honestly speaking some would go and drink themselves out. Others who are unfortunate end up killing themselves. Why is it so? Because the heart is practically the most delicate body part.
Well frankly speaking you'd think Avril would resort to one of those means but well she's kinda different from most people.
I mean she can't possibly go and drink herself out because she's so damn scared of drinking alcohol. I mean you can't blame her. I bet anyone would considering the fact that the truck that hit her mom's car and took her life had a drunk driver in it.
The man literally lost control because he was stupidly drunk as shit.
Well she can't also end her life because our girl believes that she's all that her younger sister has.
So instead of resorting to any of those means, our girl let's herself get drenched by the rain while crying.
When she arrives Derrick's mansion it has already started raining so she goes in the flower garden and sits on a bench, folds her legs on top of the bench and then cries herself out like crazy.
She blames herself for believing in love, for stupidly believing she had found the one and for not understanding why her younger sister thought love was the most stupid act in the world.
Our girl sits there crying that she does not realize she's drawing some kind of attention from everyone in the so called mansion.
Immediately after Mary sees her dear friend crying while sitting in the rain, she grabs an umbrella runs to check on her.
"Avril what's the matter?" she asks worriedly "why are you crying? Did something happen?"
"Mary go away," Avril says in between sobs "I just need to be alone."
"How do you expect me to leave you like this and go away? Clearly there's something bothering and I need to know what it is?" Mary asks
"I said leave me alone!" Avril yells at Mary
Mary goes away but as she enters the house she meets her young master and he asks her what the problem is with her friend but she says she doesn't know because she couldn't tell her.
Derrick gets the umbrella from her and heads to Lusubilo. When he reaches her he taps her on the shoulder and without looking up she yells "I said leave me alone!" She clearly thinks it's still Mary.
Derrick sits down beside her and he starts to pat her on the back muttering "it's okay girl, don't cry."
Well that's enough for our girl to lift her head. As in she's clearly hearing her boss's voice when she thought it was Mary.
"Sir, what are you doing here?" She asks trying to wipe out the tears that are falling from her eyes
"Came to check on you," he says matter of factly
"You should probably get back inside you're getting wet," she says
"You're too," he answers her "so what could possibly make my very lovely chef cry?"
"It's nothing," she says trying to mask her pain with a smile
"Really," he chuckles "and you think I'll buy that?"
"It's really nothing sir," she tells him trying as hard as she can to pull another smile on her face "see I'm smiling. There's really nothing."
"Say one more time that there's nothing I'll throw this umbrella away and get soaked together with you," he threatens
"Oh goodness gracious," she says "don't do that you'll just end up catching a cold."
"Are you forgetting that you're literally getting drenched right now," he reminds her
"It's different," she says in between sobs
"Oh is it now?" He asks dramatically "how's it different then?"
"Well I'm practically sad now and you're not. So that's it."
"See, you just admitted that something is wrong with you. Now what is it. Why are you seated in the rain while crying?"
This question makes Lusubilo to sob like crazy. Without even realizing it she finds her face buried in the poor guy's chest and he immediately drops the umbrella as a reflex
"He broke me, he betrayed me, he took my heart and tore it in a gazillion pieces," she says in between sobs
"Who dared to do such a thing to you," Derrick asks worriedly
"That bustard Jonathan, betrayed me. He dared to break my heart," she says face still buried in the guy's chest.
"Oh," he says patting her on the back "why would he do that?"
"Well because I'm no longer rich, because my father froze my accounts."
"That jerk, he must be out of his mind."
"I just can't believe I thought he liked me. I was so stupid."
"You're not stupid, he clearly is the stupid one for being such a dumb ass."
"I guess you're right. He's literally a gold digger."
"Of course he is and there's no need for you to cry over him. I bet you anything this is what he always wanted from you. I bet his always wanted you to cry over him."
"You know what? You're so damn right. I don't have to cry over that good for nothing bustard." She says lifting her head from the guy's chest
"Alright tell me when you're ready to go," Derrick tells her
She nods and then a thought just passes through her mind and she finds herself asking "why does it always have to be me?"
"What do you mean why does it always have to be you?" Derrick asks surprised
"Seems to me that I tend to lose everyone I love." She says before finding her face back into the guy's chest.
She cries even more than she did at first and it seems to Derrick that he cannot do anything apart from patting her on the back.
Moments later she literally falls asleep face still in Derrick's chest.
Derrick looks at the girl and he can't help but wonder the same thing she wondered. Why does it always have to be her?