Chapter 3 - Chapter 3

Someone running towards his side and they bumped to each other and both of them fell on the ground.

Beru was shocked to see his King on the ground.

"My King!! You dummy how dare you threatened my King like that!"

"Shut it Beru." Igris said.

"Can't you see?! Look at them they both fell on the ground and no one-"

"Just do what the kings wants Beru. It's an accident." Bellion said.

Beru realized that he was no teammate to argue back so he gave up.

Jinwoo opened his eyes and he saw a stranger who was struggling to stand up, his eyes widened when he saw who's the stranger on his side. He helped her to sit and then they made an eye contact, the two were staring for so long, Jinwoo immediately avoid the eyes contact he was about to stand up she immediately hold his hand and said.

"Please help me someone was chasing me." Hae-in said.

Jin-woo narrowed his eyes when he looked around someone was running towards their direction. He hold Cha Hae-in's hand and they started running. Jin-woo saw some people on the high building and Hae-in was struggling with fear she can fight but she was not feeling well. Jin-woo have left no choice he used his shadow exchange to disappear.

They appear at the safe place, Sung Jin-woo was looking around if there's no people he looked Cha Hae-in, the fear crossed her face didn't stop, she was trembling. Jin-woo sighed and he put his hand on Hae-in's shoulder Hae-in looked at Jin-woo she blinked as she watch him.

"Are you alright?" Jin-woo asked.

"Y-yes, I'm very sorry I didn't mean to-"

Cha Hae-in didn't continue speaking.

"You should be careful this time Ms."

Cha Hae-in bit her lip and she nodded.



Choi Jong-in was rushing towards Cha Hae-in's direction and his expression filled with worry he hugged Cha Hae-in, her face paled and Jong-in asked her worriedly.

"What's wrong with you?! W-where you've been? Are you hurt."

"N-no." Her tears began to fall.

Choi Jong-in hugged Cha Hae-in tightly he comfort Hae-in to calm down just then Yoon-ho walked towards to Jong-in and he said.

"What happened?"

"Cha Hae-in was almost kidnap."

Yoon-ho clenched his fist and said. "What? Who is it?"

"I don't know, Hae-in is still shaken she still haven't recover her illness." Jong-in replied.

"And by the way someone saved Hunter Cha Hae-in, who is it?" Jong-in asked.

Baek Yoon-ho was about to reply someone knocked the door. It was Woo Jin-chul.

"Assistant Woo. Is there any news?" Yoon-ho said.

"No Hunter Baek, but some of the rumors someone saved her." Woo Jin-chul replied.

Jong-in and Yoon-ho looked at each other they turned to Jin-chul and asked. "Who?"

"It was Sung Jin-woo."

"Sung Jin-woo? You mean the new S-rank hunter?"

Woo Jin-chul nodded.

Jong-in looked at Cha Hae-in, her eyes were wet and he wipe it after.

"It's alright Hae-in you're on a safe place now."

"I'm scared-"

"Shhh it's fine, it's fine you're strong Cha Hae-in don't be scared."

Cha Hae-in feel something she covered her face and she felt someone was touching her.

Is it a spirit or what?

Hae-in almost fell but luckily Choi Jong-in catch her quickly.

She started screaming and Jong-in was shocked even Yoon-ho help him. She ended up bleeding, her voice went weak Jong-in wanted to do something while Yoon-ho start shouting to call the other hunters.

Cha Hae-in can't hold it anymore, she fainted and fell onto Jong-in's. Jong-in's face went dark he gritted his teeth and he said to Yoon-ho.

"If who ever did this to Hunter Cha I will show them no mercy." He said with a serious tone.


Sung Jin-woo felt something was not right. He looked around and someone was trying to hurt him he immediately jumped off and fly.

Who was that?

He land into the top of building and he noticed that his phone was ringing, Jin-woo immediately answer it and he was shocked after he heard the information.

"Hunter Cha was missing Hunter Sung." Woo Jin-chul said.

Hunter Cha? Cha Hae-in?

"Where are the other hunters?" He said with a calm tone.

"The hunters still finding on Cha Hae-in, so I want you to look after her."

"Me? Why me? I don't even know her-"

"There's nothing to do with that situation! Cha Hae-in is in danger I know you're the only one who saved her!"

What the fuck? Jin-woo looked at his phone he felt cringe while listening Woo Jin-chul's words.

"Please find Hunter Cha right now."

Jin-woo rub his eyes and said "Fine."

Jin-woo immediately called his shadow soldiers to find the women.

"Since you didn't know the name of Cha Hae-in... She was the 9th S-rank hunter, they said she was kidnap or whatsoever as long as you find her quickly." He said with a cold voice.

"What happens if we found her My King?" Beru said.

He looked at Beru and said. "Contact me immediately."

Since he was a shadow monarch of course he can do anything but how did he save someone like her he doesn't even know?

Jin-woo snaped his finger and the shadow soldier already know what he meant. Jin-woo looked at the sky and he felt something the sky was dark.

Was it his imagination?

He turned around and he saw some people who was holding an umbrella.

His face become neutral maybe he was crazy overthinking about it.

Right after that he didn't know a black hole was on his direction, he looked down his eyes squinted, he was about to escape but he didn't make it.