It's been hours since they're trapped inside the gate members of the hunters guild were thinking on how they exit.
"The gate isn't appeared what should we do now?"
"Maybe we should just wait until the gate appears-"
"We shouldn't just standing here and wait for the gate the S-rank hunters were gone!"
The hunters were shocked after they heard it. One of the members asked. "Where are they?" said with a trembling voice.
He looked down and said. "Maybe they finally reached the exit"
"That's ridiculous! how can a gate appear if many people trapped inside was not complete?!"
His face darkened. "The S-rank hunters are cruel do you think when the rank was higher than us they didn't even care about us."
One of the members suddenly barged in. "You said that because no one saved you an S-rank hunter!"
His face burned red with anger he release his weapon and he tried to attack one of his members. Before he could hit someone Jinwoo appeared and his eyes widened.
"Hunter Sung?" they said.
The hunters shocked as they saw Jinwoo protect them he turned to them and said. "Run and find Hunter Cha."
The hunters shocked even more. "What happened to Hunter Cha Hunter Sung?!" Jinwoo glared at them and said. "Stop asking questions find her right now!"
The hunters immediately nodded.
Jinwoo glared at the man and kicked him hard the man was spitting blood as Jinwoo saw him suffering to stand up Jinwoo kick him again he grabbed his hair and said.
"Do you think that I didn't notice on how you hurt them?! And also if you want to be a hunter, respect the people on your side we don't like a hunter like you."
Consuming his dark aura the man still haven't given up Jinwoo put him down and kicked him again.
Gwaak! Cough cough. "Y-you little shi-"
Jinwoo kicked him again.
"Is it satisfying Kim Hong?"
Kim Hong fly into the air making the walls cracking Jinwoo was looking at him and walk towards to Kim Hong.
"Your name is was rather expensive one but now your name is broke. Does it sound better?"
"Go to hel- ahh..."
Jinwoo look at him dying he sighed and stood up and said. "You better watch your mouth soon. Oh yeah you should not better watch it now because you're dead."
Jinwoo was about to leave he glance at Kim Hong. "You better know how to play these games?"
Jinwoo's eyes glowed. "Arise."
A shadow appeared.
The shadow bowed at him and said. "My liege it's my pleasure to meet you, as your new member what you should name me?
"Hmm let me think..."
Jinwoo crossed his arms while thinking. What should I name him? Well he's normal though.
Geni? Loro? Moro just like a moron? Oh Maroon! No that's black what about Tom? That's weird. Arrrgghh I'm to suck at making names.
As Jinwoo was still overthinking about making names he flinch and look at the shadow and named him...
"I'll call you Ben."
Ben smiled at him and disappear Jinwoo took a deep breath and stare at Kim Hong's dead body.
"Since you're already dead, you already become one of my shadow soldiers but I never thought that I did it again... Especially what I did to Iron. But for now, I know you're a stubborn man I hope you may rest on where you belong."
"Hunter Sung!"
Jinwoo turned around he raised his eyebrow and asked.
"What are you doing here? I said you and your members-"
"I came back because Hunter Cha is nowhere to be found!"
Cha Haein was lost she was wondering if she could find the exit.
I'm such a fool, I wish I follow Hunter Sung just in time but this place was actually-
Before Cha Haein continue the fire suddenly appear she looked around she saw an empty throne, her eyes were delicate as she saw the place.
So beautiful...
"Hello there!"
"Ahh!" she jolted.
Haein look at the mysterious woman.
"Phew... You're scaring me."
The mysterious woman smile.
"Oh my, I'm sorry, I should better apologize..."
"No it's fine, it's my fault anyways haha."
Hmm... That's odd, why is she smiling at me? Was she an enemy, ally or what? Said Cha Haein's thoughts.
The woman asked Cha Haein. "What's your name?"
Haein replied. "Cha Haein. And you?"
The woman's eyes lit up and smiled. "What a lovely name."
Haein smiled.
"My name is Selene."
"Selene... That's um... Beautiful."
"Actually why are you here? Ms.Selene?" Haein asked.
Selene smile at Haein and said. "No need to call me that, you can just call me Selene.
"Oh... I apologize."
Selene chuckled. "No need to apologize."
"By the way, so you're asking why am I here?" Selene said.
"A-ah yes!"
Selene answered Haein's question while Haein was listening she thought that the woman she talked was her enemy, but it wasn't, even though they appear on a red gate but there's no enemy. So she was thinking that this gate was a normal one.
"So you're checking if there was an enemy came on this place?" Haein asked.
Selene nodded. "Actually, I should be the one to said that earlier."
Haein raised her eyebrow. "What do you mean?"
Selene asked Haein. "Why are you here? Are you alone or did you bring some of your people?"
Haein answered Selene's question. "Well... Uhh... Yes, I have my people but I don't know where they are, I was actually walked into the wrong place and get in here."
"Is that so?"
Haein nodded. "There's actually a gate appear on our world, that's why we get in here and also we check it if that gate was dangerous, but mostly the gates we countered was the dangerous one. But it's my first time to appear on this place, by the way do you have soldiers here or what?"
"Oh, I'm actually alone on this place."
Haein look at Selene speechless.
"You're alone?"
But why did the gate change into red? Maybe Hunter Sung didn't recognize if it was red or something...
"Cha Haein."
"Y-yes Selene?"
Selene look at Haein and said. "Let me show you something."
Haein followed Selene. As the two talking they were happy as they meet each other, as Selene talked to Haein about her best memories Haein laughed as she listens to Selene's. After that they finally reached the place where Selene said to Haein about.
"We're here."
Haein look at Selene.
"A door?" Haein asked.
Selene smiled at her and she opened the door. Haein eyes widened as they entered she looked at the place and said to Selene.
"I-I can't believe this is your main place." Haein said with soothing voice.
Selene force out laughing as she looked at Cha Haein's shocking expression.
"I thought that the place we entered was..."
As Haein looked at the sky she closed her eyes and feel the air, as it blows into her hair, some leaf come into her direction and she picked up the leaf.
"How was it?" Selene asked.
"It filled with lights and the sky were yellow as sun and also beautiful. It feels like I'm on a palace just kidding."
Selene grab Haein's hand their eyes were glimmering as they looked at each other. Selene said to Haein. "Let's check the other place, I will show you that there's more beautiful than this."