Chapter 5 - Chapter 5

Hae-in opened his eyes and looked around she saw Jongin, Yoonho, Byung-gu, Tae-gyu and the Chairman.

Haein said with a low tone. "Where am I?"


"Haein! Thank God you're okay!"

"Yoonho u-ugh..." Haein touch his head.

"Don't push yourself to much if you can't do it." Jong-in said.

"I'm glad you're okay Haein." Go Gun-hee said.

Haein's eyes were glittering as she saw the Chairman was concernabout her. Her eyes filled with tears.

"Chairman Go."

"Don't cry Haein you're safe here now."

Haein laugh softly. "I'm not crying, I'm crying because y'all are here. Thank you for concerning me, I never thought that I would survive but luckily someone save me, I wanted to thank them even though we didn't know each other."

The hunters looking at each and they chuckled.

"What?" Haein asked.

"Hehe nothing... I hope you met him soon." Jong-in said.

Hae-in was so confused and then she just smiled infront of them even she don't know what's going on.


Jinwoo was at his house he was playing with his little sister even though they already grown up they're still playing. Then someone called he talked to Jinah for a second and then he pick up his cellphone and answer it.

"Hello?" Jinwoo said.

"Hello Mr.Sung sorry to interrupt, Chairman Go was asking if you come to the hunter association today." Woo Jin-chul said.

... "I'll come there later."


"Mr.Sung Jinwoo."

"Chairman Go, good evening. How's Hunter Cha?"

Go Gun-hee was stunned he smiled and said. "You're concerned about her don't you?"

"No, I'm just asking if she's okay even though I didn't know her of course I'm asking because I'm the one who saved her."


"Oh I'm so sorry Chairman Go did I disrespect you?"

"No not actually... I assumed you said that because you're shy."

Jinwoo blush a little. "N-no! I mean- no, o-of course not ughhh nevermind."

Chuckled "Hmmm. By the way she's at the hospital right now if you come and visit her that's fine, I just wanted to say thank you for saving her."

Jinwoo smiled at Go Gun-hee. "No problem Sir."

Jinwoo closed the door and he covered his face.

"Damn, what was I thinking?? I don't even know about her, why did I suddenly have feelings to a stranger?"


"Curse this, curse that what's next?"

The five of them started playing cards at the hospital, the four boys always visited Cha Hae-in they saw Cha Hae-in as their little sister. Even though they're circle of friends most people think even the other hunters saw them as siblings.

"You know the people were concern about Hunter Cha's." Tae-Gyu said.

"There's still no news about Hae-in's return?" Byung-gu asked.

"Why would she return she's still in the hospital, once she was finally recover we can tell them that she's now you know I'm tired of talking."

"Well don't talk" Jong-in replied.

Tae-Gyu looked at Jong-in angrily.

"Are you still hurt Hae-in?" Jong-in asked.

"No I'm fine, maybe tomorrow I can finally get out on this place, it's so boring." Haein replied.

The circle of friends continue playing and then they argue until they stopped. After that the circle of friends started talking again, someone knocked the door and opened it.

It was Sung Jin-woo.

"Ohhhh, Hunter Sung what brings you here?" Choi Jong-in asked.

"I'm here to visit the victim and what are you all doing here?" Jinwoo raised his eyebrow.

The four of them looked at Hae-in.

Tae-gyu teased Haein. "Ooohhh someone was here to take a visit what should Hae-in do?"

Hae-in hit Tae-Gyu.

Tae-Gyu laughed. "Ohhh she's shy~"

"We should go now Hae-in we will visit you later." Yoonho said.

Haein nodded, while Tae-Gyu was making fun of Haein and Yoonho hit his head. Hae-in chuckled and Jinwoo was watching them left and then he looked at Haein.

"So you're Cha Hae-in right?" Jinwoo asked.

Cha Hae-in nodded.

Jinwoo smiled.

The two of them were silent until Haein asked a question.

"Excuse me Sir, have we met before?"

Jinwoo look at Haein. "I don't know."

Haein placed his hand into his chin and tilt her head. "You're quite familiar..."

Jinwoo chuckled. "Really?"

"I'm serious."

Jinwoo was just staring at Haein.

"Are you the guy that I made an eye contact before? And also the guy who saved me from the cave am I right? And also I don't know if it's you, the one who saved me from that day were I stucked at many people." she raised her eyebrow.

Jinwoo was speechless for a second and the flashbacks came to his mind.

"Thank you for saving my life, I couldn't escape from that place without you."

"Please help me someone was chasing me."

"Are you alright?"

"Y-yes, I'm very sorry I didn't mean to-"

"You should be careful this time Ms."

"I'm glad someone was here I thought I was gonna die... thank y-."

Jinwoo looked at Haein, he looked down and bit his lip and said to his mind.

So it was her all the time? The time where I saved her three times and also the girl who was making an eye contact with me when I was with Jo-hee from that day.

"So it was you? If not, I'm very sorry I was just curious." Haein looked away.

"It's fine, by the way I brought some foods you should eat it."

"Thanks but I'm still full."

Jinwoo smiled. "It doesn't matter, if you're hungry you can eat those, if not, you can throw it away or give it to your friends."


"I'll be going now my family is waiting for me."

Haein nodded, Jinwoo stood up he was about to open the door Haein quickly asked a question.

"S-sir can I ask something?"

"What's that?"

"Well umm... What is your name?"

Jinwoo smiled at Haein. "Sung Jinwoo."

"Sung Jinwoo?"


Cha Hae-in smile. "Thank you for visiting me and also thank you for bringing some foods."

Jinwoo smiled and walked out.

Hae-in glance at the ceiling and said.

"Sung Jinwoo huh?"

"He smelled nice..."

Jinwoo finally get out into the hospital and he was thinking about Haein.

Cha Hae-in... So it was her? Well she's lucky though, no I just saved her three times, no one time no! This time.


But for me she's incredible.