Adriel's dagger cut through Renus's flesh. He made a long incision down his chest before using his hands to pry open the wound. He stuck his hand inside of his body. Blood splattered on him as he invasively searched for his heart. He got a grasp on the heart before he forcefully pulled it out causing several of his organs to spill out. Adriel gagged from the smell and the piece of small intestine that landed on him. He looked away from the corpse. His head moved down and his eyes landed on the heart in his hand.
He could feel the urge to eat it, but he withstood it for a while. He looked back at Renus's idle corpse who now laid gored on the ground. Adriel's adrenaline was running out. He could feel himself become disgusted by what he did. Yet he also felt a little proud. Even if he did have to slay him, he avenged those innocent people. He had lived and would be able to see his brother again.
He lifted his hand up as he slowly moved the heart to his mouth. He opened his mouth as saliva began to drip. He took a bite, then another, and another. Five bites it took to fully consume the tough chewy muscle. He swallowed the final bite. It didn't take long for him to feel the sudden wave of euphoria as he felt his power grow. Ice began to grow on his skin as the cold around him suddenly felt comforting.
He fell on his knees as he began to be encapsulated by ice. His vision grew blurry and before long it went black. When he opened them there he was again. He looked at the massive rocky titan who sat on his massive throne. He heard him speak, his voice booming echoing through the fiery hall in which he sat.
"The second pillar has been ignited. The connection has deepend. Adriel is his name. Although I can't seem to be able to discover his last. Ten more pillars for the curse to awaken in him. Stan you must hurry." said the giant stone god.
Adriel looked at him in awe. He could only assume it was Vileant. The father of all devourers and demons. He could only bask in this primal god's glory for so long before everything went black once again.
He awoke once more. Back in the black hell hole where he meant the strange figure. He was unsure of what to do; a little less intimidated his second time around. He walked around for a while unsure of where exactly he was going. Everything was so quiet he felt uneasy. There was no odd invisible water this time. It felt as if he was walking on dirt yet everything was pitch black. He wasn't even sure if he was walking in place or moving as he could not see himself make any progress.
He heard a giggle. He blinked. Before him stood a small child who looked up at him and smiled. The boy's eyes were icey blue and wore a pair of shorts and a plain orange t-shirt. His clothing did not match, and his hair was short. Adriel looked at him confused as the boy smiled at him.
"You found me, big brother!' said the boy in Adriel's voice.
Adriel was taken aback before he sank through the ground. He closed his eyes as they began to sting and when he opened them he was in a kitchen. Everything was massive compared to him as if he shrunk. He had never seen such modern equipment in his life, as on the counter he saw a stove, a blender, a microwave, and a few other kitchen essentials he had never heard of. He was unable to move when he heard the counting of a young boy from behind him. His body then began to move against his own will as it ran into a closet and hid. A few moments later he heard loud noises of doors opening and closing.
"Where are you Renus?" said the adolescent voice.
Adriel then began to hear a giggle coming from him, but it was not his own voice. The closet door then opened as he saw an older looking boy. His mouth was deformed as he had no lips. His teeth were exposed yet Adriel felt as if he had known this boy for a long time now. The giggling continued as the older boy yelled.
"Found you Renus!" The older boy said as he also began to laugh.
"No fair Ash you cheated! How do you always find me?" said another voice that came out of Adriel's body who he assumed to be a younger Renus.
Ash laughed more, "Cause you don't shut up when you hide!"
They both continued their laughter before a feminine voice was heard, "Renus! Ash! Hurry, come get your lunch, the bus will be coming soon, you'll be late!"
"But mom!" complained Renus.
"No buts come over here." said their mother sweetly.
Adriel began to move again. He walked with Ash through the house getting ready for school. They took lunches in odd metallic cases that seemed to produce heat and cold to keep food warm or cold. The cases were lined with lights that turned blue or orange signifying if it was hot or cold. Their mother came and handed them their backpacks. Their mother then looked at Ash and handed him a mask.
"Remember Ash, you're beautiful ok? I don't want you to wear this mask forever sweetie please only put it on when you're scared. It will comfort you! I filled the mask with my love." She smiled at him and handed it to him.
Ash immediately put on the metal mask that covered his mouth. Nozzles protruded from it as icey cold air flowed out of them. His mother sighed, but didn't say anything. Adriel's body began walking again as Renus and Ash went to the bus stop. The bus came hovering slightly above ground as it emanated an odd sound Adriel had never heard before. On the bus a sign read, "Alium academy, School of Holders and Articants"
Adriel's suspicions were correct. From all the technology he saw he assumed they were in the kingdom of Alium. They were the most technologically advanced of the four kingdoms. It was said their quality of life far surpassed those of the other kingdoms, but their army lacked. Knowledge was favored more in Alium than raw power. Unlike Fringhelm, only the smartest ruled over Alium. It didn't matter if you were weak as long as you knew what you were doing. Their government was the most stable of the four kingdoms as well.
They got on the bus and took their seats. Adriel heard children around him snickering at both him and Ash. Ash then reached for Renus's hand and looked at him as he whispered, "We will always have each other Renus alright? Ignore them, they're just jealous of us."
The bus began to move as they sat in silence. Without warning the boy sitting behind them reached around the seat and pulled on Ash's mask. His arm was too short however, only managing to slap it, but it didn't stop the other kinds from laughing. Cold air blew from Ash's mask. As his face grew red.
"Relax Ash. Remember we're going to become knights, you don't wanna ruin that." said Renus.
Ash began to calm down and nodded. Their father was a knight before he abandoned them and their mother, accusing her of infidelity while he was out on patrols of the kingdom. It was false, but their father became wrapped in his own delusion and mistrust.
Adriel went through their entire day. He was forced to see Renus' daily life at school. He talked to this girl named Mira often. It was as if she was his only friend apart from his brother. They were relentlessly made fun of by the other students however. Although during a certain class simply labeled as training, no one went near them. It was no surprise however as when Renus ultimately had to spar Ash, there was no competition. They had a better grasp of their blessings far beyond anyone else in their class.
They eventually went home again. Ash entered the house first then Renus. Renus went upstairs to take a nap. Everything went dark temporarily for Adriel before he heard a scream. Adriel's eyes opened, but he was no longer in the body of a young Renus, but in his own. He was laid on the icey floor of the village as he stood up. He was confused, but began to walk. He had to find his brother.
It didn't take him long to find them. Zahira saw him and waved him down. They all seemed in rough shape. Iaceo seemed knocked out. Lykos clothes were scorched and the fur on his wolf ears and tail were soaked in water. Dania had a cut on her upper eye. Next to them stood a young child shaking in fear.
There was a woman on the floor. She was wrapped in rope made of darkness. She was knocked out, her blonde hair was burnt and the side of her face was blistering. She wore sweatpants that were charred and a tattered black long sleeve shirt.
"What the hell happened?" asked Adriel.
"Long story, sit down Adriel we got a lot of catching up to do. Such as why the hell have you been missing for two days!" yelled Zahira as she pulled him by the ear down to the others.