Chereads / Dévourer / Chapter 9 - Manifest water II

Chapter 9 - Manifest water II

Warning: Violence

Zahira attacked Mira, sending a flurry of dark orbs that flung at Mira, breaking her concentration. The pillar of water dissipated. Iaceo was rendered useless on the ground. He began to cough as water poured out of his mouth before he collapsed. Mira turned her attention to Zahira. The massive blue titan pushed itself up on its feet; crushing the buildings which its hand rested on.

Dania's chains began to glow, and with a flash of yellow lightning teleported to the titans face before slamming her fist into it. Blood bursted from the titans small face as its skin cracked revealing a watery membrane. 

Mira looked over to see what was going on. Zahira took advantage of this, sending tendrils of darkness at Mira. Mira dodged between them before kicking Zahira on the chest, sending her flying into a wall. Zahria felt a pain run down her spine as she forced herself to get up. Mira Already had closed the distance as she rose her left first; the titan copied her movements before slamming into Zahira's face, breaking her nose. 

The water titan also slammed his fist into Dania sending her plummeting to the ground. The titan then raised its fist again slamming it down on her. Dania managed to stop it with both her hands. The chains glowed brighter as thunder began to be heard. Dania heard a voice from her soul speak to her.

"It's not time yet. You shall not learn my name just yet Dania. For now I'll bestow you with my fifth chain." exclaimed a loud voice in her head. A chain then erupted from the ground and wrapped around her toros in an x formation. She managed to push the water titan, sending it stumbling backwards; crushing more buildings. She quickly jumped back into the air hovering at an equal height as the titan.

Zahira watched as Mira raised her fist again. Black tendrils sprouted from her left arm and shielded herself from another punch from Mira. She then produced another orb of darkness on her right hand, and countered immediately once she felt the strike land on her shield. She pressed the dark orb on Mira's chest sending her flying backwards from the dark explosion it produced. Zahira stood up, wiping the blood from her nose. She pulled out her dagger and got in her stance, now ready.

Mira staggered slightly from the shockwave of the explosion, but remained relatively unharmed. Zahira ran at Mira, slicing and stabbing her. Mira became tense as she blocked and parried her strikes. Mira then sent a counter, but Zahira was gone. Mira didn't notice Zahira had moved behind her. Last second she felt her presence. She quickly turned around. Zahira jammed the dagger into her, but Mira blocked it with her hand as it pierced through her palm. Mira pushed off her front foot to recuperate herself and make distance. Zahira wiped off the blood on her dagger. Zahira smiled at her. Again she disappeared, this time in a cloud of dark mist. Mira looked around panicking. She managed to find her again at the last second, and pushed Zahira's arm out of the way. Causing the dagger to miss its target.

Dania began to wail on the titan as her strength increased after each hit she landed. She threw a flurry of punches as the titan continued trying to block her attacks. More blood poured onto the ground below. The titan's skin continued to crack and fall revealing more and more of a watery membrane that housed its organs. Dania yelled. She aimed her palm at the titan, and a massive flash of yellow energy was sent hurling at the titan enveloping his whole body. 

When the bright flash of energy subsided, all that was left was the titan naked in its water membrane. Its organs floated aimlessly in its body. Dania thought it was over. She was surprised by how weak the manifest was. She knew it was of a lower tier, but even for a manifest this was too easy. Has she really become that strong?

Dania sent her fist directly at the titans chest when it suddenly moved behind her in a swift motion. A massive beam of water hit her on the back; sending her flying into the ground once again. The beam didn't stop as the massive high pressurized beam of water began to centralize. The beam pierced through her shoulder. Dania couldn't move as pain erupted through her body as she shrieked. She was unable to move as more beams of pressurized water began to form slowly moving towards her, ready to slice her. 

Zahira kept fighting Mira, catching her off guard with her sudden disappearances. Zahira once again puffed into a black mist. In Mira's panic she swung her fist widely, accidentally catching Zahira on the ear. It all suddenly shifted. Zahira's movements suddenly became sloppy as she stumbled every time she swung her dagger. Mira was able to counter easily as she grabbed Zahira and dug her knee into her stomach. Zahira recoiled in pain as she clenched her stomach. Mira then punched her on the back of her head, causing her head to slam onto the ground knocking her out cold as blood seeped out from her head. 

The black capsule then slowly began to subside revealing the little boy who had been shielded. Mira turned her attention to the kid as the screams of Dania echoed around the town. She walked up to him and smiled.

"Ah there you are. Oh look at you so cute!" she raised a bloody hand towards the boy, and he screamed and yelled as he tried to get up and run.

She quickly grabbed him by the arm and held him tightly, "Where the hell do you think you're going? I need to take you back. Don't you want to see your family?"

"You're going to kill us!" yelled the boy in panic.

"Me? No. Ash? Maybe. I'd like to let you all go, but he's the boss." she said. She began to pull the boy down the street, "Come on now. The water titan will finish off that elf girl and we'll be done. In the meantime let's start walking."

Dania went quiet. It was helpless as she saw the beam getting closer to the center of her body as she laid splayed on the floor. Once that water touched her, it would penetrate straight through her effectively cutting her in half. She closed her eyes waiting. She felt a sudden heat on her face.

"Dania!" yelled a voice loudly. Dania couldn't help but feel warm to the sound. She knew who it was. She opened her eyes as she saw a massive blast of orange fire continuously being shot out to fight against the water. Steam quickly filled the surrounding area.

"Dania, are you ok!" yelled the voice again. It was Lykos.

Lykos struggled to keep the beam of water back as fire erupted continuously from his hands.

"Dania move now!" Lykos yelled.

Dania did what he asked. She gripped her shoulder and began to run out of the way. Lykos stopped the clashing of fire and water. A massive circle with strange etchings and runes filled the sky above the water titan.

Mira felt something wrong with her water titan. She looked up to see the circle. She let go of the boy and quickly ran in that direction. She saw Dania standing there dumbfounded in the steam. She quickly went after her attack, but Mira had noticed too late. She had fallen for the bait. She heard the roar of flames. Lykos exhausted flames from his feet and elbows. The propulsion the flames created allowed him to become agile and swift. He spun around his current position till he was on the side of Mira. Fire then exploded from his elbow sending his first rocketing into the side of her face. Lykos then immediately sent a blast of fire hurling at her head while she was dazed. It hit her directly as she screeched in pain while Lykos scorched her.

Mira fell onto her knees as her skin blistered and pulsed. Her face hit the ground. Share tried to pull herself up, but the melted skin stuck onto the ground as she pulled off parts of the flash on her cheeks and mouth. Her hair and clothes were burnt. Mira sat down before she ultimately lost consciousness.

Lykos then turned his attention to the titan. He looked at Dania who nodded. She was weakened, but still had enough to use a bit of her power. She placed a hand on Lykos and he began to glow yellow. He felt her power coursing through his veins as she transmitted a bit of her godly power into him. The titan roared at him as Lykos raised his hand.

The runes of the circle began to glow. He wasn't a fan of doing verbal casting, but this spell was currently too difficult to manage without it.

"columna deorum." Lykos yelled. The magic circle began to glow and spin as lighting began to strike down. A massive column of fire erupted downward from the circle as it enveloped the water titan. Dania turned away as she felt the immense heat radiating from the pillar. When it finally subsided, there was nothing left. The buildings that were underneath the magic circle were left nothing but ash. There was no longer a water titan. Steam and smoke filled the air as Lykos panted exhausted, running low on mana.

He looked at Dania who was breathing heavily. He helped her sit down, his wolf ears drooping in sadness looking at her in pain. He kissed her forehead and wiped some of the blood off her face.

"Just rest honey." he told her, unsure if she could actually hear him in her current state. He walked around finding Iaceo on the floor. The humidity in the air was high. Lykos could feel his fur dampening. He found Zahira on the floor bleeding and out cold. He picked her up and brought her to Dania. He produced a small flame on his finger as he began to cauterize their wounds. He then went to grab Iaceo. He was still breathing, just knocked out like the rest of them.

Lykos continued to tend to his allies' wounds when he heard a young boy's voice behind him.

"E- excuse me sir." said the voice quietly. Lykos turned around to see a little boy, "Are these your friends? T- they helped me. I'm sorry sir. It's my fault."

Lykos shook his head, "No it's not kid. They were doing what was right, don't blame yourself."

Lykos continued tending to his allies' wounds when his wolf ears perked up in realization and his wolf tail swished, "Hey! Wait a minute! What is a kid like you doing here! What the hell!"