Chereads / Mercenary W.O.L.F: NDA / Chapter 23 - #23 The End Of Time

Chapter 23 - #23 The End Of Time

[Dantzler at this point having fallen asleep while standing, Xanne simply scoffed and stared at where the elevator was ending, noting it stopped on the 13th floor and smirking to himself as he says under his breath) I'll just go apologize. She told me the truth when she said it wasn't her fault so I can at least give her a little leeway and maybe let her leave the ship for a day or two... now..(Pressing the button on the elevator and waiting for it to return to the bridge, he reaches for his flask at the back of his waist as he turns his head to look around and notices all of the shotgun shells on the floor.) Damnit, somebody attacked her on the ship.

Jourton: (After following the instructions he was given to the letter he drops the note on the floor of the elevator and proceeds to walk into the only room that appears to be available on this floor) Woooaaahhh this looks like an entire house in our village!! What are these things doing here?! (Noticing the video games and manga collection neatly stuck in the corner along with a small library of other books. As he begins to walk into the room the door closes behind him and Kimora tackles Jourton placing her hand over his mouth and stuffing him in her closet while saying quickly.)

Kimora: Of course, leave it to a kid to drop a note after giving very specific instructions. At least you made it here, now you need to be very quiet because I need to negotiate you being here first. Also. IM ACTUALLY REALLY HAPPY TO SEE YOU! Now is just not the time for that though. Also, also, since you ran away from home we're going to have to negotiate you becoming a member of W.O.L.F. Yes I know, I have access to the script! Don't ask.

Jourton: (Staring at her quietly with a mixture of confusion and happiness he simply waits in the closet, waiving at her like a happy kid)

Kimora: Okay, so knowing that the note is on the ground, 4, this will give us a pretty good chance of about 15 seconds before he sees the note and also might confuse him enough so we don't have to fight all out but nonetheless. I'm PISSED! He threw me, called me a hoe and made me have to deal with este perrita that calls for my get back! (Her hair spiking backwards this time stopping at a perfect pink and black) 25% Should be enough for what I'm about to do. (Smiling as she had a quick flashback of Xanne standing at the door, waiting for her with one eye at her peephole. She stared at the elevator as if counting every second it took to reach the 13th floor. Every three seconds she calmly mumbles) Distortion.

Xanne: Yep, Just. Uh Hey! (He begins to say as he steps into the elevator car) So..I know we had a rough morning...buuuut maybe if you want to leave the ship it can be arranged. (Pressing the button on the elevator car to go down Xanne continues his ramblings to himself out loud. The elevator took exactly 30 seconds to reach the 13tg floor) All you have to do is show me those amazing knoc-

Kimora: Disturbance! (Leaping forward into a portal that connected to another Portal inside the elevator car, without allowing him to finish his sentence she released a flurry of punches similar to Dantzler's boxing style, theses punches moving beyond light speed and swift enough to cut the air around them making contact with Xanne's face as Kimora is slightly suspended in the air.) Distortion Storm!! (Proceeding to wrap her legs around his arm and spinning downward to force him to the ground and into another portal, finally landing him into the top of the elevator car and crashing face first on the floor. She lands low to the ground with her right hand out behind her summoning recreation to her hand then waits to see the aftermath)

Xanne: Okay, karma knocking literally. (Taking the time to calmly stand up and dust himself off, he quickly realizes his hand is broken with his middle finger being shifted.) Mmm. That's new. So she can do more damage when I deserve it. Scary. (Realizing he is in combat he goes to stomp down on her as she throws a kick simultaneously landing her foot under his ankle)

Kimora: Indolent!! (Countering Xanne's stomp with a rising kick and performing a full split using recreation to propel herself forward. As she performs the split she slides between his legs as he trips and falls then aims recreation at the ground behind herself and pulls the trigger, propelling herself forward and quickly landing on her feet.)

Xanne: (Again standing back up calmly) So I came here to apologize and you want to act all human about it?! I get that you have a thing for Dantzler but what's the harm in me asking to see some ti-

Kimora: (Still ready for combat but starting to acknowledge the words he's saying, her eyes wandering to her chest for a moment then it overall clicked in her head what he was offering to her) Disturbance!! (Pulling backwards with her beloved weapon of choice and performing a home run swing, connecting with his jaw and sending him flying through a portal as she huff and puffs.) I want to kill him! I will apparently have to ask about you later. (Returning to her closet only to realize Jourton is missing from the spot she had originally placed him in) Cono! This place is pretty much an SCP Ikea, there's no end tomorrow unless I want there to be and if someone goes too far they can get stuck in another dimension.

Jourton: (Jourton having seen a portal open in the closet he walks into it only to find himself standing on a cliff that appears to be overlooking some sort of military camp. Their emblem a Trident with the symbol of Ophiuchus spiraling down the shaft) Rokalees! I have to run! (Starting to turn around Jourton come face to face with the barrel of a laser pistol) Boomstick! Always a boomstick!

[End Scene]