Chereads / Mercenary W.O.L.F: NDA / Chapter 25 - #25 Universal, Channel 3074

Chapter 25 - #25 Universal, Channel 3074

Kimora: (Looking VERY confused as the elevator begins to ascend back to the top of the ship as if nothing happened and she blinks a few times before lowering her weapon) Coonooo..Kk so he didn't come back swinging and I got a reward for this, I'm going to count this as a win. Although I feel like I triggered a flag somewhere. (Proceeding to shrug she simply lays down on her bed and decides to take a nap.) At least my physical can rest. Time to get all metaphysical up in here. (Laying down on her back and leaving recreation tucked safely behind her bed next to her within arm's reach, she slowly begins to drift to sleep after about a good 10 minutes.)

Xanne: (Leaning on the back of the elevator car as it continues to ascend to the top of the ship as he thinks to himself) The ship bridge had frost throughout the entirety of it except for certain patches, she was already in fight mode and to top it all off she emptied clips, then somehow forgot she could reload at will. My clues for this are pretty simple. There are a limited number of shells on the ground and we're not having to sweep them out of the airlock and to top it all off someone would have to be either sufficiently capable of pushing her into a corner or would have to have an ass-pull from Detroit. Let's be real, nobody has anything in Detroit. (Upon reaching the top of the bridge he finds his little brother is sleeping standing on his feet, taking notice of this he takes a wide girth around him when walking as he proceeds to inspect the rest of the ship) Let's not trigger his instincts and make this more of a hassle than necessary..(Walking to the flight pad for the bridge and noticing several scorch marks on the ground in a few different places.) These definitely don't belong to her, if she did that we wouldn't have a bridge right now. Also I smell carbon..why do I smell burning carbon??

W.O.L.F CRY: ALL SYSTEMS AT 40%. Currently restoring power, estimated wait time 1 hour. Searching for all available resources.....Valid! Gasoline detected!. Searching for alternative resource....Valid! Quantum Battery detected! Warning Quantum Battery is currently in hibernation mode, output stable however strong movement is ill advised.

Xanne: Thanks Pup. One of the very few useful blessings brought to us by our wonderful traitor. I wonder how she's doing.. not like she'll come back to the ship anytime soon. (He chuckles to himself as he takes a sip from his flask and flips a few switches on the railing in front of him. The ship begins to slowly power on as the invisibility cloak returns to which normal active function and they begin to slowly rise out of the water. The engine as quiet as the average house car yet simultaneously capable of movement that would make Nassau and most governments militaries jealous. As all systems seem clear Xanne steps forward on the dance pad in front of him causing the ship to take off)

[Meanwhile Kimora is seen sleeping in her bed as suddenly the camera zooms into her head, revealing her to be sitting in front of what appears to be a large glass TV screen capable of filling one side of the entire room. A remote in her hands and a even more confused look on her face. The TV turns on to channel 3074, revealing her sleeping body and the quickly panning to all living people in the ship. Several civilians are seen helping with basic maintenance, sweeping, cleaning, and maintaining the engines. The channel suddenly changes to 3040, revealing a timeline frozen in place. The very dimension itself seems devoid of any color as if something horrifying happened here.) What is that?! (Yet again the channel changes, flipping over and over and over again revealing dimension after dimension) This place.. I genuinely hope this place isn't actually real because being able to see everything in anyone's life is a little bit TMI! (Going back to the channel 3074 the camera settles on Xanne. He scowls as he continues looking around the ship and maintaining their flight course.)

Xanne: I still don't like the fact that she got into a fight and didn't tell me, yeah okay we threw hands earlier but seriously key you should have expected to get your ass beat for pissing me off. Then again I ended up getting pretty much direct karma so it is what it is. Now. When we get to Columbia that's going to be an interesting thing because last I checked they found a way to immortalize that country so literally nothing has changed in the past thousand years. Well with the exception of insane advancements technologically anyway.

Dantzler: (Is still asleep but at this point has managed to find a corner to lean in as he mumbles out loud) Hev..enly...

Xanne: (Glancing over his shoulder for a moment then returning to flying the ship he notices the place where the shotgun shells were found on the ground but no damage was found to any wall.) Damnit. Sleeping...and HE picks that up. Wild!

Kimora: (Hearing Dantzler call Hevenly's name throws the remote for the TV through the giant glass structure proceeding to shatter it.) Ughh!! Didn't need that. I already had to deal with her face to face and that was the last slap I needed today. (After some time passes she finds herself now on Deidra and somehow in a younger form. Her hair solid red and standing in front of what appears to be a large wooden house. The front of the home having the name Sylvaburn written in Gold arching across the top of the door.) Home?

????: (The front door flies open and a tall roughly 6'7" man with silver hair, dark skin, and glowing pink eyes, growls angrily at Kimora.) Kimora! Get cho ass in this house! How many time I gotta tell you to stay outside of public eyes! You think just cause you have a nice body and two "skills" that you will be able to please some deidic man one day?! I adopted your ungrateful ass only for you to come back from the market an hour late and without my change?!

Kimora: (Suddenly freezing up and finding herself wearing rather dirty beat up clothing, shoes without soles, and her hair a complete mess but tied back nonetheless. She freezes as the man continues yelling at her and meekly says to him) I apologize Sir. There was an incident in the town square and I-

????: I don't care! Get to the dishes and dinner! (He mumbles to himself as he walks inside) Lil bitch thought I was playin when I said she wouldn't eat. (Speaking louder now as he smacks her in the back of the head after pushing her inside the house) I expect an answer when I speak!

Kimora: Yes, Father....(Quietly accepting her punishment and walking inside the house to the kitchen)

[End Scene]