Chereads / Mercenary W.O.L.F: NDA / Chapter 26 - #26 A Dark Dreamseed

Chapter 26 - #26 A Dark Dreamseed

[Kimora's day seemed to pass by extremely slowly as she hurried to see to it that the dishes were cleaned and dinner was made. Setting the table for five people and waiting for the family to join, a Large feast of chicken, rice, beans, and a pie was set as the family came to the table one at a time. A small slender woman with two younger girls standing behind her and the same tall man from before all sat down at the table the man noticed Kimora had set a plate for herself]

Father: Didn't I say you get no dinner?! We don't waste food on the weak and worthless in this house. Give it to your sisters!

Mother (Looking a little nervous about the situation) Kamaiel! Be reasonable! She has to have SOMETHING! Otherwise, we will have Miss Evelyn after us...

Kamaiel: Tsk! Fine! You get one spoonful of rice and the ketchup in the fridge. Enjoy your dinner! I swear, a "non-defined" has no right to talk back to a family with the definition of "Perfect."

{* Having no flaws or defects; faultless.

* Exactly right or fitting for a particular purpose.

* Surpassing all others in quality or excellence.}

Mother: Come on now, dear, she doesn't have memories or a definition. It's not her fault she was born less fortunate than us.

Kamaiel: Be that as it may, Mirantha, she is old enough to hear it. On Deidra, the Sylvaburn family is the second most revered family on the planet. Do you know why?

Kimora: Because definitions determine the societal standings of a person or household...skills sometimes enhance these....

Kamaiel: Exactly! So by not having a definition, despite my kindness of taking you in and allowing you permission to breathe my perfect air, you decide you give your ass to kiss?! Magick, as you claim to use, must have a limitation as to how much you can use it since you need external resources to use it.

Mirantha: Dear! That's enough! Mind we anger the Kamahazara's...Kimora. Eat the rice in the pot, then go to bed. (Waiving her hand as if to calm the situation)

Kimora: (Clearly fighting back tears as she keeps reminding herself this is only a dream) We will wake up. I will wake up. This shitty dream can only haunt me in my sleep it seems and even then, I should definitely be able to control these better. (Sighing quietly and walking up the long wooden staircase of the home her eyes slowly panning the room as she makes it to what appears to be a small closet with only enough room for her to lay in) I guess if I fall asleep here I'll wake up IRL? Well, I'll give it one try, and if it works, nice! (Proceeding to albeit rather uncomfortably fall asleep in the very cramped space barely deemed liveable by the laws of the land. That night, the skies outside became a band of melodies; raging with a thunderstorm that could only be described as an omen.)

[The next morning Hevenly is seen dressed in a beautiful velvet dress made from Darkness that seemed me manifest as a solid object, a pair of high heels with long black stockings and a slit within the dress barely revealing her upper thigh. She intended to see to it that the seed she planted grew to its full bloom. This plane of Deidra was a very lush and beautiful forest almost untouched by any form of man-made structures.]

Hevenly: Why is the gravity on this planet so insane?! I have to use negativity to lighten it constantly around me...need more.. So... let's try this.. Dark Pulse! (Tapping her foot on the ground, using the heel from her shoe, a wave of dark energy surges throughout the planet, searching for all forms of life. After a few seconds, that pulse of energy returns to Hevenly as she closes her eyes and takes a breath in ecstasy, moaning rather softly). I felt it! This planet is full of warriors, teaming with negative energy! Best of all I felt a brilliant light and it happens to be male! I'm willing to bet that is the target I'm looking for. Dantzler, was it? I'll be sure to get you before she can. (Laughing maniacally as she begins to walk down the road of what appears to be a forested area with villages on both sides. After walking for several hours, she arrived at a village close to the ocean side nearby what appeared to be a lighthouse.) ... Why do I feel nauseous all of a sudden? Well, it couldn't be worse, so I'll take it. (After taking a moment to look at each individual house within the village about 30 houses in total, her eyes viewing the souls of every living being within these homes. After scanning the village for only a few seconds at the dead center of the village a single brick House made clearly in the style of an old English townhome sat with a soul shining so brightly it caused her eyes to water a little bit and her stomach to turn as she walks into the shadow of a tree and watches the scene play out.) Explains a lot.

[Inside the home The table is set for a family of four, a dinner consistingof an oversized steak, wild rice and vegetables, with green tea. The eldest brother seems to be acting as the father of the family while their mother is finishing preparing dinner and the youngest brother is setting the table with the plates, The youngest Of the entire group being their sister Comes down the stairs and seems to be hugging her eldest brother on arrival]

Young Girl: XANNE!! SUPRISE ATTACK HUG!! I Wanna go train with you and Dantzler again!!!

Mother of the home: Dayna! Sit down and prepare to make the spiritual offering for the creatures that have given their lives for our meal today!

Dayna: (A short Girl with beautiful pink eyes, cold black hair coming down to only her ears, and a very thin frame. But muscular nonetheless, She rolled her eye at her mother's words and groaned out loud as she retorts with) Mooom you can speak common like the rest of the universe! Just say let's pray!

Xanne: Dayna, know it's only been 3 years since mom came back from Balsheen-Earth. Let her adjust a bit. Mom, can you tell us the story again?

Younger Brother: (While everyone else was busy talking this young man took his seat and slammed his fists together and screamed aloud as he closed his eyes) MAY WE GIVE THANKS TO THE CYCLE FOR IT'S OFFERING AND THOSE OFFERED, MAY WE THANK THE TRUE FATHER FOR HIS HAND THAT WATCHES OVER US, MAY WE THANK OUR MOTHER FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL MEAL, AND MAY WE THANK MY FORK CAUSE DIBS!! (Quickly grabbing a large portion of the steak leaving about half of it behind as he took off to his room with his meal)

Xanne: Damnit Dantzler! You can't just swipe a majority of the-

Mother: Xanne let him be. I made more since I already knew this was going to happen. Also starting tomorrow I will be training all three of you. Now finish dinner..I've some things to attend to. (This woman is seemingly in her late 40s, with long, cole black hair and pink eyes that shined even in sunlight. She stood at 5'9" with a well-toned frame and an Amazonian astatic with her choice of clothing. Her bare arms and back are covered with tattoos of different animals from many different cultures. Walking outside and directly to the tree Hevenly had previously used as a shadow gate then proceeding to lean against the tree and speak quietly bit loud enough for Hevenly to hear) I know you don't know me yet and I know you use Negativity as a resource for whatever your currently doing, so let me make myself clear. I am Evelyn Kamahazara. Or Athena in your native tounge. While I shall not interfere with you unless provoked, know that only the strong survive on this planet. So if you play with fire, be sure you're fireproof.

[End Scene]