The single word cut through the air like a sword, sharp, abrupt, final.
Lidia blinked.
Stop what exactly?
She leaned forward, resting her elbows on the saddle, curiosity sparking in her chest.
"Stop what?"
The knight halted mid-step, boots scuffing against the dirt.
Slowly, oh so slowly—he turned to face her.
His face was blank, completely unreadable, but his eyes?
Those traitorous, stupidly pretty eyes—a shade so deep, so gem-like, that if she stared too long, she might actually start to believe he was sculpted by the gods themselves—were locked directly onto her.
And he wasn't blinking.
At all.
Lidia swallowed.
It was deeply unsettling.
"Stop calling me your lover."
Lidia blinked again.
That's what this was about?
She tilted her head, intrigued.
"You mean that bothers you?"