Chereads / Shadow Slave | School Days / Chapter 18 - Chapter 18

Chapter 18 - Chapter 18

Water dripped from the ceiling as Sunny was slammed into the wall of a small room once more. Today marked Sunny's six thousandth spar with Gilead, and he was determined to make it special. A fist flew at Sunny's face, determined to crush every bone in his body, Sunny could only sigh as he rolled forward, leaving the range of the punch.


Pushing himself off the floor, his foot flashed through the air like a whip as it collided with Gilead's jaw with a thud. Blood spouted from the mans nose as Sunny spun with his hands, pushing himself into the air as he slammed his knee into Gilead's throat.


A loud gasp of air escaped his lungs as his eyes flashed with fury, grabbing Sunny by the leg, he slammed him into the floor with a sickening thud. If not for Sunny relaxing every muscle in his body mere moments before impact, Sunny was sure his spine would have been broken.


Using his lowered position, Sunny sent out a kick towards Gilead's knee. His fist moved so fast that upon contact it sent a shockwave as Gilead's knee bent backward. A startled shriek unbecoming of a man his size, gritting his teeth, he swayed his foot backward to disperse the impact of the blow as he spun his body preparing for a counterattack.


The door was flung open as Morgan stormed into the room. Oddly, her expression seemed to excited for the way she violently threw open the door. Sunny stared at her wide eyed, blood pouring from his skull as he wondered how Morgan could throw open such a heavy door so easily.


"Leave us." She commanded, Gilead slid out the room with his typical grace leaving Sunny and Morgan alone in the room. "Sunless, what I'm about to do to you isn't a punishment. I simply must test if you can do what that fiend is able to." Sunny stared at her blankly before his lips began moving.


As he grew stronger, Morgan allowed him to speak more often. So long as he didn't speak out of line which he still didn't quite know what qualified for that role. "Is it going to hurt me? Please don't hurt me again." Sunny's quiet pleading only caused the smile on her face to grow as she gently pushed him against the cold floor of the room.


"It might hurt, but only for a little." She replied, running her hand across his bloodied face before licking the blood off it. Sunny repressed a disgusted snarl, shrinking in on himself as he prepared himself for the worst. "Why here? Won't people hear me?"


Morgan's smile only widened before her hands snaked around his neck. "We're not doing that; I'm trying to awaken something within you. Just think of fighting, think only about fighting and nothing else." As she finished her sentence, she watched with supressed curiosity as Sunny's eyes widened.


She was choking him.


His feet thrashed beneath her however her grip was unrelenting. In only a matter of moments, Sunny had passed out. Sliding himself away from his body, Morgan shifted to the edge of the room, her face serious and on guard for anything that might happen.


To her surprise, something happened. Sunny's unconscious body slowly slid upward; he was raising his entire upper body using the strength of his lower body alone. His eyes, which were once bloodshot, filled with the alluring fear that Morgan valued so much had been clouded.


Only a singular white pupil was present in his darkened eyes as he turned his head slowly, surveying the environment. Soon enough, he settled his eyes on Morgan. In a split-second Sunny's fist crashed where her face had once been, leaving a dent in the wall as he buried his entire forearm into it.


Then, using his upper body strength alone, he pushed himself from the wall with an arm as he sent a dropkick flying at Morgan with speeds she had never witnessed him move at before. "Gilead!" Morgan cried; in a moment the man was in the room. Morgan barely managed to dodge the onslaught of attacks as Gilead flew into the room to meet Sunny.


'So, it is real, it doesn't happen to everyone so what makes him so different? That doesn't matter though, it only makes me love my favourite toy even more!' she thought with a lick of her lips. Sunny was fighting unconsciously; his body was merely doing all it remembered at 100% efficiency as he went for the killing blow in the most rational and machine-like manner possible.


To make matters worse, Sunny was overwhelming Gilead. As if to confirm her suspicions, Gilead's body was thrown violently into the wall next to her leaving an indent as Sunny slowly stalked him down. His breathe realised hot vapour as his body continued to move forward.


"I didn't even teach him systema!" Gilead grunted, pulling himself from the wall to charge at Sunny. Morgan had already made the call, in moments later, the small room was filled with fifty men.


It took them roughly three hours for them to restrain Sunny, with a wave of her hand, they quickly dispersed, dragging out those who had been beaten unconscious with them leaving Sunny's form alone with her.


Sunny's form was stirring, a hand placed on his head as he groaned, the pain from multiple attacks finally making itself known on his body. Pushing herself off the wall, Morgan grabbed Sunny by the face before forcefully pressing her lips against his own.


'I can't breathe!' Sunny exclaimed to himself, trying weakly to push Morgan off him yet her grip was like iron. Slowly, she pushed Sunny backward as he fell on his back, his chest rising and falling quickly as he stared up at the cold ceiling.


"You're amazing Sunless, truly amazing. Maybe if it's with you I can kill that bastard once and for all." Sunny sighed to himself before rolling over to look at her, hatred burned in the depth of his soul, yet he did well to restrain it. "Will you let me go then?"


Morgan only laughed.




Sunny shot up from his bed with a jolt as his eyes scanned the environment. Upon noticing Nephis silver hair once more, he placed a hand on his chest and forced himself to calm down, careful not to wake her. Despite his efforts, Nephis had already woken up anyway.


It had been a week since they started training, Sunny had watched Nephis improve by leaps and bounds as she absorbed all the information he gave to her like a dry sponge. Sunny himself felt strong, extremely so. Not so much to say he had returned to his strength three years ago, but he was sure he was around sixty percent there.


Nephis yawned quietly before noticing Sunny's dishevelled appearance, fatigue disappeared from her eyes as she sat up alongside him and gently pulled him toward her. He had tears pouring from his face as he remembered what he had went through, his nails dug into the side of his arms almost drawing blood if not for Nephis intervening.


Grabbing his hands, he pried them away from himself as she turned his head to look at her. "Look at me, you're safe. Calm down." Slowly but surely, Sunnys breathing calmed down as he continued to have his eyes fixed on Nephis own. He squeezed her hand firmly as his shoulders trembled.


"Sorry, I had a nightmare." Nephis only nodded slightly as Sunny rolled out of bed. Taking off his shirt and preparing himself for a shower. Nephis could tell he was in a bad mood yet didn't force it as Sunny stretched in front of the window.


Throwing his shirt on the bed roughly, Sunny briskly walked into the bathroom before shutting it behind himself with a slam. Desperate to find solace under the boiling heat of the shower. Since their first kiss, Nephis had found herself becoming increasingly bold with Sunny.


The two had shared more, told each other stories and gotten extremely close however Sunny still seemed to have a total aversion to physical contact with women. Whenever an attendant touched his arm, his muscles tensed as he restrained himself from lashing out violently, only being offered solace from Nephis presence.


Today was just another one of those days. Nephis couldn't remember the last time Sunny had woken up in a good mood, but it was fine as long as he didn't linger on it. Her mind drifted to the Morgan figure that Sunny had mentioned to her before.


Upon thinking of the name alone, Nephis mood too was sullied. She wanted to rip her to shreds despite never meeting her in her life. She had ruined Sunny, ruined his mental state and his outlook on life in general. Only for her sick and twisted desire to use him as a toy.


A light knock came from the door, as Nephis moved to answer it, Sunny flew from the bathroom, hastily putting clothes onto his body as he blurred toward Nephis. Slapping a hand over her mouth, he pulled her backward until her form was hidden by the bed.


Sunny too didn't speak, so instead he was only able to convey his message through a simple mixture of silent grunts and gestures. Upon hearing it, Nephis managed to understand immediately, fear gripping her heart as the implication settled in.


"The attendants don't knock."