Chereads / Shadow Slave | School Days / Chapter 19 - Chapter 19

Chapter 19 - Chapter 19

Sliding his hand off Nephis mouth slowly. Sunny rose to his feet before turning to Nephis and lifting her up to meet him. Leaning upward to place his mouth at her ear, he made sure to convey his silent message with utmost efficiency. 

"I'm going to create an opening when I do. Run as fast as you can downstairs." 

Without waiting for a reply, Sunny grabbed one of the lingering cutlery that the maids had not yet arrived to pick and gripped it in his hand. It was a small butter knife, yet it would do. Sparing Nephis a glance, the two slowly made their way toward the door as Sunny reached for the handle. Pulling it open slightly, two burly men made their appearance known.

"There you are, lost from light." One growled; without wasting another moment, Sunny lodged the knife into the man's leg till the handle was barely visible before twisting it and violently pulling outward. Blood flew onto his face, yet he didn't slow his motion for even a moment as he dislodged the knife and did the same to the next man that accompanied him.

The two men staggered backward, blood pouring from their thighs as Nephis bolted past the two. Sunny spared them a glance before throwing the knife at full force, lodging it in the foot of one of the men before running to catch up with Nephis. Sunny had provided her enough time to board the elevator, and as the door closed slowly, terror painted itself across her face at the prospect of being left alone.

Yet a bloody figure blurred into the elevator with a thud as Sunny's body slammed itself into the metal walls before slamming his finger on the button for the ground floor. Taking a second to calm himself, the sharp, emotionless look in his eyes faded as his eyes settled on Nephis. Suddenly, he realised that his right arm was covered entirely in blood.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." Truth be told, Nephis was horrified. The sight of blood itself didn't usually serve as a source of discomfort for her, yet at certain amounts, any human had a natural reaction. Her face paled slightly as she stared at his arm with a shaking expression. Sunny made an effort to hide it behind his back as he looked downward, almost ashamed.

Shifting forward, Nephis grabbed his chin before placing a kiss on his forehead. "Thank you for creating an opening." Now wasn't the time to make Sunny feel uncomfortable; he had just saved her life after all. Despite that, here she was giving him looks that sent messages that she'd never intended to send.

That she was judging him.

The kiss tore Sunny from his melancholy mood as he swung his hand suddenly, sending the blood flying off it. As they were getting closer to reaching the ground floor, Sunny's eyes sharpened once more, his tone becoming cold and commanding. 

"As soon as we hit the ground, we bolt for the exit. If they've found this place, that means all the employees could potentially become our enemies. If they aren't already." 

Soon enough, a resounding 'ding' arrived, marking their arrival at the ground floor. Sunny watched as three men, all equally as burly and physically imposing as the men they had once encountered, stood before them. Stretching their arms downward, they moved to trap Nephis. Sunny's lips turned into a wicked snarl as he sent a fist barreling at one's stomach.

The blow's force sent the man staggering back as a bloody patch made itself known through the pale white shirt that the man was wearing. Nephis bolted past the gap that Sunny had created, with him quickly following behind her. Suddenly, Nephis gasped slightly as the man Sunny had punched recovered from the blow, his grip coiling around her slender arm as a sickening grin arrived on his face.

But Sunny hadn't been teaching Nephis for nothing. Using the man's weight against him, she pushed herself upward before slamming her foot into his head. Clenching her teeth from the contact with hard bone, she watched as the man's eyes widened with shock as she felt her shin hitting hard bone. The man, on the other hand, didn't react much better as his eyes widened and blood flowed from his nose.

His grip loosened for a split second. Sunny had already dealt with the other two who stood in his way as their bodies lay limply indented into nearby walls. Shrugging off his hairy hands, Nephis continued to run for the exit. Rays of sunlight pierced through the transparent doors as Nephis pushed past it with a sigh escaping her lips. Sunny stood next to her, muscles still tensed in preparation. 

Nephis eyes widened slightly upon taking in the sight that was quickly developing in front of her. Five cars slowed to a stop around the two, and seven men appeared from each. Despite not having any weapons displaying outwardly, the pocket knives that were visible in their pockets made their intentions too obvious. "Thirty-five men." Sunny whispered to himself, his eyes still remaining cold and focused ahead of him.

Meanwhile, Nephis eyes wavered with hesitation as she turned to Sunny slightly, looking for confirmation and solidarity in him. "How are we going to escape?" Shrugging slightly, Sunny stepped forward slowly, raising his arms placatingly. Glancing back at Nephis, his lips moved, but no sound came out. 

"Meet me near your house's garden; I promise I won't leave you."

Nephis hesitated, reluctant to leave Sunny on his own. However, looking at the situation with the rationality that Sunny had cemented into her mind through a week of harrowing training, she was forced to listen to his commands. And so she turned and ran; nobody attempted to stop her as their eyes remained focused on Sunny, slowly surrounding him.

She knew that if she looked back for even a moment, she wouldn't leave him, and yet she had to. Glancing backward, she saw Sunny slowly begin kneeling down as he looked up at one of the men before him. Gritting her teeth, she continued to push off the ground with more force now, hoping to get there as quickly as possible.

Sunny felt the cold ground press against his knees as he looked up at one of the men. He remembered him all too well, Micheal. Micheal was one of the hundreds of people that had been used by Morgan to fuel Sunny's growth, and since then, Micheal had never let Sunny get a moment of peace in his life. Despite that, Sunny continued to endure his abuse with a silent resilience that Micheal could never understand where he drew strength from.

Now, here Sunny was. Or as Micheal knew him, "Lost from Light." Running from what he too knew was his fate, and for what? Staring down at Sunny, Micheal's lips twisted into an ugly grimace as he locked eyes with him. "I know you don't intend to give up here, so let's cut the bullshit. But you're so arrogant it's actually pathetic."

With a scoff, he crouched down so his head was level with Sunny's, his eyes piercing into his own as Sunny continued to stare at him wordlessly. Those eyes of his always served to infuriate Micheal, even if Morgan herself didn't know it, Micheal recognised those eyes all too well. They were eyes of defiance. Eyes of someone who clung to life even if the world itself tried to tear it from them. Finally, he broke their silent staring contest.

"What gives you the right to want to be free? After all the lives you've trampled on, after all the people you've crushed. Didn't they have hopes and dreams too? Yet here you are fighting like a dog for freedom you didn't even earn. Freedom is for regular people, the type of people you killed like rats because you're scum. We're scum. So stop running and pretending like you're any different from us!" 

Sunny didn't offer a reply. Instead, his hands shot from behind his head as he grabbed Micheal by the collar, slamming his knee into his nose before turning around. Three men made their way toward him; however, Sunny was upon them first, swinging his foot in a wide arc; he collided with the knee of one man as he heard their kneecap pop out of their socket, eliciting a sickening scream.

Movement was pertinent when chasing down prey; Sunny knew this himself since he had both lived the life of prey and a predator. And so he continued to rob everyone of their ability to move with terrifying efficiency. Ten men were injured before Sunny attempted to bolt; before he could, the bright lights of a car barreling toward him covered his view. 

Crossing his arms in front of himself, Sunny watched wide-eyed as Micheal slammed into him with the car. It was a Ford from the looks of things, and they were no lightweights. The speed at which Micheal had moved the car sent Sunny flying into the air before he landed onto the ground with blood cascading from his head. His arms hung limply at his sides with blood pouring from them as well, yet his face remained indifferent.

Shaking his arms, Sunny felt feeling return back to them as he quickly turned around and sprinted. Despite dispersing the force of the blow at the last moment, Sunny's shoulders had been torn from their sockets, forcing him to run with them hanging to the side limply. He was running in the opposite direction of Nephis home, hoping to throw them off his tail as he slammed his shoulder into a nightlight pole.

Pain tore through his body; however, Sunny felt his shoulder pop back into place as he rolled it several times mid-sprint. Balling his left hand into a fist, he slammed it into his right shoulder as he felt it pop back into place too. An ugly grimace arrived on his face as he glanced backward; they had returned to the cars they had once driven in, reducing Sunny's speed advantage tremendously.

To mitigate this, he fled upward. Grabbing onto every ridge of a nearby building as he flung himself to its roof. Sprinting forward, he continued his rapid movement as he readied himself to take a wide arc and turn to Nephis house. However, his movements quickly slowed to a stop as flowing black hair, only slightly lighter than his own, came into view.

Another one of his old 'companions,' Rivalen had joined the chase.