Chereads / Shadow Slave | School Days / Chapter 22 - Chapter 22

Chapter 22 - Chapter 22

A shadow. A lonely, insignificant shadow who didn't know why it existed. Each time it passed through a building, donning his onyx mantle and pitch-black mask, only death followed him. It didn't know why it had to kill so often; it didn't even remember the faces or names of those it had killed. Yet it continued to kill, continued to fight, continued to drift aimlessly.


Sunny was that very shadow. The sight of blood dripping from his arms as he held a dagger that was the length of his forearm in his right hand, he hated his right hand. It was where Morgan had branded him, proclaimed him as property. It was the sight she would always look at as she abused him for her own sadistic needs.


Twenty men surrounded Sunny's form, dead. Blood dripping like a fountain from the sliced necks of their bloodied corpses. Some realised Sunny was there, tried to fight. But death came to them all too swiftly. Shaking the blood off his body, Sunny made his way to the window of the high rise building he was located in.


That marked his three hundredth assassination.


Gang leaders, thugs, spies, potential foes. All of them died at Sunny's hand as the light in his eyes became smothered more and more as each day went by. He didn't leave a trace when he left, somehow, almost inexplicably, he never left any footprints, any loose hairs, any signs that a child named Sunless had existed.


Because to the world, to Morgan, Sunless didn't exist. There was only lost from light, her strongest solider, only lost from light, her favourite toy. Only lost from light, her hand made monster.


Shaking his head weakly, Sunny felt himself stir awake as he rolled over to his side. He hadn't remembered when he had moved to the dingy mattress that the house he had procured and slept in it, and yet somehow, he felt oddly at peace. Silver locks clouded his view as Nephis came into his sight with full force.


She continued to wear a satisfied smile on her face as her arm was wrapped tightly around Sunny's waist, her legs locked with his to inhibit his escape. Sighing, Sunny laid his head back on the bed as he studied her expression for a few moments.


In comparison to her house, this was hell on earth. Yet in comparison to the places Sunny had found himself sleeping for a large majority of his life, this dingy room resembled heaven. It was funny how perspectives changed your opinions on things.


Yet, Nephis ethereal presence continued to look out of place in the dingy room. She served as a lone light in the dark world, her presence even slightly illuminating the room they slept in as regret filled Sunny's eyes. A woman like Nephis didn't deserve to sleep here, she deserved to be graced with all the pleasantries that life could offer.


Alas, here she was, with him.


A hand shifted from Sunny's waist as it settled itself gently on his face. Nephis small smile only served to elicit one from him too as he stared at her with an emotion he couldn't personally identify in his eyes. "You're having negative thoughts, aren't you?" Nephis asked.


Her ability to make questions seem like statements so effortlessly only seemed to baffle him as he nodded gently in reply. "You don't deserve to be here; you deserve better than this." Slowly, Nephis pulled him toward her, easily shifting his weight across the mattress as he felt his chest press against hers.


'Soft.' He thought idly, before his face shone a beautiful shade of red at the implications of his thoughts. Nephis laughed gently before pressing his forehead against hers, it had become a habit and oddly Sunny didn't mind it. It felt like their souls were becoming one, completing each other.


"You didn't deserve anything that happened to you Sunny, and yet they did. Let's stop focusing on the negative and look ahead, once we're done with this Morgan fiasco, I'll treat you to a different life. One that we both deserve."


Sunny nodded silently at her words of comfort before sitting up. "Morgan, Gilead... they aren't regular criminals. For them to be beaten you'd need to kill all of her higher ups or at least put them out of commission and then take down Morgan. But I feel like there's something more than that."


Nephis stayed silent, allowing Sunny to continue speaking. "Their business are all headed by Morgan and Gilead, so if they're taken down then one would assume their business crumbles. But they've built it in so securely, so independently from one another that unless you crushed each of them individually till they couldn't run a business anymore, only then could you make her sweat."


Sitting up, Nephis turned to fully face Sunny with a silent question radiating through her eyes. "What type of business do they do? And how many businesses are there?" Sunny shuddered slightly at the mention of their businesses, his eyes drifting downward with shame as his defect forced him to answer.


"Sex trafficking, drugs, illegal weapon smuggling, assassinations, mercenary work." Nephis eyes continued to darken as Sunny listed off the businesses. Before she could comment, he continued. "There are five officials running each business, each of them has their own armies that they run together. After I ended up escaping the place, I needed money. Desperately, so I did a job for them..."


His voice trailed off as Nephis eyes softened, "You don't need to tell me if you don't want to." Sunny sighed, "It's better you know this than if somebody else tells you." His lips trembled as he struggled to maintain eye contact with Nephis. Grabbing his hand, she held it firmly as Sunny restrained tears.


"They made me sell my body." Nephis paled, pulling Sunny into a deep hug before running her hand through his hair. His eyes remained frozen and empty in her embrace, yet he felt himself relaxing slightly, a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Sunny had no more tears left to spill, leaving him only with a pit of sadness.


"I...understand now why you're so against getting touched in any fashion by women." Nephis mumbled silently, suddenly feeling guilty at her overt amounts of physical contact with Sunny. However his eyes widened, his body radiating shock as he raised up his hands to soothe Nephis worries.


"Don't worry though! It's fine when you touch me. It makes me" He trailed off, Nephis wore a teasing smile across her face as she pulled him into a hug and played with his hair. "Saying you like it when I touch you, such a flirt." She whispered into his ear as she watched him squirm with embarrassment into her arms.


After a while, the two had finally resolved themselves to get something to eat. All that was left within the house was rotten, and Sunny would rather die than let Nephis even glance at the food. So instead, the two raided the former owners closet and collected two pairs of hoodies.


Frankly, the hoodie's were huge. Perfect for hiding ones appearance as they made their way through the streets. They moved through the back alleys, despite their clothing hiding their appearance, one could never be too safe. Unfortunately, three men managed to catch a glimpse of Nephis face as she walked past, putting themselves in her way to stop her.


"Hey pretty girl, what are you doing around here?" Their breathes reeked of alcohol, their movements waying wildly as they leaned over to see her face properly. Reaching down to pull off her hoodie, their arms were met with Sunny's crushing grip as bloodlust radiated throughout the small clearing.


Gripping a broken bottle, the main leader of the ragtag group stared at Sunny with an incredulous expression, almost surprised that someone so small would dare mess with him. "Hey kid, get out of here if you don't want to die! I'll kill you!" Slowly, Sunny cocked his head to the side, an indifferent expression marring his features as his grip on the mans hand tightened.


"Do you even know what it means to kill someone? Shall I show you?" Slamming the man onto the ground, Sunny flung him into the wall, colliding with another member of the group with a wet thud as he punched the last remaining man in the liver, sending him to the floor before Sunny viciously kicked him in the face.


"Listen, I'm not like the rest of you. When I say I'm going to kill someone, I don't mean it as a joke. If you try touch her again, I will kill you, I will rip your intestines out your body an-" Sunny's threat was cut off as Nephis gripped his arm tighter, pulling him out of the alleyway as he shot a last glare at the men before exiting.


Turning to Sunny, Nephis raised an eyebrow before sighing. "You're so protective it's cute." Sunny's face turned bashful as he looked downward, despite being unable to see her face, he felt the need to avoid her gaze. "But you need to remember. No killing." Nodding slightly, Sunny's posture shifted like a dog who had been denied a walk.


Smiling to herself, Nephis pulled him closer with her hoodie covered arm, making their way toward the closest restaurant with a smile on her face. Sunny had allowed Nephis to pick the meal upon their arrival, he had never been a picky eater and catering to Nephis needs gave him the pleasure of a thousand meals, so overall, he was quite fine.


The two ate in silence, Sunny spared occasional glances at Nephis to check if she was comfortable as he clumsily attempted to use his cutlery. Shifting her plate, Nephis sat next to him instead of opposite where she had once been as she wrapped her arms around his form. Slowly, she guided him with the fork and knife in a way Sunny had never seen before.


She was teaching him, yet it didn't hurt. There was no pain or threat of death. Only the warm feeling of Nephis body pressed against his own.


It didn't take him quite long to understand her movements, he always had a knack for being able to copy people perfectly, yet he continued to feign ignorance as he watched Nephis smile slowly grow as he improved. Smiling, he felt himself leaning on her unconsciously as he took in the full extent of her warmth.


'Imagine how the other people think we look.' Nephis thought with a giggle as she embraced Sunny from behind. Coming to the restaurant only confirmed it further. She needed more moments like this with Sunny, she was in love with him.


Sunny slowly shifted as he moved to look up at her, taking full advantage of their height difference as he offered her a slight smile. Yet Nephis could see through it all too well, he had something to say yet he didn't know how to properly put his message into words. Finally, he mustered up his strength as his lips began moving.


"I think, we need to go into the underworld."