Chereads / Shadow Slave | School Days / Chapter 27 - Chapter 27

Chapter 27 - Chapter 27

Despite it's pristine halls and marble coated walls, the underground was truly gigantic, it spanned throughout nearly three continents, with separate regions and factions all who bow to Valor in one form or the other.


Its sheer size wasn't the reason it was so difficult to escape, but rather, it was the exorbitant amount of influence those who were at the higher echelons of the underworld possessed. In terms of numbers alone, one might compare the higher-ups of the underworld to presidents of countries.


However, their influence was limited, there was only so much one could do with sheer numbers compared to the military forces that those who resided on the surface controlled. Simply putting bodies in front of the bombs and rifles was incredulous and ineffective.


So, the underworld needed a weapon.


Unbeknownst to Sunny, every assassination, every life he took, every light he snuffed, served to further subjugate the influential members of modern society, silently bringing them to their knees as Valor's influence expanded into the waking world. Sunny had trapped himself in Morgan's web for longer than he knew, and he only recently realised.


Walking throughout the vast expanses of the underworld was tiring, and doing so with another person only made it more difficult. Looking over his shoulder, Sunny glanced back at Seishan, who was panting from the vast distances they had walked before slowing to a stop.


"Master Sunless!" Seishan called between pants, "Don't you think we should rest? Where are we going in the first place?" Stopping and turning around, Sunny slid to the floor before beckoning Seishan to do the same. Throwing her a bottle of water, which she shakily caught in her hands and greedily drank, Sunny sighed.


"I'm… not your master. I'm nobody's master. And we… are going to meet somebody. Hopefully, he can give us information." Seishan stared at him with a revering expression before smiling at him, sitting close enough so Sunny wouldn't feel uncomfortable.


"You are my master though; you saved my life!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms out to mimic the movements she thought Sunny had done. Sunny cocked his head to the side without speaking. Frankly, he was still relearning the art of speech after so much time being spent in silence at Morgan's side, making each sentence he uttered awkward and full of pauses.


"Aren't you afraid of me? I'm a murderer, a filthy killer." His eyes drifted downward as he finished his statement, Seishan clapped her hands to pull him from his stupor. "This is the only way I can get your attention without grabbing you, so I'll say this. Who cares if you're a murderer, everyone must survive somehow right? That's all you did; you did what you knew to survive."


 Shaking his head firmly, Sunny glanced at Seishan with a puzzled expression. "But I didn't need to kill them to survive, I could have easily restrained them, yet I didn't. I'm a monster by nature, Mor—she just helped me realise it." Sighing to herself, Seishan stared at Sunny before pouring the remnants of her water on him.


Sunny leapt backward, shaking his head frantically to remove the remnants of water that lingered in his locks as he stared at Seishan with an incredulous expression. "If you didn't kill them, what would have happened. They would have gone out, kidnapped and assaulted some other poor kid and done even worse! But listen, you don't need to think of it that way at all, you don't need to justify killing people at all."


Raising herself to her feet, Seishan looked Sunny in the eyes, which wasn't particularly hard to do seeing his short stature. "To be human is to take and use others, that's what it means to be alive. Plants take from their environment, you breathing right now is taking air from me. It's natural, so don't even dare to start overcomplicating things."


Thinking over her words with a stupefied expression on his face, Sunny slowly nodded in acknowledgement before his eyes focused. The sound of people's footsteps were slowly growing louder as Sunny narrowed his eyes. "Stay behind me." Sunny mouthed before turning forward.


In a moment, fifteen men had turned the corner, it didn't appear like they were there on official business, only strolling about to help stretch their legs yet Sunny remained constantly suspicious. "Wait, hold on. Isn't that Morgan's slu—Lost from Light!?"


Those words were the last that escaped his mouth as Sunny blitzed toward him. There was only one type of person who recognised him by that name, and that was people who obeyed Morgan to a fault. They likely had recognised his unauthorised absence yet didn't know how to find him.


Extending a hand, Sunny grabbed a man by the throat before ripping out his larynx in one fluid motion. Spinning in the air, Sunny slammed his knee into the next man before dropping low to the floor. Grabbing the still bleeding man by the knee, Sunny's muscles strained as he swung him at the rest of the men like a battering ram.


The man soared through the air, painting his fellow comrades with his blood as Sunny closed the gap, using the temporary distraction to create an opening. Slamming his foot into the knee of a man, he felt the man's knee shatter and bend backward under the force of the blow. Spinning on his heel, he repeated the process, slamming his foot into the femur of another man.


Broken bone pierced through skin as Sunny reached down and tore a piece of the bone from the man's leg as his throat prepared to release an ear-piercing scream. Before he could, Sunny pierced his neck with a piece of his own broken bone as he leapt in the air.


Spinning midair, he threw a piece of the broken bone into the eye of another man, who was still too stuck in a horrified stupor to realise what was going on. After that, it took only a few moments for Sunny to brutalise the remaining men. Blood poured from their bodies as Sunny rummaged through their bodies.


Finding a large canister of water, Sunny ran it on his hands and bloodied feet as he slowly took steps back toward Seishan. He had expected her to be terrified, horrified at the brutal and bloody piece of art Sunny had created using the brutalised bodies of his opponents.


But instead, he was met with a large beaming smile.


"That was amazing! The way their blood soared through the air, your expression, everything! You're amazing Sunless, how did you do it!" Her expression remained excited and giddy as she waited for Sunny to divulge his secrets. Sunny was slightly taken aback, he had never seen someone react in such a way after he had killed someone, especially if he had made it particularly brutal because they were from Valor.


Granted, not many people had a lot of time to react once he started killing.


"I… am strong? I think, I don't know. I just do whatever aligns with my… goals, yes, goals." Seishan cocked her head to the side, curious as to what he meant but didn't respond. "Aren't you afraid of getting caught? Surely your DNA is somewhere on their bodies."


Sunny shook his head, if there was one thing he was sure of in combat, it was that he didn't leave a trace after he took a life. "They won't know, I… don't leave a trace when I kill people or interact with them. It's like… the world is refusing to acknowledge my existence."


Seishan scratched her chin contemplatively, her arm twitched, hidden desire to ruffle her newfound god's hair becoming readily apparent as Sunny took a step back. Suddenly, her arm moved and gave Sunny a large thumbs up.


"If the world doesn't acknowledge your existence, I will! You're my god after all."