Chereads / Shadow Slave | School Days / Chapter 29 - Chapter 29

Chapter 29 - Chapter 29

Sliding open the heavymetal doors of Eubin's manor, Sunny stared at her with an indifferentexpression, gripping the knife in his hand firmly as he looked her over. She was barely older than he was yet had managed to inherit a major part of theSong territory, just as Morgan had. 


To say she was unattractivewould be a lie, her flowing brown hair complimented her blue eyes giving her analmost deific appearance that Sunny couldn't quite put into words. Yet,throughout all the experiences he's been through, physical appearance becameone of his least important factors when judging people's character.


Despite allowing Sunnyaccess to her home, Eubin currently wasn't present, instead, Sunny could hearthe vague sounds of pots and pans being struck against each other as she wentto work in the kitchen.


A slight feeling ofawkwardness overcame Sunny, it had been a long time since he had seen akitchen, let alone watched someone prepare food. Morgan had made sure to keephim well fed, but the hatred that laced his food every time he ate continued torob him of his appetite and appreciation of the culinary mastery she provided.


Sunny didn't know whatto say, he knew that Eubin wouldn't acknowledge his presence merely by himopening the door, because he made no sound when he did so, nor when he walkedaround the house. Which left only the option of speech, something Sunny wasn'tparticularly adept in.


Slowly making his wayinto the kitchen, Sunny was suddenly reminded how she had gotten the name 'beast-master'thirty dogs lined the gigantic expanse she had donned her kitchen, as Eubincontinued to flow from section to section of her kitchen, creating a dish hehad never recognised.


Clearing his throat,thirty heads turned in his direction, her dogs noticed his presence with a lookof aggression mixed with apprehension and also an emotion far deeper that hecouldn't recognise. Despite the fact Sunny had arrived soundlessly, they didn'tlunge at him, their bodies shivering as Sunny made his way into Eubin's fieldof vision.


"You're scaring mydogs." Eubin stated pointedly, never taking her eyes off her cooking as herhands turned into a blur. "I... did not mean to. I do not even know how I didso." Sunny replied, an awkward expression continued to fight its way onto hisfeatures, only being supressed by Sunny's steeled mind.


Upon hearing hisvoice, Eubin turned her head towards him for the slightest of moments, a smileappearing on her face before she continued her cooking. "Sit in the livingroom, I'll be there in a moment." Sunny nodded before briskly making his wayout of the room, suppressing a sigh that tried fighting its way out his lips.


Just from taking onelook at her, Sunny could tell she was strong. Extremely, unwaveringly strong. Yetit wasn't her strength that made him uneasy, rather, it was the sharp look inher eyes that arrived upon noticing his appearance which quickly disappeared.


Sunny knew exactlywhat that look meant. Looking himself over, Sunny realised that he wasn't themost presentable, especially for an encounter with a woman so graced withriches in the form of Eubin. His hair was rough and untamed, with his shirt andblack joggers being stained with dirt from constant fights.


Taking a sniff ofhimself, Sunny realised something new. He had no smell. Or at least he didn'tnotice it, the aroma he exuded merely reminded him of the stench of death thatwas left after he killed a man. Yet he didn't have the distinctive aroma thatall humans gained through interaction with the world.


Soon enough, Eubinarrived before him, sitting opposite him with two plates of food in her handsbefore sliding one over to Sunny. "Here, eat." Sunny stared at herincredulously before shooting her a glare. "You might have...poisoned it."


Eubin laughed quietlybefore shifting Sunny's plate to herself, cutting off a piece of the delectablesteak she had placed on it before taking a bite. She made sure to chew slowlyso Sunny could confirm her intentions before swallowing in a slow and deliberatemanner.


"Is that all the proofyou need?" she asked, Sunny's glare lessened for a moment as he weighed up hisoptions. He was certain of his capability to kill Eubin but killing her whilepoisoned was a different matter. Despite this, the sound of Sunny's stomachgrumbling only served to fuel his decision.


'It's either I die here,or I die later.' Sunny thought to himself, before sliding the plate to himselfand taking a small bite. He was uncertain of how to use cutlery, so simply watchedEubin's movements before replicating them with ease. In mere moments, the platesized steak that Sunny had been served disappeared.


"So, you want to leavethe underworld, why?" Eubin asked, resting her chin across her palms as shestared at him with a slight smile. "I want to And I'm bringing—companionwith me." Eubin tilted her head to the side at his proclamation before smilingslightly.


"You want to be free?Of the underworld? I've never heard someone wish for something so bold in awhile! And not only that, but you also want to bring somebody with you? Aren'tyou being a little too arrogant?"


Sunny stared at herwith a puzzled expression before nodding firmly. "I am not...arrogant. I need away out of here, motives don't matter, let's talk business." His eyes focusedon Eubin's expression as she smiled at him, laughing quietly once more at theintense look in his eyes before shrugging.


"You're right, yourmotives don't matter. But I find it quite curious that Valor's strongest soldierhas decided to run, tell me, was Morgan really that bad?" Upon hearing hername, Sunny shot to his feet, his knife blitzing towards Eubin's throat beforestopping only inches away from her skin.


"Do not...say thatname." He growled, despite his threat, Eubin's expression didn't even falter asshe stared at Sunny with an impressed expression. "Not bad, Lost from Light,but you should watch where you stand." In a moment, strings surrounded Sunny'sbody, metal ones so thin that they could draw blood just from the slightestamount of pressure.


Sunny's glareincreased as he clicked his tongue impatiently. "They have already...been cut."To mark his statement, thin strands of wire fell from the air, slicing throughEubin's remaining steak and leaving a large cut within the table. The wires endedlimply at Eubin's fingers who looked at him with wide eyes.


Instead of offering areply, Sunny walked back to his seat and sat down, hoping he had made his pointclear that he wasn't one to be tested. "You're interesting, lost from light, sotell me, how do you wish to pay me, for the price of two." Sunny cocked hishead to the side as a small frown appeared on his face.


"If you let me leave,will I still be tracked by members of the underworld?" Eubin shook her headfirmly. "You won't be tracked, although if you are caught by someone in theunderworld, all bets are off, but I can protect you enough so nobody canactively chase after you. Any meetings you have with them will be bycoincidence, and they won't be allowed to bring you back unless you willingly attack them."


Sunny's frown deepenedat the implications of the statement. "So, if I am attacked I should...notdefend myself?" Eubin nodded slightly, before a sly smile appeared across herface. "I'll be able to clear a section of the outskirts of all underworldaffiliates, but you'll need me well for that."


An expression whichEubin was unable to identify flashed across Sunny's onyx eyes, which seemed todarken further at the prospect of 'payment.' Sunny's right hand, which he hadplaced under his leg to hide from view continued to shiver rapidly whichthankfully remained unbeknownst to Eubin as he mustered up the question thathad been lingering in his mind since he arrived.


"What are you going tomake me do? For payment." Sunny's voice remained slightly tentative as Eubin rosefrom her seat and stalked over to Sunny. Sitting next to him with a smile, shereached her hand over to him only for Sunny to jolt across the room with hiseyes widened and his heart racing.


"They were right! Youare deathly afraid of women!" She laughed, Sunny's gaze quickly turnedmurderous as Eubin placed her hands into the air placatingly. "You know, typicallymen have taken advantage of women in the underworld long before either of uswere born. But you know, finally being able to take advantage of someone,especially one as strong and...attractive as you is quite the thrill."


Sunny's grip on hisknife tightened as Eubin removed a small camera from her pocket and pointed toa wall of her living room. "Stand there and take off your shirt." Sunny's bodyfroze for a moment, before he slowly walked across the room and did as he wastold, biting the inside of his cheek so hard he drank his own blood.


The shutter of a cameracontinued to reverberate as Eubin took pictures of Sunny from multiple anglesbefore scrolling through her camera, then, with a sigh of satisfaction shethrew Sunny's shirt back to him. "There, that's it. Surely that's better thanwhat Mor—She does to you! You should thank me!" Sunny continued to stare at herin silence as Eubin's phone began to reverberate in her pocket.


Pulling it out fromher pocket with a worried expression, Eubin shot a stare at Sunny ordering himto remain where he was as she raised the phone to her ear. Despite not being onspeaker, Sunny heard the words very well, and a sinking pit in his stomacharrived, almost making him fall to his knees.


"Valor is here, and they're looking for a 'Lost from Light'!"