Chereads / Shadow Slave | School Days / Chapter 35 - Chapter 35

Chapter 35 - Chapter 35

Water continued to crash to the floor from a waterfall as Sunny overlooked the forest, he had procured for himself all that time ago. His two-favourite people in the world were here, and currently they were sparring against one another in a heated grappling battle.


But Sunny didn't care, a month had passed, and he felt strong, he could feel it in Nephis too that she had become ridiculously strong compared to what she had been in the past. He too had improved by leaps and bounds, and yet, he never had the chance to display it.


Releasing a sigh, Sunny leapt from the top of the waterfall to a nearby tree, hoping to receive some entertainment by watching Revel and Nephis spar. Watching the two fight always brought out a strange array of emotions from him, while he felt pride at watching Nephis nurture her strength, watching her hurt herself always tore a hole into his delicate mind.


Despite this, he couldn't help but take his eyes off Nephis form as his jaw hung open with amazement. Nephis white hair cascaded around her face like a solver waterfall, her face expressing an icy calm yet her the flaming resolve in her eyes continued to act as perfect contrast.


'Beautiful.' Was the only thought that rang through his head, as he watched Revel and Nephis stand opposite each other, neither woman moved, sizing up the other and hoping to predict further into the future than their opponent, granting them the decisive opportunity needed to win.


'They're looking too deep into this, both of them are full of openings.' Sunny sighed to himself, idly tapping his finger across the bark of the tree as he watched them lunge at each other simultaneously. It was as if an unspoken signal had been indicated between the two, letting them know when to fight.


Their bodies collided with a thunderous crash, the impact sending shockwaves through the ground. Revel's hands shot forward, aiming to secure a grip on Nephis's shoulders, however Nephis spun diligently with inhuman speed, slipping backward out of Revel's reach.


In the same motion, Nephis grabbed Revel by the wrist, it only took a split second before Revel was flung into the air roughly by Nephis. However, ever experienced, Revel span as she fell, dancing out of Nephis follow up attack's path as she placed a hand on her shoulder.


In a singular fluid movement, Revel's fingers turned into an iron vice, attempting to swing Nephis into a throw which would surely send her barrelling across the clearing. Nephis anticipated the move, planting her feet firmly before driving her elbow into Revel's ribs.


Sunny unconsciously winced upon watching Revel's reaction, which was strange as he doubted he'd wince if he was hit with the same move. 'How am I feeling hurt when I'm not the one getting hit, emotions are complicated.' Sunny sighed to himself.


Nephis blow landed with a sickening thud, but Revel barely flinched. Instead, she used the force of her blow to swing her leg around, aiming for a sweeping kick at Nephis knees. Leaping back in a fluid motion, Nephis attempted to press the advantage, closing the distance with a flurry of strikes.


Until Revel grabbed her blow.


With an unrelenting grip, Revel spun her wrist suddenly, sending Nephis entire body rotating as she tugged her wrist downward, noticing the floor rapidly approaching her face, Nephis balled her feet to her chest before slamming them into the ground to right herself. Taking advantage of her momentary distraction, Revel span and slammed her elbow into Nephis jaw, sending her skidding backward with a slight wince.


"That's payback!" Revel announced as her follow up came with haste. In response, Nephis charged at her, preparing to meet her in a clash that would surely leave the two injured. However, a figure blurred between the two, catching their fists in his arms as he smiled pleasantly.


"You two are amazing! I didn't think you'd improve this much so quickly, and Mom, you've gotten even stronger!" Sunny's voice was bright and elated as the two pulled back their attacks, Nephis blushed at the praise while Revel pulled Sunny into a deep hug, ruffling his hair with her hand as she planted a kiss on his forehead.


"Of course I got stronger, can't let myself be defenceless around here, can I?" Sunny smiled in response before turning to Nephis. In a moment, he enveloped her in his arms as he pulled her into a deep hug. Taken by surprise, Nephis face turned deep red as Sunny smiled at her awkwardly.


"I... thought maybe I should take initiative this time. Good job with your training!" Nephis smiled warmly at him as she returned his gesture, pulling him into a deep hug as Revel mock cried in the background. "When did I raise such a gentleman!? How times flies!"


Pulling back, the two looked into each others' eyes, passion blazing within them as they slowly edged towards each other. Noticing Revel was still watching attentively, pulling out a packet of popcorn Nephis had never seen her have before, Nephis nudged Sunny so he took notice as the two awkwardly pulled back from one another.


Turning to Revel, Sunny smiled sadly as this marked the end of their reunion. A tear rolled down from his eye as he quickly wiped it before enveloping her in a deep hug. "I'll come visit more often, or you can come with me to the surface!" Sunny's voice restrained emotion as Revel offered him a smile.


"You know I can't do that, give me your number, we'll stay in touch." Placing her hands on his shoulders, Revel looked him in the eye as she smiled at him. "I'm proud of you Sunny, you've come a long way since I first met you. Always remember this, even if the whole world turns against you, I will always be fighting in your corner. Even if I never had the chance to give birth to you, I'm proud to be called your mother."


Sunny deepened the hug for a few moments before Revel pulled away from him and made her way to Nephis. Looking into the distance, Sunny made sure to conceal the slight shivering of his shoulders, masking his tears as he silently paid attention to their conversation.


Placing her hands on Nephis shoulders, Revel gave her a proud smirk as she looked her over. "For a seemingly regular girl, you have grit and insurmountable talent. And even better, you're a gentle soul at heart. Never lose the softness in your heart, because that's really what Sunny needs right now. You two complete each other, treat him well and make sure he eats daily."


Suddenly, she leaned forward and whispered into Nephis ear, making sure Sunny didn't hear her before stating, her tone cold and devoid of emotion. "If you see Seishan, kill her immediately. And never trust Eubin." Pulling backward, Revel smiled slightly before patting her on the shoulder.


Sunny sighed sadly before stretching with a frown on his face. Walking up to him with a look of concern, Nephis span his body around, so he faced her directly before raising his chin, so their eyes met. "Sunny, what's wrong, you look like you're about to do something disgusting."


Nodding slightly, Sunny's frown only deepened as he stared into the horizon.


"We're going to go see a vile, odious, disgusting woman." Sunny spat fury dancing across his eyes as Nephis squeezed his shoulder reassuringly. "Are you planning to kill them?" Nephis asked tentatively, her expression laced with worry as Sunny brought a hand to his temple, caressing it gently.


"No, we're going to make them an ally."