Chereads / Shadow Slave | School Days / Chapter 39 - Chapter 39

Chapter 39 - Chapter 39

 Standing atop the dreary roofs of the northern quadrant, stood an angelic figure who chased away the darkness around her, white hair flowing with the lingering winds as she stared down with an indifferent expression at the people bustling below.


Men, women, and children bustled through the streets under the attentive eye of multiple armed soldiers as they wore smiles across their faces, something one wouldn't expect for a place within the underworld. 'There's always more than meets the eye.' Nephis thought to herself, as she blurred from view.


In front of her, there was a shadow-like figure who seemed to flicker from existence as he moved. Leaping from building to building, no sound was emitted as he collided with the ceramic tiles making up the roofs of homes as he moved soundlessly.


The two figures moved unnoticed until they reached the central tower. Sunny stopped with a passive expression on his face as he took in the building. Once a mansion, now stood a castle like building, towering over the rest of the environment with it's imposing visage.


Cocking his head to the side, Sunny raised a hand to his chin in contemplation as he studied it's features. Each part of the castle was like an impregnable fortress on its own, soldiers lining its walls with places they could exit from freely without ever contacting Eubin.


Light taps on his shoulder caused Sunny to turn around as he stared up at Nephis, who was looking at him with a small smile. "What's gotten you thinking?" Nephis asked, her voice playful yet still laced with seriousness. "Sorry, this place just seems... different compared to when I last was here."


Grabbing her gently by the arm, Sunny and Nephis blurred toward the front door before knocking it gently. Waiting for a few moments, Sunny sighed impassively before readying his fist to punch down the door. Nephis stared at him with wide eyes, readying to stop him before he did something he'd regret.


Before he could do so, the door flung open, a woman who stood at around Nephis height came into view as auburn hair flowed through the door. Brown eyes focused on Sunny's form as a woman who looked truly tantalizing in appearance came into view.


At her side, stood a tiger who appeared to be having the time of its life nuzzling into her side. It stood at the woman's shoulder as it purred lowly, clearly annoyed at the interruption to its cuddling. Upon noticing Sunny, the tiger visibly reeled, preparing itself for combat at the sight of another predator.


Suddenly, the woman burst into quiet laughter, holding her side as tears bit the corners of her eyes. Sunny remained standing impassively, his hand still balled into a fist as his fingers dug into the skin of his palms. "You! Why are you here!?" Eubin laughed, shifting aside for Sunny to enter her home.


As Sunny moved forward, Nephis followed suit only to be stopped by Eubin. The two women met eyes, engaging in a test of resolve as bloodlust slowly exuded from each warriors form. "Lost from Light, is it with you?" Cocking his head to the side, a small frown arrived on Sunny's face as he stepped forward.


Before he could speak, Nephis roughly grabbed Eubin by the shoulder before smiling, a smile too sweet to be genuine. "I'm Sunny's girlfriend. And for reference, he isn't lost from light, he's Sunny." Her grip on Eubin's shoulder tightened suddenly as she cocked her head to the side to finish her statement. "And I'm not an 'it.'"


Eubin moved to retaliate, however a single look from Sunny shut down all her intentions as she stepped out of the way to allow Nephis to enter the room. The two quickly took a seat on the couch opposite to Eubin as they stared at each other in silence, before finally the fragile balance was broken.


"Lost from—Sunny I should say. Why are you back here?" Eubin asked, a smile painted across her face as Sunny sighed. "I'm here to kill Morgan, Gilead and everyone who is a member of Valor." He stated it as easily as he stated the weather, waving a hand slightly dismissively.


Eubin's eyes narrowed, a smile curving her lips as she studied Sunny's form. "You know, for my favourite man in the underworld, I didn't expect you to be here primarily for business." Nephis scoffed slightly as Eubin turned her attention to her, cocking her head to the side.


"Is there something you'd like to tell me?" Nephis shrugged, a smile arriving on her face. "Sorry, it's just amusing for you to think Sunny has such low standards. What would he even be doing with a whor—woman like you anyway?"


Not bothering to respond to the provocation, Eubin turned her attention back to Sunny. "If you're planning to kill Valor, which is no small feat mind you even for someone as skilled as you. You'd need a plan, and a really good one." Nodding in agreement, Sunny's lips curled into a smile as Eubin's eyes widened slightly.


'I've never seen him use that expression before.' She mused as Sunny began speaking. "Valor's white ghost will be at the ball; you should know of it. He's enough cover for Neph to kidnap Morgan, all I need you to do is take care of any variables which may arrive. And if all goes well, you can absorb Valor's entire business into your own and gain an immense profit."


Eubin raised an eyebrow, before her laugh quickly turned from a mere giggle to a full-blown roar before quickly subsiding. "What in gods name makes you think that I'd want to risk making Valor my enemy should you fail? Do you take me for a fool?" Sunny resisted the urge to nod his head before remaining silent for a few moments.


"No, which is why I'll personally ensure that none of the traces can be linked back to you. You can wear a mask as well which hides your identity completely. All that's left is just to come back and reap the fruits of your labour."


Upon seeing the look in Sunny's eye, Eubin knew that negotiations based off flaws in his strategy wouldn't work. Because as usual, Sunny's plan was flawless. If he said she could get in and out without being tracked, Eubin was entirely certain that could be the case. Still, she wasn't planning on making it easy for him.


"Still, let's assume that I don't get tracked. Who's to say that I don't die, or get grievously injured? Why should I even put my life on the line for you?" Sunny remained silent for a few moments, slowly shifting in the couch with a slight grimace on his face, drops of blood fell to the couch unnoticed as his wounds quickly healed.


"I'll pay you, with everything." Sunny stated simply. Upon hearing this, Nephis who had been silent the entire engagement shot Sunny a look of surprise as she shot to her feet, leaning in and whispering into his ear with panic laced in her tone.


"Sunny, what the fuck do you think you're doing!? I'm not going to allow you to sell yourself to this woman just for the sake of revenge, we can get someone else! Revel, your mom, might help you!"


Sunny shook his head resolutely, turning to her before smiling solemnly. "It's ok, I'll be fine. I'm used to this." Before Nephis could offer a reply, Eubin's voice tore through the room as she put the two into a state of silence that neither could rip themselves from.


"Since you've offered so graciously. I'm going to need some hefty payment. Now as much as I'd... love to have you pay me once more Sunny. I'm going to need something different this time." Eubin paused, allowing her sentence to settle in upon the two of them as Sunny raised an eyebrow.


"I simply request thirty minutes alone with your friend. Neph, was it?" In a moment, the room turned dark, despite the lights remaining perfectly intact, the now standing Nephis and the seated Eubin felt a force pressing them to the floor with crushing intensity as Sunny allowed his rage to flow.


The press of death weighed upon Eubin like an anvil as she forced out a smile, unable to utter words under the pressure she was feeling. "Do you understand what you're asking me? Do you want to die?" Sunny asked, his muscles tensed in preparation for an attack.


Yet, Nephis voice ensured it never came, piercing through the shroud of bloodlust that surrounded the room as she coughed out. "I'll do it, I'll be fine Sunny." As soon as the words left her mouth, the crushing force dissipated as Nephis swayed on her feet, her balance abandoning her.


Rushing to her side, Sunny grabbed her by the waist to keep her stable before seating her down, kneeling before her to ensure she was ok. "Are you sure you want to do this? I know you're strong but you're in her home, her territory! If she hurts you, let me know and I swear to God—"


His speech was cut off by Nephis hand resting on his chin gently, her smooth alabaster fingers robbing Sunny of his rage as he stared at her in silence. "Sunny, I'll be fine. It's just thirty minutes. If I can't do this, what's all the training been for?" Staring at her for a few moments more, Sunny begrudgingly raised himself to his feet as he glanced back at Eubin before making his way to the door.


"I'll be right outside, if there is a hair on Neph's head that is out of place, I'll butcher you and everyone you love." Sunny commented idly, in response Eubin merely waved as Sunny silently shut the door behind himself. Yet she knew he wouldn't go far.


And so, the two women were left alone with each other.