Chereads / Shadow Slave | School Days / Chapter 14 - Chapter 14

Chapter 14 - Chapter 14

Sunny was roughly thrown forward as his head slammed roughly against the walls of a large hallway. He had attempted to resist being dragged into Morgan's room, however a quick yet rough beating from Gilead had been enough to silence his lingering dreams of escape.


Slowly, Sunny put one foot in front of the other, mentally preparing himself for whatever they had to throw at him, if Rain was safe, maybe if he survived long enough, he would become someone worth the title of her brother.


This flickering, weak flame of hope that he carried throughout his mind kept him from attempting suicide on the walk there, and soon enough he found himself in front of the ivory doors that sealed Morgan's room shut.


It appeared his chains came to a stop there; it was already a pre-planned decision. Sunny could tell that the end of his chains was located somewhere within the young woman's room, maybe if he could plead, convince her to offer him some help, he would be able to make an escape with enough resources needed to provide for himself.


Morgan pulled the door open before dragging Sunny into her room, the chains quickly were pulled in with him as Sunny finally saw their end. The last link of the chains was linked to a gigantic metal box that was lodged within the floor of Morgan's room, meaning that the only chance of his escape was through a key.


Sitting on her bed with a sly smile, Morgan watched as he frantically scanned around the room looking for a chance to escape with measured glee. Suddenly, she reached behind her and pulled out a picture. It was a small one, yet Sunny's eyes pierced through the dimly lit room enough so he could see it perfectly.


Rain's bright smile and onyx eyes came into view, she was walking alongside her newly adopted mother and father with joy radiating through her form. Sunny's eyes turned from suspicious to enraged as he lunged forward at Morgan.


"What did you do to her!" he screamed, yet Morgan merely reached into her pocket gently, and from it emerged a fully loaded pistol that she held in her single hand with practiced ease. She aimed the barrel at Sunny stopping him from moving any closer to her than he already had.


"So, I was right! You do have a sister." She smiled amusedly before adjusting in her bed. "Listen Sunless, here's how this is going to work. You're going to do as I say, or my men will kill your sister. If you understand, nod your head and walk over here."


Patting the side of her bed, she placed the gun next to her with a smile on her face. "And don't even think about going for the gun, if I die, they'll kill her immediately." Her smile widened as she saw Sunny's eyes remain fixed on the floor, slowly walking towards her before standing in front of her, never meeting her eyes.


What was he to do? There was no escape. His sister was a living hostage, and she didn't know it, and now they had taken away any excuse for Sunny to commit suicide. Sunny's eyes remained fixed on the floor as Morgan roughly grabbed him by the chain, throwing him onto the bed.


Sunny was shorter than she was, so he needed to look up slightly to meet her eyes as she stared down at him with her hands still fixed on his chain. "Look up." Sunny did as he was told, begrudgingly raising his head higher as Morgan shifted his dirty locks away from his eyes with her hand.


Cupping his chin, she rubbed her hand across his face as Sunny stared at her with gritted teeth. "That expression, oh my goodness! You're going to get me addicted to you!" Sunny shifted backward, trying to move as far away from her as possible before Morgan roughly grabbed him by the neck.


"Did I ask you to move? Or do you not understand, you belong to me. Your body belongs to me!" Roughly, she slapped Sunny across the face, turning his head slightly as his eyes wavered. Slowly, tears dripped from Sunny's eyes as he began to silently cry, being careful to make no noise in front of Morgan.


Grabbing him by the chin once more, she stared into his teary eyes with a wide smile, wiping the tears off his face gently as she continued to look him in the eyes. "Don't worry, did I not say it before? I'm a fair master." This comment only caused Sunny's rage to build as he spat out between sobs.


"Why are you doing this to me? Why won't you just kill me?" Morgan's smile faded, grabbing Sunny by the arm roughly, she slammed him onto her bed as she positioned herself on top of him. Sunny's arms were bound, he had no way to escape from beneath her as she watched him squirm under her gaze.


"You're a toy to me, do you understand? I saw you on the side of a river, about to die and I thought you'd be interesting if I took you in and moulded you how I see fit. So, you'll be useful that way, after all, what did you have to live for?"


Sunny's defect forced him to mumble out a silent 'Nothing' as Morgan smiled. Suddenly, she reached downward and planted a kiss on his exposed neck. Sunny's eyes widened, shoving his body forward to escape however Morgan pressed her hands down on his shoulders to bar his exit.


"Do you not understand? You're my toy. And I deserve to play with my toys, don't I?" Suddenly, another gun emerged from her pocket as she pressed it against Sunny's chest. He was shocked, scared and afraid as Morgan leaned down and planted another kiss across Sunny's exposed chest.


"If you resist, I'll kill you right now." She whispered, Sunny could only whimper silently as she got to work gently biting into his arm, leaving her bloody imprint across his body. "Please don't do this to me." Sunny begged silently, but Morgan didn't care, she didn't listen.


For nearly six hours, Sunny was used till the flickering lights of hope died in his eyes.


Sunny was roughly ejected from Morgan's room, bite wounds littering his body as his dim eyes barely even reacted when his chains had been released from his neck and arms. He knew there was no escape, even if they totally freed him frigid building that they kept him locked in, he knew there was no escaping their grasp.


The environment around him further enunciated this point, there were no windows, everywhere was freezing cold so much so he nearly saw the vapour his lungs released as he breathed. But it didn't matter.


A guard lead him towards a gigantic mental door, spinning it's eight-pronged handle with relative ease, he stared down at Sunny with an indifferent expression before he began explaining the purpose of trapping Sunny in this room.


"There are thirty people in there, from grown men to children just as young as you. There is no visibility at all within the room. Your job is to kill everyone else within the room barehanded. You will not be released from there until you do."


Sunny was roughly shoved into the frigid environment, he could see nothing, not even make out the shadows of the thirty men, women and children who lingered around him. Before he knew it, someone lunged at him. Sunny bent down instinctively as he heard the sound of a fist fly past where his head had once been.


He had been forced to crawl on the floor like a worm to survive. Pressing his body against the cold, rough cement without making a sound lest he hoped to make himself the target of everyone present. The people around him were no less vicious, assaulting every single sound they heard so much so they ended up attacking themselves at certain points.


They were all voracious and ravenous, Sunny was forced to bite chunks into his own arm to avoid the sound of his groaning stomach being heard by the people around him. As he fought for three days on end, he learned to fight in the dark, giving himself a crude form of echolocation that allowed him to roughly pinpoint the people around him.


He killed and killed and killed.


The first time left him feeling disgusted, he almost threw up if not for his overwhelming desire for food. Swallowing his own bile back into his stomach just to give himself a sense of what it felt like to eat, the twelfth time Sunny's eyes no longer changed as he strangled the life out of his fellow man.


Finally, he was left with another person. It was a young woman who hadn't moved from her spot since the beginning of the affair, Sunny felt she would have died already due to her passivity yet as it turned out, not moving at all left her with the most amount of energy between the two.


Sunny staggered toward her, bloody and beaten to a pulp yet still had a murderous gleam about him. Yet, she wasn't ready to die easily. She lunged at him, slamming her heel into his thigh sending him onto the ground. Sunny yelped in pain before throwing a wild punch that caught her in the stomach.


His mobility was limited from the continuous fights, which made it supremely easy for the woman to clasp her hands around his windpipe and begin pressing down. Suddenly, she spoke, it was the first time Sunny had heard a human voice in days, the feelings that coursed through his body indescribable.


"What's your name?" She hoarsely spat out, Sunny's eyes widened at the question, yet his disorder forced him to cough out an answer. "I'm Sunless." A small giggle escaped her lips, her hands still attempting to press down deeper into his windpipe as she responded gently.


"I'm Amy, I'd say it's nice to meet you, but it really isn't, only one of us can survive." Sunny gritted his teeth, acknowledgement of that fact giving him the strength to launch the woman off his body as he caught his breathe, glaring in the direction he heard her fall at.


"I'll...remember your name once I kill you." Sunny groaned, his mind a haze yet his words remaining as characteristically honest as they always had been. Rushing in her direction, he slammed a knee into the darkness he suspected represented her stomach before coiling his body behind her, wrapping his arms around her neck with a death grip.


Despite his unrelenting chokehold, Amy still managed to spit out a final message as Sunny choked the life out of her. " suits you...much better." With that, she fell to the ground, her body limp and lifeless, Sunny twisted her within his arms and held her in a deep hug.


"You idiot! You could have fought back! You could have resisted! You could have killed me! Why, why, why did you let someone like me take away your future!" he cried, yet he received no answer. Sunny continued to cry till his throat became hoarse and he no longer had any tears left to spill.


A day had passed, or at least that's what Sunny thought when light beamed in through the door, which Sunny had long forgotten it's location in the true darkness that surrounded him. There, Morgan and Gilead noticed his gaunt and shivering form, standing over the dead bodies of men and women alike as he glared up at them with empty eyes.


Morgan leapt over the dead bodies, rushing over to Sunny before enveloping in a hug. "I knew you could do it; you're Lost from Light! Of course you'd be able to!" Sunny didn't understand the meaning of the term, yet he didn't have the energy to resist as Morgan pulled back before planting a kiss on his lips.


Yet Sunny offered no reaction.


Turning to Gilead, Morgan smiled and bounded towards him. "Go get Lost from Light something to eat, we have work to do!" Gilead nodded as Morgan made her way out of the room, slowly walking toward Sunny, he lifted him off the floor with one arm before taking him out the room.


Soon enough, Sunny realised the true meaning of the name he had been granted. Lost from Light.


It was so painfully obvious he lamented himself for not noticing it sooner. Of course he was Lost from Light! It meant that he would always live in absence. Absence of good. Absence of freedom. Absence from those he loved. Morgan's hold on his life would always be as strong as unbendable, unbreakable iron.


And Sunny had no way to escape.