Chereads / Shadow Slave | School Days / Chapter 12 - Chapter 12

Chapter 12 - Chapter 12

A day had passed since Sunny's disappearance from Nephis house. Nobody, despite how hard they tried to look had been able to track his location. Even though Nephis visited the sight of Sunny's parents grave, she still was unable to locate the elusive young man.


Alas, she was unable to continue her search as she was forced to go to school. Her steps were saddened and filled with regret, if she hadn't questioned him so intensely that day, Sunny might have still been with her. But yet, simple regret didn't make things right.


Unbeknownst to her, Sunny was silently gliding through the cloud of people as he made his way towards his lesson. He really hated Mondays, they marked as an end to the supreme relaxation and solace that the weekends provided. However, his mind was not merely focused on his immense hatred from particular days of the week, but rather something more.




Sunny deeply regretted how he treated Nephis, he felt like he shouldn't have lashed out at her in such an intense and aggressive manner, yet it was all for the best. Nephis had no idea how dangerous the forces that governed Sunny's behaviour were, and he would make sure that she never had to.


They weren't people who money could stop. Sunny had seen it, those who were rich, those who were poor, those who wielded hundreds of men. All of them had fell, dead, in the machinations of Morgan and Gilead.


It wasn't a matter of simple strength, their overwhelming will not to be destroyed seemed to bend fate itself in their direction, when things were dire, the world itself would twist in a way that supported their vile schemes the best.


Thinking about it disgusted him, he was their dog. Morgan had made him a vile dog only being used for violence and to kill all those who stood in her way. She had done things to him that he didn't even dare to think of, just thinking of her name made him shiver.


And yet, he needed to be strong. Strong for Nephis. Holding his head high, Sunny made his way through the hallways, blocking out all the noise as he prepared himself to enter his first lesson. Chemistry. The vile odious subject that threatened to subjugate his grades alone.


His mental machinations were brought to a stop as a hand slammed into the locker in front of him. Once again, Caster and his friends had surrounded him. This same dance he repeated with Caster was so stupidly repeated that it brought him to a boiling point.


"So, Mongrel, have your favours to Lady Nephis run out? Why isn't she here with you like she always is? Let me guess, you sold your body to her like a whore, only to be thrown onto the wayside once you outlived your usefulness!"


Usually not one to respond to such low-level provocations, Sunny typically would not react to such a thing. The witty reply that boiled in his throat was quickly killed as Sunny outstretched a hand and pulled Caster downwards, so that his ear was directly next to Sunny's mouth.


"If you say Neph's name again, I will kill you." Without another word, Sunny brought his fist to Caster's stomach and slammed his hand into it. Letting out a joyful smile, he watched as Caster slid to the floor before he grinned at the rest of his friends.


"What? He was so overjoyed at what I told him, after a single touch he fell to his knees!" sighing to himself, he glared at the nearest boy who stood in front of him with a mortified expression. "Do you want me to whisper a secret to you too?" Not gaining a reply, the small crowd of people quickly dispersed as Sunny continued to make his way forward.


What Sunny hadn't realised however, is that Nephis was walking only a few feet behind him. Having witnessed the entire altercation, she finally found herself with the opportunity to do something that she had never once done in her life.


Kneeling down next to Caster, she slowly pulled a pen from her pocket before offering him a warm smile. Before he could respond, she slammed her foot onto his palm before slamming her pen into his forearm, making sure to have the ink mix with his blood.


"Oh! My apologies, I was just trying to ask how you were!" She exclaimed, before leaning in further, whispering so only Caster would be able to hear her. "If you don't want your family's business to sink, I recommend you never try what you did again. Do you understand me, you vile dog?"


Caster could only nod, biting his lower lip to restrain a pained yelp so hard that he drew blood. Nephis raised herself to full height, making sure to grind her foot against his palm once more before continuing forward.


Thankfully, she had managed to catch Sunny before he entered the class. As he took a step inwards, Nephis grabbed him by the arm before pulling him backwards, halting him from entering. Sunny span on his heel, preparing himself to face whatever foe had dared to grab him so roughly before his features softened at the sight of Nephis.


"I'm sorry for how I acted yesterday, but you really shouldn't hang around someone like me. I'm dirty and disgusting and will only bring you ruin; you deserve better than that!" Sunny's voice was a low hiss as Nephis pressed his back against a locker forcefully. Flame blazed within her eyes as a small frown graced her features.


"Sunny, if you don't want me to ask about your past again I won't but you are not going to keep degrading yourself like this! You are the best man I've ever met in my entire life, and I won't let you slip through my fingers because of your lack of self confidence!"


Sunny's icy eyes met hers before quickly melting under the intensity of her gaze, sighing to himself, he allowed Nephis to pull him into a subtle hug before the two sat down in their class. He tapped his foot eagerly against the floor as he awaited for their teacher to arrive.


What happened next, marked the beginning of a series of long and painful memories.


Their teacher walked into the class, always as chillingly calm and indifferent as always. The young mans glasses gleamed excitedly as they stepped aside for another figure to make their way into the classroom. Almost excited that they wouldn't have to teach much longer.


Golden locks came into view as a man with a pale-yellow suit came into the classroom. His bright golden features allowed him to stand out, and his height only maximised his eye-catching physique. Standing at a monumental six foot seven he lumbered into the room with a bright smile.


Sunny's hands trembled, gripping onto the sides of his tables as he shook silently. 'No, this can't be, it isn't him, it could be anyone!' Yet he knew he was lying to himself. His peaceful days had come to an earth shattering close as the man's name was announced.


"Please welcome your new chemistry teacher, Sir Gilead!" Claps erupted from the classroom, however Nephis eyes remained focused on Sunny, who seemed at the brink of mental collapse at the sight of the man. 'So, this is who he's so afraid of' she thought to herself.


Slowly, the man lumbered around the classroom, handing out sheets of paper with the topic of the lesson written across it to each student. When he reached Sunny, who had been glaring holes into his table which weakly trembled, he leaned downwards, as if picking up something off the floor.


A whisper escaped his lips, one only Sunny and Nephis were able to hear.


"So, this is where you've been, Lost from Light."