Chereads / GOLD SEAT / Chapter 18 - BURIED TRUTH

Chapter 18 - BURIED TRUTH

Not long after Hyun woo left, Minjae went straight to her room, as she walked through the hallway, she couldn't help but think of her parent, maybe the Investigation talk must have triggerd the taught of her parent, but she couldn't help it,

As much as Minjae acted tough about her current situation, deep down she was broken. Their last arguement was never a good encounter for a last moment, the accident, the gold seat, everything just happened so fast and Minjae had'nt had much chance to process, she just had to adapt quickly.

When she got to her room, she went straight to the bed and sat on it. Beside the bed was a small Coffee brown drawer, which only had a single flower in a glass vase. Behind it lay a small flash drive__the video tape that her father left for her.

She had never opened it she just dropped it on the drawer Since the day she recieved it from the lawyer. She gently grabed the flashdrive, gazed at it for a moment and then opened the drawer and shoved it in there. Afterwards she lay on the bed quietly.

Suddenly she heard a knock on the door, followed by the voice of a maid from out side,

"Your breakfast is ready Ma'am" she said but recieved nothing but complete silence,

The maid panicked a little, with hesistation as well before asking "Ma'am, should i...." Minjae cut her off with a calm voice

"leave" she Simply said, without hesistation, the maid went off as if she had been waiting for this moment all her life.

The staffs in the mansion feared Minjae including those that had just gotten the job, They've heard so many rumors and has experienced or witnessed Minjaes temper first hand, non of them wants to come face_to_face with her.

In the station

Hyun woo was in the record-keeping room, where different records were stored in boxes organized by week, month, and year. He searched for the record from the previous month—the one with the date of the Choi accident. After a long search, to his surprise he couldn't find it. He had to scatter the contents of the box, checking each file and paper to be sure.

While he did all that, Lee yeon just stood outside watching out for him, he stood beside a water dispenser drinking water, as his eyes darted around for any in coming person, just then a dectative___the one in charge of the record room, was walking by, as he was about to walk pass he stoped on his track as notice the door of the record room which was slightly open.

Lee yeons eyes widened as he watched the man walked towards the door

"Hyung!" He suddenly yelled making the man jerk suprised, mean while inside Hyun woo heard the yell and started packing up immediately.

The dectative turned to Lee yeon confused as he pointed to himself to Confirm if lee yeon meant him

"Ah" lee yeon gave off an awkward knowing laughter as he walked to him, he quickly glanced at the name tag of the older dectative's uniform which read__Hong Gu won

"Gu won hyung" lee yeon called again as Gu won gave him a confused look, he continued

"longest time hyung" He said with a Big smile

"Hyung? I didn't realize we were this close for you to call me hyung" Gu won said with a smirk "Thats kinda sus Lee yeon" He added jokingly

"Sus? Gu won hyung, you know my name isnt that enough proof that we are close enough"

"Of course everyone knows your name you are the maknea here and son of...." Lee yeon interjected

"Ah, you must have forgotten about what you told me two days ago" lee yeon

"what i told you?" Gu won asked

"remember you went out for a drink the other day and got drunk" as lee yeon talked he looked more confused, he continued "i was the one Who took you home, remember? You even told me to call you hyung, don't you remember?" he asked

"I wasnt in seoul two days ago" Gu won said immediately lee yeon smile faded as he taught of what to say next, suddenly Gu won Jamed his hand saying

"Ah! You mean three days ago?" he said as lee yeon smiled widely nodding

"So you were the one Who brought me home?" he asked

"Totally, im glad you remember now" said lee yeon, after the laugh an awkward silence fell as they both didnt know what to say next to each other. Then Gu won smiled and nodded his head as he turned to the door about to open it

"Hyung, waitr..." Suddenly, the door opened as Hyun woo walked out, causing Gu won—who was about to step in—to step back in shock. Lee yeon, now helpless, just scratched the back of his head awkwardly while looking down.

"Dectative Hyun woo" Gu won called "May i ask what you are doing in there?" he asked politly not wanting to offend Hyun woo Who was his senior

"Checking records of course" Hyun woo said then turned to Lee yeon Who was staring down "Lee yeon" He called as lee yeon looked up immediately, "Didn't you tell him?" he asked

"T... Tell him what?" Lee yeon asked in almost a whisper as Gu won also turned to Hyun woo curious to know what he told lee yeon to do

"Before i came in here, didnt i tell you to let Gu won know that im here, Since i didn't see him when i was coming" Hyun woo said intensly staring at Lee yeon Who now picked up

"Oh!" He bowed "I am sorry" He scratched his head "It skipped my mind" He said as Hyun woo clicked his tongue in distest

"Why am i not suprised, everything always skip your mind" Hyun woo scolded as lee yeon bowed, then he turned to Gu won and said

"Nothing to bother about, i just went to Check the record of my previous Investigation, i couldnt remember the location of the nice resturant we went where we met the victims sister, so I had to..."

"No problem sir" Gu won bowed as if sorry that he even asked the question in the first place, even thou Hyun woo's reason is weird, he could understand Since it was coming from Hyun woo___ Hyun woo is one weird person in the firm that most juniors try to avoid, even some seniors.

Then Hyun woo pulled out a key card and then streched to Gu won Who collected it with a slight bow

"Do you realize how incompetence it is to leave your key on your desk and go out?" Hyun woo scolded with his both hands in his pocket

"Im sorry" Gu won bowed

"What do you think boss would say when he hears of it?"

"please don't tell him, it wont repeat itself again" Gu won said with a bow, as Hyun woo just shook his head feighing dis belief as he walked off with Lee yeon Who followed behind, as they walked lee yeon asked in a whisper tone

"Hyung did you find it?" He asked as Hyun woo did a yes gesture with his palm making lee yeon smile.

They drove to the mechanic shop, there they went to see the car, taking pictures, and later on talked to the mechanic Who then told them everything as they questioned him, as Hyun woo listened to the mechanic speak, he couldnt help but furrowed his brow at the foul play that he sense.

Later that day, Hyun woo and Lee yeon sat in the car discussing about the matter.

"It doesn't make any sense" lee yeon began

" I taught finding the lead was going to be hard but it isnt, that means the previous dectative must have easily figure it out, its obvious that the accident was a complete set up, Why would the seniors Simply Rule it as just an accident" He added quite offended as Hyun woo taught to himself for a moment

"Dont you get it already, they are trying to cover it up" Hyun woo said as he looked intently

"Now i understand why she wants a secret Investigation" Hyun woo said "because she knows Theres a foul play in the matter, and that involves those higher ups in our firm as well" He added

"But Who would have played such a roughly game with the Choi family of all people" Lee yeon asked confuse at the persons audacity

"We cant really tell for now, but one thing i know for sure is that, the person is either going to be some one at her level or above her" said Hyun woo as he scratched his Chin non stop.