Chereads / GOLD SEAT / Chapter 20 - A GAME OF LOYALTIES


Minjae sat on her bed, quiet, just staring at nothing in particular meanwhile her dream kept replaying in her head, suddenly she heard a knock on her door as she snapped by the sudden sound

"Miss, the dectative is here" a maid informed.

In the guest_meet room, Minjae sat on the same seat as she did the previous day, facing Hyun woo Who now sat with full confidence

"From the look on your face i can tell you already have the report i asked for" she said

"yes" Hyun woo nodded adjusting his seat, he began "First of all, i..." she cut him off

"Scratch that" she waved off the topic dismissively, as Hyun woo gazed at her for a moment quite offended, he felt as thou his 24 hours of hard work was in vain, she continued

"Just skip to the other report" she said "The reason i choose you" she reminded

"You choose me because you figured Theres a foul play amongst the dectatives and the higher ups at the station, you believe, Since i am lagging behind lately i will be despret to climb back up and that way you plan to use my vunurability to make me loyal" He stated

Minjae gave a small nod. Unimpressed

"And lastly you probably looked into my back ground and saw that i am an honest worker" He said with a smile as she just rolled her eyes and sipped the tea in front of her. He continued

"Now that i have all the answers your questions, i suppose im officially hired" He said

She nodded and gently dropped the mug back on the table

"Is it okey if i ask you some questions?" He asked

"Sure" She replied, unbothered

He studied her for a moment before asking

"What exactly happened that day?" he asked "Base on your own point of view?"

"Nothing much," She answered flatly, it was just like every other day, i wake up and was met with the bad news" she said nonchalantly as if it doesn't have any effect on her,

Hyun woo just nodded, he has met many people like her, Who try to hide their pains and feelings with indifference, he can tell that she was hurting, but he had to press further

"I Heard they were on their way to a confrence? Do you know what confrence it was, do you know Who invited them? Or Atleast anything about the event that you know?" he asked

"No i don't. Im just as clueless as you are about everything" she Simply said

he nodded in understanding

"Do you know how many people were present in the car?" he asked again

"From what i heard four" she said

"And How many survived?" He asked

"One" she replied "For now" she added

He nodded knowing very well Who she meant

"The driver?" he asked

"He died two days later" she said

"Did your parent have any enemy that you know of?" he asked

She smirked "They are public figures, they have enemies every where known and unknown" she said

"But is there anyone that stands out among them?" He asked

"Not that i know of" she said as he sighed, he knew he wasnt getting any where with this

"Is there any suspect you have in mind?" he asked.

She stayed silent for a moment before pulling out something from her pocket__ he silk ribbon

"Mr Geum" she said placing the ribbon on the table in front of him

"This was found in the wrecked car. Every elite member has their own, meaning Theres a high possibility that one of the elite member is involved" she explained "I'ld advice you start your Investigation with Mr Geum" she added

He picked it up and study it for a moment

"how many of these exist?" he asked

"Twelve." she asnswered

"And Whose is missing?" he asked

"I can't tell for now Until the next organization meeting" she said

"the next organization meeting?" he asked

"I requested that all members show up to the next meeting with their own ribbon, that way i will find out Who the culprit is" she said

"Or the accomplice" He completed "I don't believe only one person, pulled this off, your family is no ordinary people, not anyone can pull such tricks," He said "While you focus on the elite member i will investigate the rest" He suggested.

After their meeting, Hyun woo was led out by the same maid that led him in,

As he walked down the hall ways, he glanced around, taking in the grand architecture of the building as if seeing it for the first time.

Just as he neared the main entrance, suddenly the door swung open. A man stepped inside

"Welcome Mr Geum sang tae" one of the maid greeted as he walked in,

The both men crossed path, one walking in and the other walking out. As they passed, they exchanged a long, searching look.

"Geum sang tae" Hyun woo muttered looking back at sang tae Who was now climbing stair, "Geum" He added.

After Hyun woo left, Minjae was about to stand up and leave as well but stoped half way when a maid announced Sang tae's arrival, after a brief silence and moment of hesistation, she finally said

"Let him in" She said

She sat down, back on her seat. Composed, as she watched him walk in.

He slightly bowed

"Good day Miss Minjae," He greeted

She Barely nodded slightly gestureing for him to sit and so did he. She notice he was holding a file, she narrowed her eyes unsure of its content__she had'nt asked for anything

Without being asked, he took out the file and gently dropped on the table, she just glanced at it for a moment before shifting her gaze back to him waiting for an explanation

"This is what you asked for" He said "You asked me to tell you everything i know about Miss Minsol as the Chairlady of CHNs org, this is every thing i know, her plan, her actions, her ideas and everyother things you might want to know" He explained as she gazed at the file on the table, and then back to him. She studied him for a moment

"Why the sudden change of heart?" she asked

"I never made a change of heart, i was and always have been on your side, but you never trust me" He replied

"So you did all these hard work just to get me to trust you" she questioned "Why?" she asked "Why do you want my trust so bad?"

Sang tae sighed

"Im not despret for your trust, i just dont want the distrust" He said 

"I have been by your sister all these years and Theres never been an issue, i gave her my full loyalty and honesty and she never doubted me and so did i never doubted her either" He explained

Minjae just stared at him for a moment then she reached for the file from the table, flipping through Pages, She skinned Until something caught her eyes, she read silently before smirking

"You knew Minsol was being bullied by the elite board members" she said as sang tae hesistated, he looked down before nodding

"And these bullies" she began " Does that include your grand father? The right hand man of the gold seat" she emphasized Mr Geum's position, almost as if it was a mockery

He snapped up at her, started that she would even mention his name for such conspiracy

"No" He said "My grand father have always been by Choi side...." He paused recalling what Mrs seo said about his family's alliance He furrowed his brow for a brief moment, before he asked his expression. He turned back to her meeting her gaze,

Minjae doe eyes bore into his as thou she was searching for his soul.

Sang tae looked away

"The other day," He began "At the mechanic shop, you said something__something about being one of them__ what do you mean by that?"

"What else do you think i meant if not about being the black sheep" She said "Does it bother you? Why? Maybe cause indeed you are one of them" she added making him sigh

"You really are a hard person to please" He said

 "But don't worry, i will be sure to prove you wrong" He added

"Good" she Simply said as she leaned back comfortably on her seat, a faint smirk on her cheek.

After some moment sang tae just looked down and nodded as if accepting his fate in the hands of Minjae, he stood, gave her a small bow and turned to leave

Just as he was about to reach the door, he stoped on his track when she said

"I'm sure my sister trusted you blindly, shes so gullible you know" she mused as she tilted her head,

"I'm not my sister, do not mistake us for the same person, So, i advice you make haste with proving me wrong, cuz i dont have patience just as much as i dont have trust" she added

Sang tae stood for a moment before walking away