If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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"What if neither Harry nor his mother want anything to do with James Potter?"
"In that case Harry's decision would be paramount for me. You and Mrs. Potter would share custody of Harry."
After Sarah left, Severus went up to the Great Hall for lunch. He waved at Harry and then went over to the Hufflepuff table where the children were sitting today. He knelt down by Harry and said softly, "Harry, I have invited Professor Lupin to dinner tonight and I'm going to ask Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Professor Sprout, and Madam Pomfrey to dinner also. I think they will enjoy it very much."
"Okay, Dad," Harry replied. He didn't ask his dad anything about his mum because he knew his dad wanted his mum's return kept secret until her identity was confirmed.
Severus went up to the head table and sat down in his usual place next to Minerva. He leaned over and asked quietly, "Would you be free for dinner this evening in my quarters? I have asked Remus and I am going to ask Filius, Pomona, and Poppy also."
"That sounds like fun, Severus. Count me in," Minerva said. "What time?"
"Seven will be fine."
Before he left the head table for his first afternoon class he asked both Pomona and Filius to dinner that evening. They both agreed to be there at seven. He also swung by the hospital wing and invited Poppy.
He had figured he would let the people who were closest to Lily while they were students at Hogwarts and afterwards, know of her return. He returned to his quarters shortly after three. Lily was sitting on the couch reading a potion book. He noticed she was wearing jeans, a jumper and new trainers and figured Cissa must have dropped by with more clothes. She looked up as Severus came in, his teaching robe billowing out behind him. "You're in a hurry."
"I have got to get dinner started. I have invited Minerva, Poppy, Filius, and Pomona to dinner besides Remus. I feel they would want to know about your return and we can trust them to keep it a secret for as long as need be," Severus explained. He went into his bedroom to change his clothing before starting dinner.
Lily looked up again as the portrait door opened and Harry came in. He smiled when he saw his mother, put down his book bag and gave her a tight hug. He just felt as if he could never hug his mum enough.
Lily felt the same way. She could never hug Harry enough.
"How was your day, Mum?" Did you and dad get everything sorted at Gringotts?"
"Yes, we did and I've established eight vaults in my name so we're all set now. Sev suggested I let your Uncle Lucius invest some of it for me and I'm going to do that."
Severus came into the room dressed in black jeans, a green and silver jumper, and trainers and went into the kitchen. Harry followed him into the kitchen. "What are you having for dinner, Dad?"
"Well, I bought this rather large pork roast from the butcher in the village a few days ago so it should be fine for tonight, along with herb potatoes, steamed broccoli with a butter sauce, steamed asparagus with hollandaise sauce, rolls, and dessert.
"Sounds delicious, Dad. Can I help you?"
"Yes, but go change out of your school clothes first."
"Okay," Harry replied. He was back in a few minutes having changed into jeans, a jumper and trainers. He looked at the roast. "You know, Dad when I cooked for the Dursley's I would brush the outside of the roast with melted butter and then rub herbs into it. It always tasted real good and the meat came out moist and tender. Even Aunt Petunia liked it and she didn't like hardly anything."
Severus smiled. "Well Master Chef Potter-Snape, you may prepare the roast while I work on the rolls."
By seven o'clock the smells coming from the kitchen were mouthwatering. Lily went into the guest room to freshen up and wait until Severus summoned her. Minerva and Poppy were the first to arrive followed by Filius and Pomona. Remus arrived last having been held up by a student. Severus served each of them a glass of red wine from the wine cellar of Witches Moon. He shrunk one of his wine glasses and poured some wine, enough for one sip, into it for Harry who was standing beside him.
"This is excellent wine, Severus, but what's the occasion?" Filius asked.
"As you know James Potter returned through the Veil two nights ago."
"Yes, Albus is probably doing a jig, I suspect," Pomona commented sarcastically.
"Albus keeps giving me hourly reports on James' condition. He seems to be under the mistaken impression that I care," Remus said, taking a sip of his wine.
"The reason for this little gathering is because I know I can trust all of you and you will keep confidential what I am about to divulge to you until such a time it needs to be revealed."
"Severus, you're being very mysterious," Minerva said.
"Two nights ago, James Potter was not the only one who came back through the Veil."
Lily, hearing that, walked into the room, smiling brightly. "Hello, everyone."
After a moment of stunned silence from everyone, Minerva, Pomona and Poppy set down their wine glasses and rushed over to Lily and each in turn gave her a crushing hug.
Minerva was weeping. "Oh, my dear girl! When I heard that James had come back; I couldn't help but wish it had been you instead."
"I'm sorry I did not tell you this morning, Remus," Severus apologized. "But I wanted to get Lily's identity confirmed before I told anyone she was back. We got her identity confirmed with the Gringotts goblins and they will make sure it is registered at the Ministry. I did not want to do at the Ministry because Dumbledore has informants all over there."
If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.
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