Chereads / HARRY POTTER:Rainbow in the Dark / Chapter 44 - 44. pumpkin juice

Chapter 44 - 44. pumpkin juice

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"Understandable," Remus said. He got up and gave Lily a hug. "I'm so glad you're back and not just James."

Filius shook Lily's hand. "I hope you're considering continuing with your Charms mastery."

"We should all sit down and I will get dinner on the table," Severus said.

"I'll help you, Dad," Harry said.

"Thank you, Harry," Severus replied. He wrestled the large roast onto a platter and set in on the table while Harry carried in the bowl of herb potatoes and the asparagus. Severus went back and filled the gravy boat and grabbed the carrots while Harry brought in the rolls. Once everything was on the table, Severus began carving the roast and handing the plates down the table. Once everyone had filled their plates from the bowls on the table, Severus held up his wine glass and said, "I would like to propose a toast."

Everyone picked up their wine glasses and stood including Harry holding his shrunken wine glass.

"To my colleagues who have been my friends as well as a source of laughter and comfort for the last ten years and to my newest colleague for standing up for what is right. And to Lily Evans Potter for her courage in facing You-Know-Who and preventing him from killing Harry and for her willingness and courage to come back for a second round. She is a true Gryffindor." He raised his wine glass. "Salud."

Everyone repeated the toast and took a sip of their wine. Harry wasn't sure he liked it as it tasted rather sour. He decided he'd rather have pumpkin juice.

"This is excellent pork, Severus," Filius remarked. "What is your recipe?" Filius, like Severus enjoyed cooking and they often exchanged recipes they had found and tried.

"You will need to ask Chef Potter-Snape as he prepared this roast for tonight's dinner."

"Sure, Professor," Harry agreed. "I'll be happy to share it with you."

"What are you planning to do now that you're back?" Minerva asked Lily.

"I'm going to do as Filius suggests and continue studying for my mastery in Charms although after ten years I'm not sure I remember what I studied previously."

"Don't worry," Filius said. "We'll do a review and see what you remember and we'll continue on from there."

Lily nodded. "I can start next week if you have time. This week I want to spend with my son."

"That will work," Filius agreed.

"Minerva, I would appreciate it if you could find quarters for Lily," Severus said.

"I don't think that will be a problem, Severus. In fact, there's an empty apartment near the entrance to Ravenclaw Tower that would be perfect. It once belonged to Professor Thornbuckle who taught beginning Alchemy, but Albus did away with the course when he became headmaster," she explained and then added, "This was way before your time, Severus and Lily."

"Why did Professor Dumbledore take it off the curriculum?" Harry asked. "It sounds like it would be interesting."

"Apparently, You-Know-Who showed a great deal of interest in it when he was a student and of course that made it a forbidden subject in Albus' eyes."

"That's really dumb," Harry said. "That's about as dumb as believing everybody in Slytherin House is destined to be a Death Eater just because You-Know-Who was in that house."

"Or anybody sorted into my house is there because they couldn't fit in anywhere else," Pomona said.

"Or that all Ravenclaws live in an ivory tower and don't pay any attention to the real world," Filius added.

"And that all Gryffindors are automatically brave and noble," Minerva finished.

Severus got up to get dessert. He had made a dark chocolate trifle with alternating layers of chocolate whipped cream and cherries. He set it down on the table with a flourish and began spooning it into bowls and passing them down the table.

"Delicious, Severus!" Filius exclaimed after taking a bite. "Is this a new recipe?"

"Actually, it is an old one; it is one I found in a cookbook of my mother's when I was going through some of her stuff in the attic this past summer."

"If you'll please be so kind as to make me a copy I would be grateful."

"Yes, I will do that and Harry can take it back with him when he goes back to Ravenclaw."

"Have you heard how Mr. Potter is doing, Poppy?" Minerva asked.

"From what I understand, his magical core is still taking a long time to regenerate and the healers think it's not just due to delayed treatment as Albus seems to blame the Unspeakables for not calling for immediate help."

"What do they think it's due to?" Pomona asked curiously.

"According to Albus and Mr. Black who were absolutely enraged by one healer's diagnosis that James doesn't have a very strong magical core and that why it taking longer," Poppy said.

Severus smirked. He could have told them that. After all about the only thing Potter had been good at was Transfiguration. In Defense, he almost always depended solely on Expelliarmus to disarm his opponent. Harry on the other hand, had obviously inherited his mother's magical core as Lily had been the top witch in their year.

There was a sudden knock on the portrait entrance and Severus looked up to see 'Albus Dumbledore' spelled out over the door.

Why don't you let me get it, Sev?" Lily suggested.

"Be my guest, Lily," he replied with a smirk.

Lily went over the portrait and opened it. "Hello, Albus. Please come in."

"Lily!" Albus gasped, placing his hand over his heart in shock and stumbling backwards.

"Perhaps you ought to come in and sit down, Albus" Minerva suggested. Remus got up and offered Albus his chair.

"Can I offer you a glass of wine, Headmaster?" Severus asked. "It is from the wine cellar of Witches Moon."

Lily resumed her seat between Minerva and Pomona and Dumbledore sat down heavily in Remus' vacated chair. "When did you return, Lily?" He asked.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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