Chereads / HARRY POTTER:Rainbow in the Dark / Chapter 42 - 42. Headmaster

Chapter 42 - 42. Headmaster

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"I don't know, Headmaster. He sent me an owl last evening saying he had some personal business to attend to this morning and asked me to take over his first two morning classes."

"Thank you, Mr. Endicott. You may proceed with whatever you were doing." Albus left the classroom with a smile on his face. He'd bet an entire vault of Galleons that Severus had run to Sarah Mullings in a panic because he knew he was going to lose Harry to his real father! There was no way his claim would stand over James'!

Dumbledore returned to his office and then flooed over to St. Mungo's to check on James' condition. Hagrid had decided to come with him. Since Hagrid was too big to fit in the floo, Dumbledore side-apparated him. They found Sirius lounging outside the door of James' room, reading the magazine, 'Quidditch Illustrated.'

Sirius looked up as he heard Dumbledore and Hagrid approaching. Healers had been going in and out of his room all morning, but none of them had anything worthwhile to report.

"How's James today, Sirius?" Albus asked.

Sirius shook his head. "The same – still unconscious. The healers said his magical core was still only half restored. One idiot even had the nerve to suggest that James wasn't very magically powerful and that's why his core was taking so long to regenerate! I told him James Potter was one of the strongest wizards I ever knew!"

"James were certly one of the stronger wizards I'd seen over the years," Hagrid said. "He'll make a full recovry', Sirius, don't ya worry none 'bout James."

"No, it's because of those Unspeakables' delaying treatment for so long. Most of them are Ravenclaws and don't have any common sense!" Dumbledore said. "There is good news however. I believe we have Severus running scared. I went to visit him this morning and found he was gone somewhere on personal business. I'm betting he ran to Wizarding Child Services to find out what his chances of keeping Harry are."

Sirius chuckled and rubbed his hands together. "He's going to find out his adoption of Harry is null and void. When James gets custody of Harry we can immediately began training him to defeat You-Know-Who."

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As Lily and Severus left Gringotts and flooed back to his quarters in Hogwarts, he suggested, "You should let Luc do some investing for you," Severus suggested. "He is very shrewd and he has tripled the Malfoy fortune since his father's death and my wealth by five vaults in the last six years."

"That's a good idea. I do respect James emptying five vaults to help with the war, but he needed to be thinking about Harry's inheritance too, but I will ask Luc to help me with mine."

"Good. Perhaps you should lie down for awhile. I am just in time to teach my next class this morning."

"I think I will, Sev. I am feeling a bit tired," Lily admitted.

"Good. If you need anything just call Blinky." Severus quickly changed into his teaching robes and left his quarters. He arrived just as the third years were leaving class and stepped around them to go inside. "How were the first two classes, Mr. Endicott? Any problems?"

"Nothing major, Professor. Mr. Weasley messed up his potion again and I had to stop Miss Parkinson from beating him over the head with her textbook. I gave them both zeros and essays to write. Weasley will write an essay on what he did wrong with his potion and Miss Parkinson will write a paper on correct classroom decorum."

Severus nodded. "Exactly what I would have done, Mr. Endicott. Thank you for filling in for me this morning."

"You're welcome, sir," Ethan replied picking up his book bag. He stopped suddenly. "Oh! Professor Dumbledore stopped by looking for you."

Severus smirked as he wrote the brewing instructions for the next class on the board. Dumbledore and Sirius despite their bravado of last night were probably worried. Imagine when they find out that they're going to have to fight Voldemort instead of Harry if he returns. They must be scared shitless! "Thank you for letting me know. I will contact him at lunch."

After his last class before lunch, Severus went back to his office and ordered tea from Blinky. He threw some floo powder into the fire and called, "Sarah Mullings, Wizarding Child Services, Ministry of Magic," and then stuck his head in.

Sarah Mullings got up from behind her desk an d came over to her office fireplace. "Severus, good to see you. What can I do for you?"

"If you can step through I will explain."

Severus stepped out of the way so Sarah could come through. He invited her to sit and poured her a cup of tea. "An unexpected crisis has arisen. James Potter came back through the Veil two nights ago."

Sarah put down her cup. "I see and they're sure it's him?"

"Dumbledore seems to be," Severus answered. "I have not confirmed it myself however."

"Well, no matter. Your adoption of Harry stands no matter what. If this is indeed his biological father and I would need definite proof that this person is James Potter before I would make any decision at all and I would also need to know what Harry thinks. The worst that could happen is you would share custody of Harry with James Potter if he wanted a relationship with his biological father."

"And if his mother returned too?"

"Has she?" Sarah asked. She didn't waste time asking how or why they had come back.

"Yes, Lily returned too. Her identity has already been confirmed by Gringotts."

"It would remain a shared custody. You would share custody of Harry with Mr. and Mrs. Potter."


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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