Chereads / High School DxD: The Game Master / Chapter 38 - chapter 38 : Killing her younger sister's 'technical' )

Chapter 38 - chapter 38 : Killing her younger sister's 'technical' )

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As amazing as that would be, especially if she could get So-tan into a Magical Girl outfit, it presented a serious problem. It was only a matter of time until the other factions found out about the pocket dimensions popping up all the time in Kuoh and giving out these prizes.

Which faction wouldn't want a supply of potions that could make their rank and file stronger and more useful? It wasn't just the enemies without, but also within. The old Satan Faction was still there enemy, even if they were currently in more of a cold war with them. They would sink to any low to get their hands on such potions to improve their weakest members.

Their leaders would also want to get stronger ones for themselves. They knew they couldn't defeat her and the other satans, for now, but strong enough potions could change that.

Then there was the Great King Faction, it was a mostly political faction, but that was a form of power and they could use that power in very annoying ways.

They held a majority and, with some effort, could get just about any law they wanted passed. They could do something stupid, like make a law that all potions from the pocket dimensions had to go through them. She didn't even want to think about what they would do if they found out other factions got their hands on the potions.

All in all, it was an annoying mess. Luckily for her, it was all Sirzechs' problem! She wouldn't have to deal with it even if other factions did get the potions. As far as they knew, the person making them and the portals was a human with an unknown Sacred Gear.

Ajuka was certain it wasn't Innovate Clear, but he had no idea what other Sacred Gear could possibly be involved. He was also irked at the person using it since he had zero success in reverse engineering any of the potions. The most he could get out of it was knowing they were made with materials from both flora and fauna.

She let all of her thoughts on that slip away as she focused on the thing that had been distracting her for a while now. So-tan had lost a chess match! Serafall wasn't supposed to know, no one outside of Sona's peerage was, but she had long since bugged the crap out of Sona's office, home, and other places.

She couldn't check the recordings as often as she liked, but she spent some time every week catching up on Sona's life.

Seeing that boy beat Sona while simultaneously raking her over the coals for her perceived failures make her want to head up to the human world and turn the boy into an ice sculpture. She couldn't do that though.

Not only would it reveal she was spying on Sona, it would upset Sirzechs. He went through a bit of effort to get that boy transferred to Kuoh for the new year and killing him would make that work a waste. There wasn't anything special about the boy, just a human with some potential talent to be a magician.

She could see what Sirzechs was trying to do and she admitted that Okane Ryuji would make a decent Bishop piece for Ria-chan.

That didn't mean she had to like him!

No, the real problem was that Sona was a stickler for the rules... When she knew what those rules were anyway. She'd sworn to their parents that she would marry whoever could beat her at chess.

Something no one had managed to accomplish before. Even if she tried to pretend the loss hadn't happened, she couldn't. Technically speaking, Okane was now Sona's fiance, even if he was only a human with mild magical talent.

Which was another reason Serafall did nothing. To do something would be to acknowledge the loss and would cause all kinds of problems.

Killing her younger sister's 'technical' fiance would be an impossible incident to hide. Not least of which because Sona wouldn't let her hide something like that.

Then her parents would get involved, the politics, and it would just become an ugly mess.

Unfortunately, this meant she could do nothing.

Well, she could do what she was doing right now, pout.

Ryuji held in a sigh as he walked through the gates to the academy. Sona, like always, was at the entrance looking over the students for infractions. She wasn't a complete hardass but she did keep an eye out for the more blatant infractions.

Still, with how angry she looked when glaring at him, he'd taken to doing everything by the book. His uniform was perfect, there was nothing in his bag but school supplies, and he kept himself clean and presentable. Nothing she could complain about.

"Okane-san, please step over here for a spot check."

He bit back a groan and tried, for the hundredth time, to remember not to taunt Murphy. Almost every time he did the dude kicked him in the balls and he was getting pretty tired of it. Regardless, he didn't let any emotion show on his face as he made his way over to Sona and held his bag out for her to examine.

Spot checks were a pretty rare thing normally and usually only used on students known to carry contraband. Obviously, Ryuji carried no such things.

As Sona looked through his perfectly organized bag, she spoke in a restrained voice, "I would like to see you in the student council offices after classes end today."

He had zero intention of being alone with her and her entire peerage after their last meeting so he gave her the same answer that he gave every other time that she asked, "I'm sorry but I've got appointments that I must keep this afternoon.

I'm afraid I have no time to spare, unless it's a serious scholastic matter pertaining to my grades or some form of rule breaking."


want to read ahead or want to support you can join my patr-eon and u will be able to read ahead by 15 chapters