want to read ahead or want to support you can join my patr-eon and u will be able to read ahead by 15 chapters
Everyone nodded seriously as they got their orders from Rias. Ever since the dungeons had started appearing, they had been forced to take things more seriously. Especially after Rias got hurt when she ranged through a dungeon on her own.
They had gotten a lot of combat experience since the dungeons opened and it was showing. Even stray devil hunts didn't make them work as hard as the dungeons. Oh sure, the monsters were almost always individually weaker than the strays but they were also almost always in groups.
Worse, the creator had made monsters that were weak to only specific elements. In one dungeon Akeno had been frustrated by a group of trolls. Their regeneration had make them nearly immune to anything but a single specific element. If she didn't put them down with that element, they would heal and recover.
One might require fire, another ice, and one even required her to surround its head with water and drown it to death. It had really pissed Akeno off as she much preferred to use her lightning almost exclusively.
In another dungeon, there had been a bunch of bandits that were led by an amazingly skilled swordsman. Rias had been running that one with Akeno, but swapped her out for Yuuto when she'd learned about the leader.
Yuuto didn't often have skilled opponents to fight so it was a rare opportunity for him.
Those two incidents plus others had firmly convinced Rias that whoever was running the dungeons wanted to help her and her entire peerage to get stronger.
She was wondering what they had to look forward to this time with him insisting on the entire peerage being present.
As they entered the woods just outside of the city, because they realistically couldn't be much further with the limits the creator had, Koneko spoke softly, "Trail."
Even if Koneko wasn't a professional tracker the innate abilities granted to her by being a Nekoshou made it easy for her to pick up traces and do some amateur tracking.
Her original race, enhanced by being turned into a devil, gave her a greatly enhanced sense of smell and a far above-average sense of hearing.
She might not be able to tell where a deer went in the woods by its footprints and broken twigs on the path, but she could follow its scent like a bloodhound.
The scent of the goblins was rather... ripe so she had no trouble following the unpleasant smells directly toward where they were. It didn't take very long for her to lead the peerage to the goblin camp.
They approached with caution, all of them had been ambushed at least once in the dungeons and knew not to just walk in like they owned the place. Though none of them had received any terrible injuries, they'd all bled at least once within a dungeon due to their arrogance.
It taught them a valuable lesson, one they used now to scout the goblin camp and make a plan of action.
Due to her small size, excellent senses, and durability, Koneko often did the scouting and came back to report her results.
Koneko spoke softly, mostly because that's the way she spoke, but also to keep the sound from reaching the goblins nearby, "Thirty or more. Some bigger, stronger. One really big and the strongest. Spread out in several huts."
Rias considered their options. As the King of the peerage it was her job to plan their attacks. This meant the dungeons were also excellent for her training for future Rating Games. Especially the one looming closer by the day.
After a few moments of contemplation, she came to a decision, "Goblins are pests, but smart pests. There's no way to take them on piecemeal so we need to launch a powerful alpha strike. Akeno and I will take to the air to rain down fire on them."
She narrowed her eyes and looked at Akeno, "Literal fire. We want to sow confusion among them and the flames will hopefully take out a few of them while they're inside the huts.
Once we set all the huts on fire we'll rejoin Yuuto and Koneko and continue our bombardment from the rear of the group.
Anything that gets close will be handled by them. Once the main group is downed, we can hunt down any stragglers from the air. All clear?"
Everyone nodded and got prepared. Yuuto made a sword while Koneko pulled on her fighting gloves. Akeno and Rias opened their devil wings and took to the air.
The pair on the ground didn't have to wait long before it literally began to rain fire down on the goblin village. Screams of pain mixed with war cries as the monsters responded to the attack.
The biggest goblin of the bunch stood at an impressive, for a goblin, five feet tall and equally as wide. It was one fat goblin.
The fat goblin began shouting and the other goblins began listening and seemed to be following orders. Soon the goblins were dragged out of their panic and began acting like a disciplined group.
Several of the smaller goblins pulled out either cheap wooden bows or leather slings. Soon arrows and small rocks filled the air all aimed at Akeno and Rias. This forced them to land earlier than intended.
Once on the ground, Rias focused on using defensive magic while Akeno went on the offense. Yuuto and Koneko charged into the goblins using their various means to take down the most threatening-looking ones they could get to.
Rias had started learning defensive magic to protect her peerage members and herself. She felt she was set with offensive magic since she had the Power of Destruction to tap into whenever she wanted. Akeno was a near master at the various elements so she went in a different direction instead of competing with her own Queen.
She would continue to do so until she found someone new for her peerage who could do a better job.
The battle devolved into chaos as the tall, fat goblin screamed orders while frothing at the mouth. Yuuto and Koneko were devastating any goblins that got within range of their attacks.
Rias was blocking the rocks and arrows from hitting anyone. Lastly, Akeno was raining lightning down on any clumps of goblins that formed.
want to read ahead or want to support you can join my patr-eon and u will be able to read ahead by 15 chapters