Zachary's parents were soundly sleeping when suddenly, Zachary bursts into their room.
"Mom, Dad! I- I had a dream and in it, god spoke to me and said something!"
His parents shot up and quickly got dressed to head towards the capital of the Wayne Kingdom in which they lived. This was not the first time something similar had happened to someone in the Trinity bloodline, which Zachary was a part of. They boarded a carriage and raced to the temple. At the temple, a high priest greeted them and asked what business they had so late at night, when he heard, he quickly let them in to have a talk.
Zachary explained to the temple priests what he'd saw and heard.
"I was in a white and gold room, there was also a bright beautiful light in the center. When I approached it, it spoke to me, saying "There is a disaster upon your kingdom, you must defend what is right and purge the other."After that, I woke up and ran to inform my parents of what happened."
The priests were all elated and dismayed. After all, they'd received a divine revelation from god, but there was a great danger upon them, great enough for god to warn them.
When morning came, a few of the priests and Zachary's family went to have an audience with the king. When the king learned of this, he immediately increased the intensity of all knights training in the kingdom, secured the borders, and created an improvised training regime for citizens to protect themselves.
At the gates of the Earl Kingdom, two gaurds tiredly confirm many people's identification plaques and allow them entry. After the revelation in the Wayne Kingdom a month prior, most empires and kingdoms tightened their security.
"Hey, do you see that over there? It looks like… an angel?"
"What are you talking about, it can't possible be that- what!? Is that an angel!?"
A woman with six wings and seem to be glowing with beauty. A young man in armor that's as dark as night with a sword made of ice. The pair was made into a spectacle as they approached the gate. Many people instinctively moved aside to allow them to pass.
"Would you mind showing me you identifica-"
"I demand an audience with the king. Bring me to him now."
"Alri- Wait, what? The king? You- you can't just meet him like that!"
"We were sent by the god, by the Lords of The Night. If you deny gods chosen, you will be punished."
Halia's voice was clam and demanded respect.
The two gaurds looked at each other with worrying expressions, they had no idea how to deal with the supposed gods chosen.
Leto stepped forward and studied the gaurds for a moment then let out a small sigh.
"Bring us to you king or die."
Leto tightened his grip and brandished his sword, his icey armament sending a chill down the gaurds spines.
"O- okay! We will!"
A few minutes later, they were inside a large open area which was decorated with red tapestries, red carpets, and golden ornaments. At the front of the room, there was a a throne adorned with golden roses, red cushions, and a tall back rest. In the seat, sat a well built man with blue eyes and golden hair, his face was sharp and dignified.
In the hall, there were many high ranking nobles, priests, visitors from other territories, and multiple palace guards. Leto and Halia were in the center, facing the king. Halia had a blank, almost uninterested expression, Leto's was hidden behind his helmet that had a horizontal slit across it to allow him to see, and inside that slit, were two glowing green eyes.
"King of the Earl Kingdom, we are chosen by god. He has sent us here to clean the lands of all who do not wish to align with god. Worship or you will receive divine punishment."
'I'll them. Every single one. All of them.'
The King was dumbfounded, he'd never been spoken to in such a manner as he was always at the top of society. But was he anything when compared to gods vassals? Is it right to even compare them?
"How dare you speak to me in such a manner! You are in MY kingdom, you are MY guests, act as such or you will be punished!"
Despite the kings outburst, his mind was in shambles.
'Divine punishment? Does that mean death? Eternal suffering? Surely it can't… right?'
"Can we take it as you won't follow the divine? Is that your answer?"
"Yes. Now leave my ki-"
Before the king could finish his pathetic insult, there was a blue blade, harder than steel, colder than ice, and light as a feather behind him. A red line appeared on his neck and slowly, liquid began dripping from it, then a slow stream, then a waterfall. His head was on the floor, his golden hair dyed red, the backrest of his throne followed his heads example, toppling onto the floor.
"Surrender yourselves to the almighty or die!"
Halia's voice echoed throughout the hall, everyone was silent and unmoving. When the crowd came to their senses, some ran, some simply dropped to their knees, some gaurds dropped their weapons, but nobody dared to challenge the two. The guards who'd kept their composure were unsure of what to do.
The speed at which Leto manage to not only cross the hall, but also behead the king was simply inhuman. It happened in the blink of an eye.
'These people… aren't human. We need to worship… or die.'