Chereads / Glorious Smash / Chapter 35 - Aggressive Wave of Attacks

Chapter 35 - Aggressive Wave of Attacks

"Now it's my turn, draw!" Gdark declared his turn, drawing the newest card from the top of his deck.

The gems on both sides of the mana zones were completely refilled as Gdark scanned his sight at the card in his grasp. He gripped the card on the middle left and darted his eagerly stare on his center unit field. His action provoked The Young Man to raise his anticipative furrow, clutching the card on the edge right.

"I paid 4 mana to summon this mighty beast man, come forth, Gardna Glarence!!" Gdark chanted, pushing the card to the center unit field and triggering the glistening white wave to cleanly rise.

Beneath the white wave, a bulky figure leaped out and landed on the center field with a rigid demeanor. The wave vanished into thin air for Gdark's newest unit, Gardna Glarence showed its true self into his opponent's gaze: a furred wooden brown skin man with gleaming red eyes, muscular upper body exposed, spiky chains wrapped around his white leather pants, and holding a colossal black hammer.

"This one unit has a 1000 attack point, 10000 defense point, and 1 critical point. The attack power might be weak, but I have another reason why I chose this unit," Gdark asserted, wheezing a chilling air from his throat. 

"I activate Gardna Glarence's effect!!" Gdark raised his voice, shoving his open hand forward.

Gardna Glarence roared its mangling howl into the board, fueling Gilbron's unit with a sense of trepidation as it covered its sight and bleated. The Young Man assertively continued to fixate his stare on Gdark's unit who slammed its hammer to the ground, vibrating the right unit field.

"By discarding one card from my hand…." Gdark said, tossing the card on his right to be dragged into his null zone and putting his opened palm above his deck that shone a brimming light.

"I can summon one unit that has a lower attack point than Gardna Galrence from the deck to the field," Gdark added, ending the glowing of his deck when one of his cards fled into his grip.

"Now I called forth, Cleric Gibara to the right field," Gdark proclaimed, placing his newest card on the right unit field.

The vibrating wave on his right field materialized a crimson portal that freed a levitating demonic creature, vanishing the portal faster than the blink of an eye. Gilbron curiously observed his newest unit that had long saber-tooth tiger fangs, wearing torn apart red robe that hid her face, elongating claws with shapes resembling a blade, and aqua-blue eagle eyes.

"A unit card with 1000 attack points, 2000 defense points, and 4 critical," Gilbron commented, snickering. "I assumed you wanted to continue your aggressive burn combo again, impressive."

Gdark snapped his fingers and smirked, "It's already started when I brought Gardna Glarence to the field because I haven't finished explaining its effect."

"When it succeeds in summoning the unit, I can deal two life point damage to my opponent," Gdark explained. 

Gardna Glarence flickered the dancing flashes into its sight when darting onto Gilbron who painted his dazed look onto it. Without hesitation, The muscular unit heaved its hammer and unleashed the drilling blast by hurling its main weapon upward, convincing Gilbron to close his eyes. 

The blast concisely pounded The Young Man on the chest, vomiting a large gulp of blood as he felt his chest endure the pain of being rammed by a heavy object. A little chunk of liquid on his health bar vaporized into thin air, followed by the current number of life points shifting down into 13 remains.

"A special summon and a decent life point damage at the same time, but that is one powerful unit," Gilbron praised, washing away the drop of blood on his lips. 

Gdark boldly grinned and replied, "Gardna Galrence is not even the strongest unit in my deck."

"Even though I'm still in the lead, I'm not going to fully underestimate you," Gdark muttered firmly. "Because your deck probably possesses a couple of cards that can put me in a bad position."

"You will see the great surprise when you show your full burn combo," Gilbron provoked.

Gdark burst a laughter, "Fine then."

"You should be prepared for this, Annoying Rogue," Gdark announced, exploding the remaining gem in his mana zone as he hurled another card and tapped into the left unit field.

"I used the last mana to summon this unit into the field. Take flight, Poking Eagle," Gdark chanted, pushing open hand and emerging the streaming gust of wind from the chosen field, trumpeting the eagle's roaring noise to the field.

 A winged creature phased through the right field nearby and soared its wings, flickering a partying dazzle for a few seconds. Gilbron moved back his head when his sight captured the full form of Gdark's another new unit, a rose-pink eagle with blue metal wings and beak with the shape taking a close resemblance to a drilling nail.

"This unit might have a 3 critical point, 4000 attack point, and 4000 defense, but unfortunately it couldn't commit an attack," Gdark explained, grinning shortly and heaving his eyebrows. "Instead, I could activate its spectacular effect on you/"

"When Poking Eagle was summoned to the field, I can deal 1 life point damage to my opponent and reduce 1000 defense points of your Brave Joelana," Gdark stated, folding his hand that was assigned to mark onto his opponent's card. 

Poking Eagle flapped its metal wing that blew out the gale of fleeing needles, heading into Gilbron's unit hesitantly steering her frightened sight away. The needle cleanly punctured Brave Joelana who shrieked in pain. Several of the needles also transfixed into The Young Man's stomach, hushedly screeching and dripping a drop of blood on her stomach.

A shivering agitation clouded Casmine's face when she watched The Young Man receive another bleeding injury, attempting to step forward. However, her effort was interrupted as Lorina strictly grabbed her hand and shook her head. It drove Casmine to furrow at her twin sister.

"I knew you tried to force him to retreat or convince him to use his power to end this confusing card game of death, but please don't disrespect his decision," Lorina suggested. "This is what he wanted, finding an intriguing challenge like this."

"Even though I felt this is quite stupid, let Gilbron be," Lorina added. "All we can do know is hoping Gilbron can overcome this challenge."

"This is a one-sided match, Lorina! His opponent constantly dealt an almost unavoidable burn damage throughout the turns" Casmine argued. "That's why I prefer we escape and convince him to face this monster next time."

"I do not understand much about this ridiculous card game, however, I'm aware forcing Gilbron to escape is just humiliate him even more," Lorina bickered. "If you truly love him, let him finish the match first."

Lorina groaned, "Losing or winning depends on the fate. All we can do now is only watch this"

Casmine submissively bowed her head and pulled her hand away from her twin sister's grip, rotating her sight to The Young Man. Gilbron who recently had the newest bleeding damage began to happily chuckle especially when he washed the blood. He also peeked at his health bar spilling out a tiny drop of liquid alongside dropping the current number of his life point into 12.

"As the cost activated its ability, Poking Eagle couldn't initiate an attack for the rest of its turn," Gdark finished the explanation of his unit effect, commanding Poking Eagle to crawl on the ground and take a nap.

Gilbron whistled, "I'm sorry to say that unit its quite an underwhelming card even for a 1 cost."

"However, a pro player like you must indeed have a good way to utilize it," The Young Man assumed.

Gdark shakily burst out a cackle, "Smart assumption. I didn't get an effective card for my draw in this turn."

"I, Gdark will always find a good use of the supposedly bad unit," Gdark remarked, moving his marking hand to Cleric Gibara.

 "I activate Cleric Gibara's effect!!" Gdark spoke.

After its master shoved its pointing finger, Cleric Gibara cried its high-pitched roar to the surroundings. Stream of blood droplets showered on The Cleric Hand, funneling the blood flows into Gardna Galrence who firmly let out a deep grunt, hurling its hammer and locking its bloodshot eyes at its target.

"It raised the attack and defense Gardna Glarence by 3000. Which means Gardna Glarence is now has a 4000 attack point and 130000 defense point," Gdark stated. "As the cost of casting this ability, Cleric Gibara's entire attack will become zero."

"Gardna Glarence finish off Brave Joelana, Resolution Pounding!!" Gdark blared his affirmed voice.

Gardna Glarence accepted its master's command as it rushed toward Gilbron's unit who could only whimpered in dread, ducking its head in desperation. Nonetheless, The Hammer Knight bashed the goblin by the head, squashing into hundreds of particles freely fleeting on the scene. It action led The Hammer Knight to jump back into the cente reposition and restfully kneeling.

"Sadly, I couldn't attack since Cardvalion's rule stated units that successfully attacked other units in the battle phase, were not permitted to deal any life point damage. Unless it has a special effect or spell card. Gdark let out a reminder before he stretched further his sinister smirk.

"Unless it has a special effect or spell card that granted its access, then it's not against the rule. I told you this just for a reminder," Gdark added, watching Gilbron grab his unit card lose the battle, and sink it into his Null Zone.

Gdark moved his commanding finger at Cleric Gibara and uttered, "My attack is not finished yet."

"Cleric Gibara deal your fatal strike despite you have zero attack and defense, Bloodstrike Claws!" Gdark chanted assertively.

Cleric Gibara lifted its head when Gdark retreated his commanding finger, permitting his unit to leap and extract hardened blood on its claws. Instead of falling into fear, Gilbron bestowed his optimism by extending his smile and taking out one of the cards in his hands. It erupted three gems in his mana zone when The Young Man flipped his card, swiftly shining white flashes on its surfaces.

"Your Cleric Gibara is indeed terrifying. Because of that, I will not let you make this attack successful," The Young Man announced. "I paid 3 mana to summon a counterspell I gained from the booster pack I opened."

"Wings of Lucky Angel," Gilbron spoke boldly.

The Cleric bleated in dreadfulness as blinding white light intercepted its striking path, returning into its field after receiving a glimpse of an object. Concisely, The Cleric captured the sighting of the pure gray wings flapping and conjuring more gleams, raising the brightness of the light.

"This counterspell not only prevented direct life point damage, but it also granted me the chance to draw one card," Gilbron spoke confidently.

The Young Man drew one card from his deck and briefly opened his astonished grin toward his newest card. Then, the angelic wing above the field faded out when Gilbron decided to put it into his null zone. Gdark who taking a clear glimpse of his failed assault, puffed the heavy air from his throat.

"I end my turn," Gdark declared the end of his turn.

Gilbron panted in relief, "Lucky I kept Wings of Lucky Angel."

"Now, it's my turn, I draw," The Young Man said, taking the newest card from the top of his deck that indirectly refilled all the gems within his and Gdark's mana zones.

"Perhaps you are the best Cardvallion player I ever face especially with your burn combo and the amazing counterspel casting," Gilbron praised his opponent, emitting the sun-like orange energies into his eyes.

Gdark heaved his surprised eyebrows as The Young Man shimmered an orange wave throughout his back like a bright lantern shining on the scene. He heedfully bit his lips and hardened his grip on the cards, securely trying to anticipate his opponent's next move who pulled up his newest card.

Gdark hushedly opened his enthralled smile, He was now channeling his true cosmic power. Luckily, he didn't notice this card game to the death was a setup for me to gain further data on him or he just didn't care.

I hate to admit this, but The Trophy Girl is right 'My current state is much weaker than him, especially with his rigorous cosmic power. Fortunately, he agreed to settle the matter with Cardvalion instead.

Which means I can obtain his blood by giving him real-time damage through the magic I currently set in Parallel Freedom.

Gdark gazed at the blood on The Young Man's table and the floor beneath instantaneously being sucked into it until no remains were left. 

By obtaining his blood, I could give further information on whether he is a cosmic being using a disguise or a human possessing a powerful cosmic power. Even better, trying to turn his blood into an enhancement for my suit.

Gdark temporarily scanned at the twins and puffed the freezing air, Honestly, I don't care about those deadly twins. The Cardvalion match is just an advance observation that aided me in one day defeating him.

"You better get ready for this. I paid all my mana to summon this one ultimate unit that can turn around this game!!" Gilbron excitedly spoke, dusting all the gems within his mana zone as he placed his card on the center field.

 "I summoned Sacred Courageous Kirin to the center!!" Gilbron cried out rigidly, unshackling the thundering wormhole.

A trumpeting sound of the horse bleat roared as a mythical creature leaped out from the wormhole that shrunk down until no visible remains available to be seen. More specifically, Gdark shook his eyebrows as he watched the debut of a viridescent creature with a deer body, solidified black ox tail, a spiraling white horn that emitted a rainbow-colored ray of light, and a streaming ring of clouds constricting its entire body.

"So this is one of the newest ultra-rare cards, Sacred Courageous Kirin," Gdark mumbled in a panic-stricken demeanor. "A unit with 0 attack points and 0 defense points, 3 critical this is bad for me"

Gdark grunted, " I heard this card has one of the broken abilities despite it can be used only once."

Gilbron crossed his arms and giggled, "Aha."

"Funny enough, I got this card the booster pack I recently opened," Gilbron professed and explained. "I wasn't expecting to draw Sacred Courageous Kirin, but luck aided me in this game."

"I quickly put it into my deck without any reconsideration because of its awesome effect!!" Gilbron said enthusiastically.

"Damn, you're very lucky to draw it," Gdark grumbled, sliding his left foot to the back.

"Seems you are ready to witness Sacred Courageous Kirin," The Young Man taunted, channeling more shrouding orange aura on his back. 

From the spectator side, Casmine put aside her doubtfullness as she sluggishly freed her elated gape the longer she pinned her eyes at the slight glimpse of Sacred Couragous Kirin. Lorina rotated her puzzling eyebrows at her twin, tilting her head to the right and tapping her lips.

Casmine tittered, "Finally, Gilbron got a spectacular unit card in his turn."

"Quite a relief for me," Casmine uttered thoughtfully, raising her spirited knuckle. 
