Chereads / Glorious Smash / Chapter 41 - Set Up For Eternal Rivalry

Chapter 41 - Set Up For Eternal Rivalry

"Fascinating, fascinating," Gilbron praised, heading closer toward his future rival who remained gasping for air.

The Young Man swiftly lent his offering hand closely to Gdark and freed a smirk of amazement, vanishing his enflaming hand into nothingness. However, Gdark quickly rejected his offer by shrugging Gilbron's hand, forcing his quivering legs to obtain a standing position.

"So…do you still want to turn all the supervillains into the living subjects for testing our capability?" Gdark asked, curiously grinning toward The Young Man and tightly rubbing his chest. 

"Are you seriously going to do it?" Gdark scoffed.

The Young Man snapped his fingers and winked at Casmine who stood behind him, "Ah yes that thrilling plan. To be more, precise I needed someone close who is an expert on those things."

"Meet Casmine or her alter ego, Judilia," The Young Man introduced his fellow allies, waving his elevating hand to his close companion.

Casmine exhaled a blistering heavy air and stepped closer toward The Young Man's direction, patting his left shoulder. Both of them traded their assured nod before she switched interested eyes toward Gdark who observantly crossed his arms and centered his furrow at her.

"This is the true face of The Supermodel Succubus I heard from the news report three years ago?" Gdark guessed, giggling and resting his crossing hand.

"Oh, you expected more than this" Casmine teased.

Gdark cackled, "Not at all."

"I expected your human form would look like a beautiful blonde-haired woman," Gdark uttered, bowing his neck and sharpening his eager glance toward The Young Man. "Unfortunately, I'm more interested in facing him than you."

"Ah too bad," Casmine taunted, licking her lips and flickering the white flashes into her eyes. "We could have some fun too."

"Let's move on from that," Casmine changed the topic of the discussion as she grinned and formed riveting eyebrows. 

"Do you have any specific criminals I can free from their cells?" Casmine proposed a question.

Gdark smirked and chuckled, "Simple, any criminals and vile scums who possessed strong power or magic."

"Does it include one of the most notorious and dangerous ones too?" Casmine asked, tilting her head to Gdark and Gilbron at the same time.

Gdark sighed as he clenched one of his knuckles and detonated the surge of magenta sparkles broadly roaming his back. Although the sparkles disseminated when he swung his hand to the left, he expressed a grin of brimming enthrallment toward Casmine who blissfully shook her head.

"Obviously, " Gdark affirmed. "As long as those criminals are suitable specimens to be crush by my hand, I shall allow them to escape no matter what kind of person they are, Supermodel Succubus."

Gilbron nodded, "True."

"And sometimes the dangerous or notorious criminal can be the one who possesses a night-unstoppable power," The Young Man explained. "Besides, I do love to have more challenges for Casmine."

"So why not free those criminals before I beat them with my best," Gilbron added, holding his pendulum ring. 

Casmine blew out a chilling air and murmured, "Alright, alright."

"Since you two love to challenge those types of criminals, I shall grant your wish tomorrow night," Casmine uttered, steering her sight at her twin sister who slowly walked closer to her current direction. 

"However, before I can commence your bizarre wish, I have another question for you, Mighty Viscable," Casmine switched the topic of the discussion with her raising her irritated scowl.

"Are you going to teleport us back into the same location as before or can you change the coordinate?" Casmine proposed a question, luring her twin sister to sneer.

"Yes especially my sister here became a scared dog when seeing Prila again," Lorina joined the conversation by jeering at her twin.

"If you truly want it, I can change the direction of our spawning spot with ease," Gdark proclaimed confidently, leasing out the wave of bluish sparkles on his left forehand.



Breezy gale gushed on one particular building inhabited in the middle of the isolated island on the edge west of Teldrium. More specifically, the gale spread across the abandoned building with dirty brown walls that shone dying golden lines and the rooftop taking the shape of the chunky projection of the landscape trapezoid.

The building itself was surrounded by a village of towering trees containing bluish arrow-shaped leaves, shining the azure glimmers as they danced. Some of the trees even freshly bloomed the embarking pink roses on the center of the leaves the longer they absorbed the warm sunlight.

Another visitor would soon come to the abandoned building in the form of a hundred particles that arose from the depth of the ground. All the particles gathered together into a storming portal, broadening its size and manifesting the four silhouettes of the Parallel Freedom visitors.

As the portal brimmed with more gleams within the circles, particles tumbled down to reveal the crystal-clear appearance of the visitors: Gdark, Gilbron, and the succubus twins. Therefore, the portal dissipated from the island when Gdark raised his knuckle and spun to the right.

An impressed look clouded Gilbron's face as he glimpsed at the torn-off part or even blood spilled on his cloth disappeared. The Young Man even heaved his eyes further after he noticed his clothes had reverted to normal and the red deck box returned into his side, sharpening his gratified look toward his potential rival.

"When you exited Parallel Freedom, every damage you received will be gone," Gdark explained.

"So you meant, I returned to the time before entering the portal," Gilbron guessed, luring Casmine and Lorina to dart their disbelief gaze at him.

Gdark nodded, "Precisely yes."

"And what is this place that you teleported us?" Lorina joined the conversation, scanning at the abandoned building in the middle and skeptically biting her lips.

"It's an abandoned factory where a group of mad scientists conducted some experiments to a superhuman kid," Gdark stated, taking one step and puffing a hefty air from his lung. "And the interesting part is the operation has been shut down by one of the heroes, Sirgion twelve years ago."

"Neat information. Let me guess, you must have traveled to this place too?" Gilbron blurted out another guess."

Gdark cackled perplexedly, "Obviously. Especially to gain some information about the Sirgion too."

"Interesting," Gilbron said, tapping his chin in intrigue.

Infuriated eyebrows steamed through Lorina's face as she pinned her sight toward Gdark, scratching her left arm. Her impatience attracted Casmine to focus her gleeful sight on her, coughing a couple of sore breaths before she wrapped her around her neck. Lorina imminently pushed away her twin sister's arm.

"Okay, I have a big question regarding this weird island," Lorina muttered, gritting her stammering teeth. 

"Are you going to help three of us to get out from this island, Prideful Jerk?!" Lorina blurted out a question.

Gdark snickered, "Why should I help you with that?"

"You three can fly away easily from this island, Glutton Succubus," Gdark taunted, tapping the icon of the magenta triangle within his watch interface. 

"Just ignore her, Mighty Viscable," Casmine suggested, stretching her mocking lip. "She loved to complain, slack, and eat like a mindless pig."

Lorina groaned, "Oh you better shut up, cheap Supermodel!!"

As the bickering between the two sisters began, Gilbron shook his head and took a few approaching steps toward his future rival who channeled the wave of magenta particles beneath his feet. Gdark smoothly levitated with the flock of particles carrying him upward, extending his left arm.

"This encounter is only the beginning," Gdark announced, splashing a wicked grin on his lip. "Next time, we meet, I would love to see you how you're going to defeat the chosen unlucky scum."

"So you can gain even a further observation of my power?" Gilbron mentioned, marking his finger at his future rival.

"Absolutely. You indeed possess a good observant skill " Gdark confirmed, fluttering his stretched hand to the middle and evoking the magenta particle that engulfed his entire body like a cocoon.

"Also, I should be thankful that you turned yourself into an open target for observation," Gdark thankfully stated.

The sleeving particles immediately dissolved when Gdark punted the air below, debuting The Ace Duelist form into The Young Man's thrilled eyes. Even Casmine and Lorina settled their bickering by steering their glances at The Mighty Viscable slowly flying to the blustery afternoon sky. 

"When the day we settle our matters, I will be the one who comes on top," The Ace Duelist chaffed.

"Farewell, Annoying Cosmic Being," The Ace Duelist bid farewell as he rotated his focus toward Gilbron.

Viscable fired off the rocketing particles from his triangular backpack that launched him into the sky above. Gilbron could only wave his hand as he persistently watched The Ace Duelist, evoking the orange sparks within his exhilarated eyes, especially with his future rival's going farther from the island to initiate his undisturbed departure.

Casmine wiped out her forehead, "Glad the bizarre card game to the death is finally over, Gilbron."

"However, the thrilling rivalry between The Mighty Viscable has just begun," Gilbron rebutted, swinging his pendulum necklace to the left. "Oh, I become more impatient to see what tactics and strategies he brings to me in the fight. "

"Hopefully, he can bring a satisfying challenge to me," The Young Man added.

"Like I said before, be careful when you face The Mighty Viscable," Casmine warned. "I believe your cosmic power will be a huge advantage, but I'm afraid he can find an efficient way to outwit it."

Gilbron raised his thumbs, "Thank you for the wonderful reminder, Casmine."

"I'm sure going to be ready to face any kind of attack he would bring to me!!" The Young Man asserted.
